Instructions are in cursive. Fill in each section.
The good: How does this product change the world?
The bad: What do we have to be honest about?
Core use cases:
- The good: How does this product change the world?
- The bad: What do they have to be honest about?
- Core use cases:
- Notes:
- The good:How does this product change the world?
- The bad: What do they have to be honest about?
- Core use cases:
- Notes:
- The good: How does this product change the world?
- The bad: What do they have to be honest about?
- Core use cases:
- Notes:
Role in the market (Market Leader/Challenger/Niche Player/Shooting Star):
- who is a particular asset for this product? whom can we help with what they're good at?
- whom do we need to keep an eye on?
- past relationships, products, acts that could be a problem or a liability?
You cannot target all developers. There are (probably many) more than 80 million developers. You need to be aware of the factors that drive people to and from your product.
- Technical
- Does our product only make sense at a particular scale?
- particular language?
- particular platform?
- certain use cases?
- Developer
- how much commitment do you need from devs?
- how much experience do devs need to have?
- do developers need to be decision makers?
- what motivates developers?
- Operational
- what types of organizations can afford our product?
- who makes the decision to buy it in an org?
- who needs us?
- Market drivers
- what's the competition
- which verticals have the most cash to spare
This is the important part where you filter our learnings from the above answers and identify target segments.
Once you have identified interesting segments you will want to ask yourselves:
Is there enough relevance to the business?
Is the size big enough?
Is enough money involved?
Will we be able to reach our target audience? How?
(A framework for understanding what the right thing to do is)
Goals: e.g. Increase brand and product awareness for primary target audience, or show ourselves as caring & supportive
How? e.g. produce tutorials and quality content that will make it easy for beginners in our target audience, or produce quality content on new features with good SEO
This segmentation template is based on a training by hoopy.