Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars.
Moonbase is a meta framework which provides a easy way to create a maintainable service.
It's basically a easy-to-use state for your web framework. And you can build your own business context based on a AppContext
aka Moonbase
If you are addicted to global static resource, moonbase can provide a alterative way to get app-wise unique resource by MoonbaseResource
from anywhere in your program.
let AppName(app_name) = app.get_resource::<AppName>();
Ok, your resource may be a module-wise resource, a temporary state, or some random thing you want to share between tasks. You can store them as a MoonbaseComponent
. And you can get the resource by a 2-tuple of Type
and &str
let mail_config = app.get_component::<MailConfig>(&module_name);
Get anything you want from a certain context in your code, as long as the thing can be EXTRACTED from the context.
You may handler request like this:
async fn handle_some_request(redis_client: RedisClient, http_client: HttpClient, config: Arc<MyModuleConfig>, db_connection: Db, ...) -> Result<(), Error> {
Just pass this handler to a certain context after you implemented Extract<MyContext>
for them!
Don't spawn your task everywhere, and then you don't know their status at all. Instead, let them be managed by our engineers in the Moonbase.
async fn run(app: &Moonbase) {
// do some initializations
let handle = app.run_daemon::<ListenShutdownSignal>().await?;
pub struct MySignalSymbol;
async fn async_main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
moonbase.set_signal(SignalKey::from_type::<MySignalSymbol>(), Signal::new());
let signal = moonbase.get_signal(&SignalKey::symbol::<MySignalSymbol>()).unwrap();