indices (List[EmbeddingIndex]) – list of EmbeddingIndex to use with this model
embedding_model (PLSapbertModel) – The SapBERT model to use to generate embeddings for entity mentions in input documents
-trainer (Trainer) – PL trainer to call when generating embeddings
+trainer (Trainer) – PL trainer to call when generating embeddings
min_string_length_to_trigger (Optional[Dict[str, int]]) – a per entity class mapping that signals sapbert will not run on matches
shorter than this. (sapbert is less good at symbolic matching than string processing techniques)
ignore_high_conf (bool) – If a perfect match has already been found, don’t run sapbert
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.html b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.html
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--- a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.html
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
batch_size (int) – batch size for dataloader
stride (int) – passed to HF tokenizers (for splitting long docs)
max_sequence_length (int) – passed to HF tokenizers (for splitting long docs)
-trainer (Trainer) –
+trainer (Trainer) –
detect_subspans (bool) – attempt to detect nested entities (threshold must be configured)
threshold (Optional[float]) – the confidence threshold used to detect nested entities
entity_splitter (Optional[NonContiguousEntitySplitter]) – instance of kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.NonContiguousEntitySplitter
to detect non-contiguous entities
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.other.cleanup.html b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.other.cleanup.html
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--- a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.other.cleanup.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.other.cleanup.html
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
Bases: Protocol
-__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
+__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.step.html b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.step.html
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--- a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.step.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.steps.step.html
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
Bases: Protocol
-__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
+__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.link_index.html b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.link_index.html
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--- a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.link_index.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.link_index.html
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
- Parameters:
- Returns:
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.string_normalizer.html b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.string_normalizer.html
index cdac989a3..e9f29c873 100644
--- a/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.string_normalizer.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_autosummary/kazu.utils.string_normalizer.html
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
protocol describing methods a normalizer should implement
-__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
+__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_sources/_autosummary/kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.rst.txt b/docs/_build/html/_sources/_autosummary/kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.rst.txt
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--- a/docs/_build/html/_sources/_autosummary/kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.rst.txt
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.. automodule:: kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ kazu.modelling.ontology\_preprocessing.base
+ CLOntologyParser
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_sources/curating_for_explosion.rst.txt b/docs/_build/html/_sources/curating_for_explosion.rst.txt
index 0a446dbfb..84d56f8cc 100644
--- a/docs/_build/html/_sources/curating_for_explosion.rst.txt
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_sources/curating_for_explosion.rst.txt
@@ -7,106 +7,23 @@ Many entities in Biomedical NER do not require sophisticated NER or disambiguati
unambiguous, and have few genuine synonyms. For instance, terms such as "Breast Cancer" and "mitosis" can be taken at face value, and
simple string matching techniques can be employed (in our case, we use the `Spacy PhraseMatcher `_).
-However, the terms in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken 'wholesale', and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+However, the string labels in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken 'wholesale', and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+For instance, the `Gene Ontology reference for envelope `_ is highly ambiguous -
+we wouldn't want this to be tagged every time we see the string 'envelope' appear in text. On the other hand
+`cornified envelope assembly `_ is highly specific, and whenever we see this string,
+we can safely assume it refers to this GO id.
-In Kazu, we take the following approach:
-1. generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative pipeline.
- .. code-block::
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_matching import assemble_pipeline
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base import MondoOntologyParser
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation import (
- CombinatorialSynonymGenerator,
- StringReplacement,
- StopWordRemover,
- )
- syn_generator = CombinatorialSynonymGenerator(
- [StopWordRemover(), StringReplacement(include_greek=True)]
- )
- parser = MondoOntologyParser(
- in_path="", data_origin="test", synonym_generator=syn_generator
- )
- nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- parsers=[parser],
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline",
- )
-2. we then run this pipeline over a large corpora of text, and look at the frequency of each hit. Note, the below
- is for illustration only - you'll probably want a more sophisticated set up when doing this on a large document set!
- .. code-block::
- from import Document
- from kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion import ExplosionStringMatchingStep
- from dataclasses import dataclass, field
- from typing import List
- import json
- @dataclass
- class AnnotatedPhrase:
- term: str
- action: str
- symbolic: bool
- case_sensitive: bool
- term_norm_mapping: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
- examples: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+Given an ontology can contain 100 000s of labels, how do we curate these? It's too labour intensive to look at every one. Therefore, we
+apply some pragmaticism in order to produce a set of precise labels we want to use for dictionary based NER and linking.
+In Kazu, we take the following approach:
- class AnnotatedPhraseEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, obj):
- if isinstance(obj, AnnotatedPhrase):
- return obj.__dict__
- # Base class default() raises TypeError:
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
- def save(path, data):
- with open(path, "w") as f:
- f.writelines(json.dumps(x, cls=AnnotatedPhraseEncoder) + "\n" for x in data)
- # get_docs represents some function to get documents relevant to you
- docs: List[Document] = get_docs()
- noisy_step = ExplosionStringMatchingStep(path="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline")
- noisy_step(docs)
- curatable_phrases = []
- for doc in docs:
- for section in doc.sections:
- for ent in section.entities:
- term_norm_mapping = {
- term.parser_name: term.term_norm for term in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms
- }
- symbolic = any(x.is_symbolic for x in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms)
- to_curate = AnnotatedPhrase(
- term=ent.match,
- action="to_curate",
- case_sensitive=True,
- symbolic=symbolic,
- term_norm_mapping=term_norm_mapping,
- examples=[section.text[ent.start : ent.end]],
- )
- curatable_phrases.append(to_curate)
- save("~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl", curatable_phrases)
-3. we curate the phrases_to_curate.jsonl file, according to whether they look like good matches or not for a given parser, and whether case matters.
-4. Now, the final pipeline can be generated as follows:
- .. code-block::
+1. Generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative list of terms we might want to use. If the term is symbolic,
+ we assume it's case sensitive. Otherwise assume case insensitive.
+2. Build a pipeline from this list, execute this pipeline over a large corpora of target data, and explore the results to get a sense of
+ which terms are 'noisy'
+3. Curate the top x hits by frequency, to determine whether a given term is precise enough in it's own right to be valid for dictionary based NER.
+ We assume here that if a term doesn't hit frequently enough to be considered in step 2, it's probably safe to include. Depending on your target
+ data, this may be invalid - so in practice, the curation approach is iterative.
- nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- curated_list="~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl",
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~//spacy_pipeline",
- )
+TODO: add a worked example
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_sources/quickstart.rst.txt b/docs/_build/html/_sources/quickstart.rst.txt
index 84d004997..e0f2a6a95 100644
--- a/docs/_build/html/_sources/quickstart.rst.txt
+++ b/docs/_build/html/_sources/quickstart.rst.txt
@@ -15,56 +15,56 @@ Ensure you are on version 21.0 or newer of pip.
Model Pack
-In order to use the majority of Kazu, you will need the model pack, which contains
-the pretrained models required by the pipeline. This is available from
+In order to use the majority of Kazu, you will need a model pack, which contains
+the pretrained models and knowledge bases/ontologies required by the pipeline.
+These are available from the `release page `_
-Running Steps
-Components are wrapped as instances of :class:`kazu.steps.step.Step`.
-.. include:: single_step_example.rst
+Default configuration
+Kazu has a LOT of moving parts, each of which can be configured according to your requirements.
+Since this can get complicated, we use `Hydra `_ to manage different
+configurations, and provide a 'default' configuration that is generally useful in most circumstances
+(and is also a good starting point for your own tweaks). This default configuration is located in
+the 'conf/' directory of the model pack.
-Advanced Pipeline configuration with Hydra
-To create an NLP pipeline, you need to instantiate steps. Given the large amount
-of configuration required, the easiest way to do this is with Hydra
-Here, you will need a hydra config directory (see kazu/conf for an example).
-First, export the path of your config directory to KAZU_CONFIG_DIR.
-To use the example kazu/conf config you will need to
-set the environment variable KAZU_MODEL_PACK to a path for a kazu model pack,
-or manually update the model paths that use the variable - search for
-`${oc.env:KAZU_MODEL_PACK}` in kazu/conf).
+Processing your first document
.. testcode::
:skipif: kazu_config_missing or kazu_model_pack_missing
- import os
- from hydra import compose, initialize_config_dir
+ from hydra import initialize_config_dir, compose
from hydra.utils import instantiate
from import Document
from kazu.pipeline import Pipeline
- # some text we want to process
- text = """EGFR is a gene"""
+ from pathlib import Path
+ import os
- with initialize_config_dir(config_dir=os.environ.get("KAZU_CONFIG_DIR")):
- cfg = compose(config_name="config")
- # instantiate a pipeline based on Hydra defaults
+ # the hydra config is kept in the model pack. Ensure this env
+ # variable is set to your model pack location
+ cdir = Path(os.environ["KAZU_MODEL_PACK"]).joinpath('conf')
+ with initialize_config_dir(config_dir=str(cdir)):
+ cfg = compose(
+ config_name="config",
+ overrides=[],
+ )
pipeline: Pipeline = instantiate(cfg.Pipeline)
- # create an instance of Document from our text string
+ text = "EGFR mutations are often implicated in lung cancer"
doc = Document.create_simple_document(text)
- # Pipeline takes a List[Document] as an argument to __call__
- # and returns a processed List[Document]
- result: Document = pipeline([doc])[0]
- # a Document is composed of Sections
- # (a Document created with create_simple_document has only one)
- print(result.sections[0].get_text())
+ pipeline([doc])
+ print(f"{doc.sections[0].text}")
.. testoutput::
:skipif: kazu_config_missing or kazu_model_pack_missing
- EGFR is a gene
+ EGFR mutations are often implicated in lung cancer
+You can now inspect the doc object, and explore what entities were detected on each section
+Running Steps
+Components are wrapped as instances of :class:`kazu.steps.step.Step`.
+.. include:: single_step_example.rst
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-.highlight .pm { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Punctuation.Marker */
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index af3928048..4c9e6c790 100644
--- a/docs/_build/html/curating_for_explosion.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/curating_for_explosion.html
@@ -339,110 +339,24 @@
Many entities in Biomedical NER do not require sophisticated NER or disambiguation techniques, as they are often
unambiguous, and have few genuine synonyms. For instance, terms such as “Breast Cancer” and “mitosis” can be taken at face value, and
simple string matching techniques can be employed (in our case, we use the Spacy PhraseMatcher).
-However, the terms in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken ‘wholesale’, and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+However, the string labels in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken ‘wholesale’, and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+For instance, the Gene Ontology reference for envelope is highly ambiguous -
+we wouldn’t want this to be tagged every time we see the string ‘envelope’ appear in text. On the other hand
+cornified envelope assembly is highly specific, and whenever we see this string,
+we can safely assume it refers to this GO id.
+Given an ontology can contain 100 000s of labels, how do we curate these? It’s too labour intensive to look at every one. Therefore, we
+apply some pragmaticism in order to produce a set of precise labels we want to use for dictionary based NER and linking.
In Kazu, we take the following approach:
-generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative pipeline.
-from kazu.modelling.ontology_matching import assemble_pipeline
-from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base import MondoOntologyParser
-from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation import (
- CombinatorialSynonymGenerator,
- StringReplacement,
- StopWordRemover,
-syn_generator = CombinatorialSynonymGenerator(
- [StopWordRemover(), StringReplacement(include_greek=True)]
-parser = MondoOntologyParser(
- in_path="", data_origin="test", synonym_generator=syn_generator
-nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- parsers=[parser],
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline",
-we then run this pipeline over a large corpora of text, and look at the frequency of each hit. Note, the below
-is for illustration only - you’ll probably want a more sophisticated set up when doing this on a large document set!
-from import Document
-from kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion import ExplosionStringMatchingStep
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from typing import List
-import json
-class AnnotatedPhrase:
- term: str
- action: str
- symbolic: bool
- case_sensitive: bool
- term_norm_mapping: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
- examples: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
-class AnnotatedPhraseEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, obj):
- if isinstance(obj, AnnotatedPhrase):
- return obj.__dict__
- # Base class default() raises TypeError:
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-def save(path, data):
- with open(path, "w") as f:
- f.writelines(json.dumps(x, cls=AnnotatedPhraseEncoder) + "\n" for x in data)
-# get_docs represents some function to get documents relevant to you
-docs: List[Document] = get_docs()
-noisy_step = ExplosionStringMatchingStep(path="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline")
-curatable_phrases = []
-for doc in docs:
- for section in doc.sections:
- for ent in section.entities:
- term_norm_mapping = {
- term.parser_name: term.term_norm for term in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms
- }
- symbolic = any(x.is_symbolic for x in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms)
- to_curate = AnnotatedPhrase(
- term=ent.match,
- action="to_curate",
- case_sensitive=True,
- symbolic=symbolic,
- term_norm_mapping=term_norm_mapping,
- examples=[section.text[ent.start : ent.end]],
- )
- curatable_phrases.append(to_curate)
-save("~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl", curatable_phrases)
-we curate the phrases_to_curate.jsonl file, according to whether they look like good matches or not for a given parser, and whether case matters.
-Now, the final pipeline can be generated as follows:
-nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- curated_list="~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl",
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~/<kazu model pack>/spacy_pipeline",
+Generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative list of terms we might want to use. If the term is symbolic,
+we assume it’s case sensitive. Otherwise assume case insensitive.
+Build a pipeline from this list, execute this pipeline over a large corpora of target data, and explore the results to get a sense of
+which terms are ‘noisy’
+Curate the top x hits by frequency, to determine whether a given term is precise enough in it’s own right to be valid for dictionary based NER.
+We assume here that if a term doesn’t hit frequently enough to be considered in step 2, it’s probably safe to include. Depending on your target
+data, this may be invalid - so in practice, the curation approach is iterative.
+TODO: add a worked example
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/genindex.html b/docs/_build/html/genindex.html
index 05c2d0a23..a7466a609 100644
--- a/docs/_build/html/genindex.html
+++ b/docs/_build/html/genindex.html
@@ -410,6 +410,8 @@ _
- (kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CellularComponentGeneOntologyParser method)
- (kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.ChemblOntologyParser method)
+ - (kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CLOntologyParser method)
- (kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CLOOntologyParser method)
@@ -765,10 +767,12 @@ C
- CleanupAction (class in kazu.steps.other.cleanup)
- CleanupStep (class in kazu.steps.other.cleanup)
+ - clear_cached_resources_from_model_pack_dir() (kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs.ModelPackBuilder static method)
- - clear_cached_resources_from_model_pack_dir() (kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs.ModelPackBuilder static method)
- CLOntologyParser (class in kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base)
- CLOOntologyParser (class in kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base)
@@ -1040,6 +1044,8 @@ F
diff --git a/docs/_build/html/searchindex.js b/docs/_build/html/searchindex.js
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How to use the default Kazu pipeline", "Welcome to Kazu\u2019s documentation!", "Introduction", "TBA", "Visualising results in Label Studio", "The OntologyParser", "<no title>", "Quickstart", "TBA", "<no title>"], "terms": {"modul": [0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, 42, 45, 50, 56, 61, 72, 80], "class": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 84], "autonameenum": 2, "sourc": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 81, 84], "base": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 78, 80, 84, 86], "enum": 2, "subclass": [2, 15, 16, 55], "creat": [2, 7, 15, 24, 27, 29, 32, 43, 44, 47, 48, 52, 66, 78, 83, 84, 86, 88], "an": [2, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 44, 46, 47, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 66, 70, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88], "where": [2, 15, 24, 46, 48, 66, 79], "valu": [2, 15, 24, 46, 60, 77, 84], "ar": [2, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 86, 88], "name": [2, 7, 9, 24, 27, 29, 44, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 66, 73, 77, 81, 84], "when": [2, 13, 15, 24, 27, 29, 44, 47, 48, 49, 55, 60, 66, 69, 77, 81, 84], "us": [2, 9, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 32, 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 55, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 70, 73, 77, 81, 83, 84, 86], "auto": 2, "taken": [2, 46, 77], "from": [2, 13, 15, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 44, 47, 48, 52, 54, 58, 59, 62, 63, 66, 69, 70, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88], "python": [2, 29, 54, 59], "doc": [2, 6, 7, 26, 27, 29, 32, 44, 51, 52, 54, 57, 60, 62, 71, 77, 78, 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84], "true": [2, 15, 24, 27, 29, 30, 37, 46, 49, 55, 58, 71, 77, 84], "complet": [2, 84], "overlap": [2, 7, 55, 58, 79, 81], "thi": [2, 9, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 70, 73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 86], "is_partially_overlap": 2, "partial": [2, 58, 81], "document": [2, 6, 7, 32, 44, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88], "idx": [2, 9, 29, 46, 66, 84], "str": [2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 84], "section": [2, 6, 7, 15, 24, 35, 52, 54, 62, 71, 75, 77, 78, 83, 86, 88], "list": [2, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 71, 73, 77, 78, 83, 86, 88], "factori": [2, 6, 27, 46, 55], "metadata": [2, 9, 24, 29, 37, 60, 66, 78, 83, 84], "dict": [2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 24, 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"train_dataload": [15, 24], "more": [15, 21, 24, 29, 46, 47, 55, 59, 60, 77, 79, 84], "pytorch": [15, 16, 24, 80], "dataload": [15, 18, 24, 52], "sampl": [15, 24], "In": [15, 24, 29, 30, 35, 44, 46, 58, 62, 77, 81, 84, 86], "pleas": [15, 24, 78, 84], "you": [15, 24, 32, 47, 60, 62, 77, 83, 84, 86], "reload": [15, 24], "unless": [15, 24, 60], "paramref": [15, 24], "pytorch_lightn": [15, 24], "trainer": [15, 18, 21, 24, 49, 52, 66], "reload_dataloaders_every_n_epoch": [15, 24], "posit": [15, 24, 27], "integ": [15, 24, 66, 70], "follow": [15, 24, 27, 29, 47, 55, 58, 70, 73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84], "pattern": [15, 24, 29, 51], "download": [15, 24, 48, 68], "prepare_data": [15, 24], "split": [15, 24, 29, 46, 51, 52, 55, 66, 70, 79, 84], "setup": [15, 24, 46], "howev": [15, 24, 46, 47, 62, 70, 73, 77, 81, 84], "abov": [15, 24, 29, 44, 46, 55, 70, 73], "necessari": [15, 24, 47], "distribut": [15, 24, 70, 73], "do": [15, 24, 29, 60, 77, 84, 86], "assign": [15, 24, 46, 53, 55, 84], "state": [15, 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"hfsapbertpairwisedataset": 24, "encodings_1": 24, "encodings_2": 24, "ndarrai": [24, 44], "identifi": [24, 29, 35, 46, 47, 48, 62, 84], "origin": [24, 29, 46, 47, 49, 55, 59, 62, 70, 73, 78], "github": [24, 62, 70], "com": [24, 59, 62, 70, 73], "cambridgeltl": 24, "credit": [24, 62, 70], "inproceed": [24, 59], "liu2021self": 24, "titl": [24, 53, 59, 70, 78], "align": [24, 49, 55], "pretrain": [24, 49, 86], "author": [24, 44, 53, 59, 70, 73, 83], "liu": 24, "fangyu": 24, "shareghi": 24, "ehsan": 24, "meng": 24, "zaiqiao": 24, "basaldella": 24, "marco": 24, "collier": 24, "nigel": 24, "booktitl": [24, 59], "proceed": [24, 59], "2021": [24, 49, 59], "confer": 24, "north": 24, "american": [24, 59], "chapter": 24, "linguist": [24, 59], "human": [24, 46, 53, 59], "languag": [24, 26, 27, 53, 59, 62, 80, 81], "technolog": 24, "page": [24, 59], "4228": 24, "4238": 24, "month": [24, 53, 59, 70], "jun": [24, 53], "year": [24, 53, 59, 70, 81], "sapbert_training_param": 24, "sapbert_evaluation_manag": 24, "from_pretrain": [24, 52], "sapberttrainingparam": 24, "sapbertevaluationdatamanag": 24, "choos": [24, 58, 84], "what": [24, 47, 48, 84], "But": [24, 81], "two": [24, 46, 78, 84, 86, 88], "first": [24, 52, 58, 62, 70, 78, 84, 86, 88], "second": [24, 60, 70], "lr": 24, "lr_scheduler_config": 24, "lr_schedul": 24, "whose": 24, "describ": [24, 60, 70], "frequenc": [24, 77], "its": [24, 27, 60, 73], "below": [24, 58, 77, 79], "unit": 24, "size": [24, 39, 49, 52, 66, 84], "could": [24, 29, 47, 81, 84], "updat": [24, 55, 64, 86], "wherea": 24, "interv": 24, "mani": [24, 29, 46, 59, 77, 81, 84], "correspond": [24, 44, 46, 62], "monitor": [24, 32], "reducelronplateau": 24, "enforc": 24, "thu": [24, 29], "stop": [24, 69, 75], "found": [24, 49, 62, 64], "warn": [24, 26, 32, 58], "strict": [24, 27, 70, 73], "learningratemonitor": 24, "keyword": 24, "condit": [24, 53, 55, 70, 71, 73], "adam": 24, "metric_to_track": 24, "often": [24, 44, 77, 84], "check_val_every_n_epoch": 24, "optimizer1": 24, "optimizer2": 24, "sgd": 24, "scheduler1": 24, "scheduler2": 24, "lambdalr": 24, "made": 24, "simpli": [24, 46], "metric_v": 24, "along": [24, 32, 70], "sequenti": [24, 55, 66], "given": [24, 29, 44, 46, 48, 52, 63, 70, 71, 77, 81, 84, 86], "optimizer_on": 24, "01": 24, "optimizer_two": 24, "cycl": 24, "continu": [24, 55], "being": [24, 29, 55, 59], "1e": 24, "3": [24, 43, 46, 51, 70, 73, 84], "gen_opt": 24, "model_gen": 24, "dis_opt": 24, "model_di": 24, "02": 24, "dis_sch": 24, "cosineann": 24, "t_max": 24, "gen_sch": 24, "exponentiallr": 24, "99": 24, "procedur": 24, "improv": [24, 70], "wasserstein": 24, "algorithm": [24, 29, 35, 46, 58, 62, 73, 81, 84], "arxiv": 24, "org": [24, 29, 49, 53, 59, 70, 84], "ab": 24, "1704": 24, "00028": 24, "n_critic": 24, "know": [24, 84], "backward": 24, "lbfg": 24, "closur": 24, "control": 24, "those": 24, "optimizer_step": 24, "evaluate_topk_acc": 24, "level": [24, 46], "k": [24, 30, 47, 58], 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"datacollatorwithpad": [24, 52], "callabl": [24, 51, 53, 57, 60, 65], "init_hf_collate_fn": 24, "custom_token": 26, "main": [26, 49, 62, 77, 83, 85], "output_dir": [26, 63, 77], "curated_list": [26, 27, 77], "span_kei": [26, 27], "raw_hit": [26, 27], "serial": [26, 27], "ontologymatch": [26, 27], "english": [26, 59], "sentenc": [26, 27, 37, 59], "written": [26, 73], "caller": 26, "built": [26, 59, 63], "try": [26, 46], "understand": [26, 84], "noisi": [26, 30, 77, 84], "raw": [26, 46, 55, 73, 77], "tend": [26, 77], "curat": [26, 27, 30, 79, 80, 81, 84], "befor": [26, 47, 66, 70], "appli": [26, 35, 46, 47, 55, 66, 70], "build": [26, 44, 48, 63, 66, 77], "attempt": [26, 47, 48, 52, 54, 66, 81, 84], "directori": [26, 29, 32, 43, 48, 63, 66, 86], "jsonl": [26, 77], "line": [26, 29], "case_sensit": [26, 27, 77], "attribut": [26, 29, 84], "store": [26, 27, 29, 44], "recognis": [26, 81], "curatedterm": 27, "action": [27, 77], "term_norm_map": [27, 77], "done": [27, 44, 55], "phrasematch": 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"add"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_all"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_syns_for_id"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_syns_sharing_id"], [9, 3, 1, "", "loaded_parsers"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation": [[11, 0, 0, "-", "data_utils"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "dataprocessor"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "lightning_plugins"], [14, 0, 0, "-", "metrics"], [15, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [16, 0, 0, "-", "tiny_transformers"], [17, 0, 0, "-", "train"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.data_utils": [[11, 6, 1, "", "to_unicode"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor": [[12, 1, 1, "", "NerProcessor"], [12, 1, 1, "", "SeqTagProcessor"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor.NerProcessor": [[12, 2, 1, "", "get_aug_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_dev_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_test_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_train_examples"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor.SeqTagProcessor": [[12, 2, 1, "", "get_aug_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_dev_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_train_examples"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.lightning_plugins": [[13, 1, 1, "", "StudentModelCheckpointIO"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.lightning_plugins.StudentModelCheckpointIO": [[13, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [13, 2, 1, "", "load_checkpoint"], [13, 2, 1, "", "remove_checkpoint"], [13, 2, 1, "", "save_checkpoint"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.metrics": [[14, 6, 1, "", "accuracy"], [14, 6, 1, "", "numeric_label_f1_score"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models": [[15, 1, 1, "", "NerDataset"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationBase"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationForFinalLayer"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationForIntermediateLayer"], [15, 1, 1, "", "TaskSpecificDistillation"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.NerDataset": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "convert_single_example"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationBase": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_training_examples"], [15, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationForFinalLayer": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 3, 1, "", "allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices"], [15, 3, 1, "", "precision"], [15, 3, 1, "", "prepare_data_per_node"], [15, 2, 1, "", "soft_cross_entropy"], [15, 2, 1, "", "tensor_to_jagged_array"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationForIntermediateLayer": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 3, 1, "", "allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices"], [15, 3, 1, "", "precision"], [15, 3, 1, "", "prepare_data_per_node"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.TaskSpecificDistillation": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_optimizer_grouped_parameters"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_training_examples"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.tiny_transformers": [[16, 1, 1, "", "TinyBertForSequenceTagging"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.tiny_transformers.TinyBertForSequenceTagging": [[16, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [16, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [16, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.train": [[17, 6, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers": [[18, 1, 1, "", "PLAutoModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "PLAutoModelForTokenClassification"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers.PLAutoModel": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [18, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers.PLAutoModelForTokenClassification": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [18, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.language": [[20, 0, 0, "-", "language_phenomena"], [21, 0, 0, "-", "string_similarity_scorers"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers": [[21, 1, 1, "", "BooleanStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "EntityNounModifierStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "EntitySubtypeStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "NumberMatchStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "RapidFuzzStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "SapbertStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "StringSimilarityScorer"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.BooleanStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.EntityNounModifierStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.EntitySubtypeStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 3, 1, "", "numeric_class_phrases"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.NumberMatchStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 3, 1, "", "number_finder"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.SapbertStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.StringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking": [[23, 0, 0, "-", "sapbert"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert": [[24, 0, 0, "-", "train"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train": [[24, 1, 1, "", "Candidate"], [24, 1, 1, "", "GoldStandardExample"], [24, 1, 1, "", "HFSapbertInferenceDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "HFSapbertPairwiseDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "PLSapbertModel"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertDataCollatorWithPadding"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertEvaluationDataManager"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertEvaluationDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertTrainingParams"], [24, 6, 1, "", "get_embedding_dataloader_from_strings"], [24, 6, 1, "", "init_hf_collate_fn"], [24, 6, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.Candidate": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "correct"], [24, 3, 1, "", "default_label"], [24, 3, 1, "", "iri"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.GoldStandardExample": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "candidates"], [24, 3, 1, "", "gold_default_label"], [24, 3, 1, "", "gold_iri"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.HFSapbertInferenceDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.HFSapbertPairwiseDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.PLSapbertModel": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [24, 2, 1, "", "evaluate_topk_acc"], [24, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_candidate_dict"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings_for_strings"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings_from_dataloader"], [24, 2, 1, "", "log_results"], [24, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [24, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [24, 3, 1, "", "training"], [24, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [24, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"], [24, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [24, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertDataCollatorWithPadding": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "max_length"], [24, 3, 1, "", "pad_to_multiple_of"], [24, 3, 1, "", "padding"], [24, 3, 1, "", "tokenizer"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertEvaluationDataManager": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertEvaluationDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "ontology_source"], [24, 3, 1, "", "query_source"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertTrainingParams": [[24, 3, 1, "", "lr"], [24, 3, 1, "", "miner_margin"], [24, 3, 1, "", "num_workers"], [24, 3, 1, "", "topk"], [24, 3, 1, "", "train_batch_size"], [24, 3, 1, "", "train_file"], [24, 3, 1, "", "type_of_triplets"], [24, 3, 1, "", "weight_decay"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching": [[26, 0, 0, "-", "assemble_pipeline"], [27, 0, 0, "-", "ontology_matcher"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.assemble_pipeline": [[26, 6, 1, "", "custom_tokenizer"], [26, 6, 1, "", "main"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher": [[27, 1, 1, "", "CuratedTerm"], [27, 1, 1, "", "OntologyMatcher"], [27, 1, 1, "", "OntologyMatcherConfig"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.CuratedTerm": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 3, 1, "", "action"], [27, 3, 1, "", "case_sensitive"], [27, 3, 1, "", "entity_class"], [27, 3, 1, "", "term"], [27, 3, 1, "", "term_norm_mapping"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.OntologyMatcher": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 2, 1, "", "create_lowercase_phrasematcher_from_parsers"], [27, 2, 1, "", "create_phrasematchers_from_curated_list"], [27, 2, 1, "", "filter_by_contexts"], [27, 2, 1, "", "from_disk"], [27, 5, 1, "", "labels"], [27, 5, 1, "", "match_id_sep"], [27, 5, 1, "", "nr_lowercase_rules"], [27, 5, 1, "", "nr_strict_rules"], [27, 5, 1, "", "parser_name_to_entity_type"], [27, 2, 1, "", "set_context_matchers"], [27, 2, 1, "", "set_labels"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_FP_context"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_FP_coocc"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_TP_context"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_TP_coocc"], [27, 5, 1, "", "span_key"], [27, 2, 1, "", "to_disk"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.OntologyMatcherConfig": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 3, 1, "", "labels"], [27, 3, 1, "", "match_id_sep"], [27, 3, 1, "", "parser_name_to_entity_type"], [27, 3, 1, "", "span_key"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing": [[29, 0, 0, "-", "base"], [30, 0, 0, "-", "synonym_generation"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base": [[29, 1, 1, "", "BiologicalProcessGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CLOOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CellosaurusOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CellularComponentGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "ChemblOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "EnsemblOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "GeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "JsonLinesOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MeddraOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MolecularFunctionGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MondoOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsDiseaseOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsMoleculeOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsTargetOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "RDFGraphParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "UberonOntologyParser"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.BiologicalProcessGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CLOOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CellosaurusOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "cell_line_re"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CellularComponentGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.ChemblOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.EnsemblOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.GeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 3, 1, "", "instances"], [29, 3, 1, "", "instances_in_dbs"], [29, 2, 1, "", "load_go"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_databases"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.JsonLinesOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "read"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MeddraOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MolecularFunctionGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MondoOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "is_valid_iri"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "all_synonym_column_names"], [29, 2, 1, "", "drop_excluded_ids"], [29, 2, 1, "", "export_metadata"], [29, 2, 1, "", "export_synonym_terms"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "generate_synonyms"], [29, 3, 1, "", "minimum_metadata_column_names"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_databases"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_metadata_database"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_synonym_database"], [29, 2, 1, "", "resolve_synonyms"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsDiseaseOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "allowed_sources"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 2, 1, "", "look_for_mondo"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsMoleculeOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsTargetOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "annotation_fields"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.RDFGraphParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "convert_to_rdflib_ref"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "is_valid_iri"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.UberonOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation": [[30, 1, 1, "", "CombinatorialSynonymGenerator"], [30, 1, 1, "", "GreekSymbolSubstitution"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SeparatorExpansion"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SpellingVariationReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "StopWordRemover"], [30, 1, 1, "", "StringReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SuffixReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SynonymGenerator"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.CombinatorialSynonymGenerator": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.GreekSymbolSubstitution": [[30, 3, 1, "", "ALL_SUBS"], [30, 3, 1, "", "greek_letter"], [30, 3, 1, "", "lower_greek_letter"], [30, 3, 1, "", "spelling"], [30, 3, 1, "", "upper_greek_letter"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SeparatorExpansion": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SpellingVariationReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.StopWordRemover": [[30, 3, 1, "", "all_stopwords"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.StringReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SuffixReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SynonymGenerator": [[30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.pipeline": [[32, 0, 0, "-", "pipeline"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline": [[32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsFileHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsLogHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "Pipeline"], [32, 6, 1, "", "batch_metrics"], [32, 6, 1, "", "calc_doc_size"], [32, 6, 1, "", "load_steps_and_log_memory_usage"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline.FailedDocsFileHandler": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [32, 2, 1, "", "prefilter_docs"], [32, 2, 1, "", "profile"], [32, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [32, 2, 1, "", "update_failed_docs"]], "kazu.steps": [[34, 0, 0, "-", "document_post_processing"], [36, 0, 0, "-", "joint_ner_and_linking"], [38, 0, 0, "-", "linking"], [50, 0, 0, "-", "ner"], [56, 0, 0, "-", "other"], [60, 0, 0, "-", "step"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing": [[35, 0, 0, "-", "abbreviation_finder"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing.abbreviation_finder": [[35, 1, 1, "", "AbbreviationFinderStep"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing.abbreviation_finder.AbbreviationFinderStep": [[35, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking": [[37, 0, 0, "-", "explosion"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion": [[37, 1, 1, "", "ExplosionStringMatchingStep"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion.ExplosionStringMatchingStep": [[37, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [37, 2, 1, "", "extract_entity_data_from_spans"]], "kazu.steps.linking": [[39, 0, 0, "-", "dictionary"], [40, 0, 0, "-", "mapping_step"], [41, 0, 0, "-", "post_processing"], [49, 0, 0, "-", "sapbert"]], "kazu.steps.linking.dictionary": [[39, 1, 1, "", "DictionaryEntityLinkingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.dictionary.DictionaryEntityLinkingStep": [[39, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [39, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_caches"]], "kazu.steps.linking.mapping_step": [[40, 1, 1, "", "MappingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.mapping_step.MappingStep": [[40, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing": [[42, 0, 0, "-", "disambiguation"], [45, 0, 0, "-", "mapping_strategies"], [47, 0, 0, "-", "strategy_runner"], [48, 0, 0, "-", "xref_manager"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation": [[43, 0, 0, "-", "context_scoring"], [44, 0, 0, "-", "strategies"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.context_scoring": [[43, 1, 1, "", "TfIdfScorer"], [43, 6, 1, "", "create_word_and_char_ngrams"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.context_scoring.TfIdfScorer": [[43, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [43, 2, 1, "", "build_or_load_vectorizers"], [43, 2, 1, "", "build_vectorizers"], [43, 2, 1, "", "load_vectorizer"], [43, 2, 1, "", "load_vectorizers"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies": [[44, 1, 1, "", "AnnotationLevelDisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "DefinedElsewhereInDocumentDisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "DisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "TfIdfDisambiguationStrategy"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.AnnotationLevelDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.DefinedElsewhereInDocumentDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.DisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.TfIdfDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 3, 1, "", "CONTEXT_SCORE"], [44, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [44, 2, 1, "", "build_id_set_representation"], [44, 2, 1, "", "cacheable_build_document_representation"], [44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies": [[46, 0, 0, "-", "strategies"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies": [[46, 1, 1, "", "DefinedElsewhereInDocumentMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "ExactMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "MappingFactory"], [46, 1, 1, "", "MappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "StrongMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "StrongMatchWithEmbeddingConfirmationStringMatchingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "SymbolMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "TermNormIsSubStringMappingStrategy"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.DefinedElsewhereInDocumentMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 3, 1, "", "found_equivalent_ids"], [46, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.ExactMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.MappingFactory": [[46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping"], [46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping_from_id_set"], [46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping_from_id_sets"], [46, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.MappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate_if_required"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.StrongMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.StrongMatchWithEmbeddingConfirmationStringMatchingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.SymbolMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 2, 1, "", "match_symbols"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.TermNormIsSubStringMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner": [[47, 1, 1, "", "NamespaceStrategyExecution"], [47, 1, 1, "", "StrategyRunner"], [47, 6, 1, "", "entity_to_entity_key"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner.NamespaceStrategyExecution": [[47, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [47, 2, 1, "", "get_strategies_for_entity_class"], [47, 5, 1, "", "longest_mapping_strategy_list_size"], [47, 2, 1, "", "reset"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner.StrategyRunner": [[47, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [47, 2, 1, "", "execute_hit_post_processing_strategies"], [47, 2, 1, "", "group_entities_by_symbolism"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager": [[48, 1, 1, "", "CrossReferenceManager"], [48, 1, 1, "", "OxoCrossReferenceManager"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager.CrossReferenceManager": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "build_xref_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "create_xref_mappings"], [48, 2, 1, "", "load"], [48, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "save"], [48, 3, 1, "", "xref_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager.OxoCrossReferenceManager": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "build_xref_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "create_oxo_dump"], [48, 3, 1, "", "headers"], [48, 3, 1, "", "oxo_url"], [48, 2, 1, "", "parse_oxo_dump"], [48, 3, 1, "", "xref_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.sapbert": [[49, 1, 1, "", "SapBertForEntityLinkingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.sapbert.SapBertForEntityLinkingStep": [[49, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [49, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_caches"], [49, 2, 1, "", "process_entities"]], "kazu.steps.ner": [[51, 0, 0, "-", "entity_post_processing"], [52, 0, 0, "-", "hf_token_classification"], [53, 0, 0, "-", "seth"], [54, 0, 0, "-", "spacy_ner"], [55, 0, 0, "-", "tokenized_word_processor"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing": [[51, 1, 1, "", "NonContiguousEntitySplitter"], [51, 1, 1, "", "SplitOnConjunctionPattern"], [51, 1, 1, "", "SplitOnNumericalListPatternWithPrefix"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.NonContiguousEntitySplitter": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.SplitOnConjunctionPattern": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [51, 2, 1, "", "run_conjunction_rules"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.SplitOnNumericalListPatternWithPrefix": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification": [[52, 1, 1, "", "TransformersModelForTokenClassificationNerStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.TransformersModelForTokenClassificationNerStep": [[52, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [52, 2, 1, "", "frame_to_tok_word"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_activations"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_dataloader"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_list_of_batch_encoding_frames_for_section"], [52, 2, 1, "", "id2labels_from_label_list"], [52, 2, 1, "", "section_frames_to_tokenised_words"]], "kazu.steps.ner.seth": [[53, 1, 1, "", "SethStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.seth.SethStep": [[53, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.spacy_ner": [[54, 1, 1, "", "SpacyNerStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.spacy_ner.SpacyNerStep": [[54, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor": [[55, 1, 1, "", "SimpleSpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "SmartSpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "SpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokWordSpan"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokenizedWord"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokenizedWordProcessor"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SimpleSpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SmartSpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "close_spans"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"], [55, 2, 1, "", "start_span"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokWordSpan": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 3, 1, "", "clazz"], [55, 3, 1, "", "subspan"], [55, 3, 1, "", "tok_words"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokenizedWord": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_confidences"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_ids"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_offsets"], [55, 3, 1, "", "tokens"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_char_end"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_char_start"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_id"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokenizedWordProcessor": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "calculate_span_offsets"], [55, 2, 1, "", "make_span_finder"], [55, 2, 1, "", "spans_to_entities"]], "kazu.steps.other": [[57, 0, 0, "-", "cleanup"], [58, 0, 0, "-", "merge_overlapping_ents"], [59, 0, 0, "-", "stanza"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup": [[57, 1, 1, "", "CleanupAction"], [57, 1, 1, "", "CleanupStep"], [57, 1, 1, "", "DropMappingsByConfidenceMappingFilter"], [57, 1, 1, "", "DropUnmappedEntityFilter"], [57, 1, 1, "", "EntityFilterCleanupAction"], [57, 1, 1, "", "MappingFilterCleanupAction"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.CleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.CleanupStep": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.DropMappingsByConfidenceMappingFilter": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.DropUnmappedEntityFilter": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.EntityFilterCleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.MappingFilterCleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.merge_overlapping_ents": [[58, 1, 1, "", "MergeOverlappingEntsStep"]], "kazu.steps.other.merge_overlapping_ents.MergeOverlappingEntsStep": [[58, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [58, 2, 1, "", "filter_ents_across_class"], [58, 2, 1, "", "group_entities_by_location"], [58, 2, 1, "", "select_preferred_entity"]], "kazu.steps.other.stanza": [[59, 1, 1, "", "StanzaStep"]], "kazu.steps.other.stanza.StanzaStep": [[59, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.step": [[60, 1, 1, "", "Step"], [60, 6, 1, "", "document_batch_step"], [60, 6, 1, "", "document_iterating_step"]], "kazu.steps.step.Step": [[60, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [60, 2, 1, "", "namespace"]], "kazu.utils": [[62, 0, 0, "-", "abbreviation_detector"], [63, 0, 0, "-", "build_and_test_model_packs"], [64, 0, 0, "-", "caching"], [65, 0, 0, "-", "grouping"], [66, 0, 0, "-", "link_index"], [67, 0, 0, "-", "spacy_pipeline"], [68, 0, 0, "-", "stanza_pipeline"], [69, 0, 0, "-", "stopwatch"], [70, 0, 0, "-", "string_normalizer"], [71, 0, 0, "-", "utils"]], "kazu.utils.abbreviation_detector": [[62, 1, 1, "", "KazuAbbreviationDetector"], [62, 6, 1, "", "filter_matches"], [62, 6, 1, "", "find_abbreviation"], [62, 6, 1, "", "short_form_filter"]], "kazu.utils.abbreviation_detector.KazuAbbreviationDetector": [[62, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs": [[63, 4, 1, "", "ModelPackBuildError"], [63, 1, 1, "", "ModelPackBuilder"], [63, 6, 1, "", "build_custom_pack_params"]], "kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs.ModelPackBuilder": [[63, 2, 1, "", "build_all_model_packs"], [63, 2, 1, "", "build_caches"], [63, 2, 1, "", "clear_cached_resources_from_model_pack_dir"], [63, 2, 1, "", "process_model_pack_path"], [63, 2, 1, "", "reset_singletons"], [63, 2, 1, "", "zip_model_pack"]], "kazu.utils.caching": [[64, 1, 1, "", "EntityLinkingLookupCache"]], "kazu.utils.caching.EntityLinkingLookupCache": [[64, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [64, 2, 1, "", "check_lookup_cache"], [64, 2, 1, "", "update_terms_lookup_cache"]], "kazu.utils.grouping": [[65, 6, 1, "", "sort_then_group"]], "kazu.utils.link_index": [[66, 1, 1, "", "CDistTensorEmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "DictionaryIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "EmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "Index"], [66, 1, 1, "", "MatMulTensorEmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "TensorEmbeddingIndex"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.DictionaryIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "apply_boolean_scorers"], [66, 2, 1, "", "search"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.EmbeddingIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "enumerate_database_chunks"], [66, 2, 1, "", "predict_ontology_embeddings"], [66, 2, 1, "", "search"], [66, 2, 1, "", "set_embedding_model"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.Index": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "add"], [66, 2, 1, "", "build_ontology_cache"], [66, 3, 1, "", "column_type_dict"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_index_data_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_synonym_data_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "load"], [66, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_cache"], [66, 2, 1, "", "save"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.MatMulTensorEmbeddingIndex": [[66, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [66, 3, 1, "", "synonym_db"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.TensorEmbeddingIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [66, 3, 1, "", "synonym_db"]], "kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline": [[67, 1, 1, "", "SpacyPipeline"]], "kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline.SpacyPipeline": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [67, 3, 1, "", "instance"]], "kazu.utils.stanza_pipeline": [[68, 1, 1, "", "StanzaPipeline"]], "kazu.utils.stanza_pipeline.StanzaPipeline": [[68, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [68, 2, 1, "", "from_stanza_kwargs"], [68, 5, 1, "", "instance"], [68, 2, 1, "", "simple_init"]], "kazu.utils.stopwatch": [[69, 1, 1, "", "Stopwatch"]], "kazu.utils.stopwatch.Stopwatch": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [69, 2, 1, "", "message"], [69, 2, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer": [[70, 1, 1, "", "AnatomyStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "DefaultStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "DiseaseStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "EntityClassNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "GeneStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "GildaUtils"], [70, 1, 1, "", "StringNormalizer"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.AnatomyStringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.DefaultStringNormalizer": [[70, 3, 1, "", "allowed_additional_chars"], [70, 2, 1, "", "depluralize"], [70, 3, 1, "", "greek_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "greek_subs_upper"], [70, 2, 1, "", "handle_lower_case_prefixes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"], [70, 3, 1, "", "number_split_pattern"], [70, 3, 1, "", "other_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "re_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "re_subs_2"], [70, 2, 1, "", "remove_non_alphanum"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_greek"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_substrings"], [70, 2, 1, "", "split_on_numbers"], [70, 2, 1, "", "sub_greek_char_abbreviations"], [70, 3, 1, "", "symbol_number_split"], [70, 3, 1, "", "trailing_lowercase_s_split"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.DiseaseStringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 3, 1, "", "known_disease_short_nouns"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.EntityClassNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.GeneStringNormalizer": [[70, 3, 1, "", "gene_name_suffixes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "gene_token_classifier"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"], [70, 2, 1, "", "remove_trailing_s_if_otherwise_capitalised"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.GildaUtils": [[70, 3, 1, "", "dashes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "depluralize"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_dashes"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.StringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "classify_symbolic"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize"], [70, 3, 1, "", "normalizers"]], "kazu.utils.utils": [[71, 1, 1, "", "EntityClassFilter"], [71, 1, 1, "", "Singleton"], [71, 6, 1, "", "as_path"], [71, 6, 1, "", "create_char_ngrams"], [71, 6, 1, "", "create_word_ngrams"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_document_section_batch_encodings_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_document_section_text_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_id_section_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "filter_entities_with_ontology_mappings"], [71, 6, 1, "", "find_document_from_entity"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_cache_dir"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_cache_path"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_match_entity_class_hash"]], "kazu.utils.utils.EntityClassFilter": [[71, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.web": [[73, 0, 0, "-", "jwtauth"], [74, 0, 0, "-", "routes"], [75, 0, 0, "-", "server"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth": [[73, 1, 1, "", "JWTAuthenticationBackend"], [73, 1, 1, "", "JWTUser"], [73, 6, 1, "", "on_auth_error"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth.JWTAuthenticationBackend": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [73, 2, 1, "", "authenticate"], [73, 2, 1, "", "get_token_from_header"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth.JWTUser": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [73, 5, 1, "", "display_name"], [73, 5, 1, "", "is_authenticated"]], "kazu.web.server": [[75, 1, 1, "", "SectionedWebDocument"], [75, 1, 1, "", "SimpleWebDocument"], [75, 6, 1, "", "start"], [75, 6, 1, "", "stop"]], "kazu.web.server.SectionedWebDocument": [[75, 3, 1, "", "sections"], [75, 2, 1, "", "to_kazu_document"]], "kazu.web.server.SimpleWebDocument": [[75, 3, 1, "", "text"], [75, 2, 1, "", "to_kazu_document"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:exception", "5": "py:property", "6": "py:function"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "5": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "6": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "titleterms": {"kazu": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81], "data": [1, 2, 3, 78], "pytorch": 3, "model": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 78, 86], "annot": [5, 6, 7], "acceptance_test": 6, "label_studio": 7, "databas": [8, 9], "in_memory_db": 9, "distil": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], "data_util": 11, "dataprocessor": 12, "lightning_plugin": 13, "metric": 14, "tiny_transform": 16, "train": [17, 24], "hf_lightning_wrapp": 18, "languag": [19, 20, 21], "language_phenomena": 20, "string_similarity_scor": 21, "link": [22, 23, 24, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 77], "sapbert": [23, 24, 49], "ontology_match": [25, 26, 27], "assemble_pipelin": 26, "ontology_preprocess": [28, 29, 30], "base": [29, 77], "synonym_gener": 30, "pipelin": [31, 32, 79, 86], "step": [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 86], "document_post_process": [34, 35], "abbreviation_find": 35, 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How to use the default Kazu pipeline", "Welcome to Kazu\u2019s documentation!", "Introduction", "TBA", "Visualising results in Label Studio", "The OntologyParser", "<no title>", "Quickstart", "TBA", "<no title>"], "terms": {"modul": [0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, 42, 45, 50, 56, 61, 72, 80], "class": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 79, 84], "autonameenum": 2, "sourc": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 81, 84], "base": [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 78, 80, 84, 86], "enum": 2, "subclass": 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[15, 18, 24], "cach": [15, 39, 44, 46, 48, 49, 63, 66, 80], "prevent": [15, 18, 24], "repeat": 15, "exampl": [15, 18, 24, 48, 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 88], "label_map": 15, "max_length": [15, 24, 71], "autotoken": [15, 71], "typic": [15, 51, 84], "dataprocessor": [15, 80], "maximum": [15, 47, 52, 66], "can": [15, 21, 24, 26, 29, 32, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 52, 53, 55, 62, 66, 67, 70, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86], "longer": [15, 52], "truncat": [15, 24], "convert_single_exampl": 15, "ex_index": 15, "tensor": [15, 24, 52, 55, 66], "sequencetaggingdistillationbas": 15, "taskspecificdistil": 15, "temperatur": 15, "warmup_step": 15, "learning_r": 15, "weight_decai": [15, 24], "batch_siz": [15, 24, 49, 52], "accumulate_grad_batch": 15, "max_epoch": 15, "student_model_path": 15, "teacher_model_path": 15, "num_work": [15, 24], "schedul": [15, 24], "specif": [15, 24, 47, 48, 73, 77, 81], "step": [15, 18, 24, 27, 30, 32, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 88], "listconfig": 15, "get_training_exampl": 15, "train_dataload": [15, 24], "more": [15, 21, 24, 29, 46, 47, 55, 59, 60, 79, 84], "pytorch": [15, 16, 24, 80], "dataload": [15, 18, 24, 52], "sampl": [15, 24], "In": [15, 24, 29, 30, 35, 44, 46, 58, 62, 77, 81, 84, 86], "pleas": [15, 24, 78, 84], "you": [15, 24, 32, 47, 60, 62, 83, 84, 86], "reload": [15, 24], "unless": [15, 24, 60], "paramref": [15, 24], "pytorch_lightn": [15, 24], "trainer": [15, 18, 21, 24, 49, 52, 66], "reload_dataloaders_every_n_epoch": [15, 24], "posit": [15, 24, 27], "integ": [15, 24, 66, 70], "follow": [15, 24, 27, 29, 47, 55, 58, 70, 73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84], "pattern": [15, 24, 29, 51], "download": [15, 24, 48, 68], "prepare_data": [15, 24], "split": [15, 24, 29, 46, 51, 52, 55, 66, 70, 79, 84], "setup": [15, 24, 46], "howev": [15, 24, 46, 47, 62, 70, 73, 77, 81, 84], "abov": [15, 24, 29, 44, 46, 55, 70, 73], "necessari": [15, 24, 47], "distribut": [15, 24, 70, 73], "do": [15, 24, 29, 60, 77, 84], "assign": [15, 24, 46, 53, 55, 84], "state": [15, 16, 24, 44, 46, 47, 59, 63, 81], "fit": [15, 24, 52, 70, 73], "lightn": [15, 18, 24], "correct": [15, 24, 83], "sampler": [15, 24], "arbitrari": [15, 24, 58], "hardwar": [15, 24], "There": [15, 24, 55, 81, 84], "yourself": [15, 24], "def": [15, 18, 24, 83, 84, 85], "totensor": [15, 24], "normal": [15, 24, 32, 48, 53, 60, 66, 70, 84], "5": [15, 24, 47, 51, 59, 70], "mnist": [15, 24], "root": [15, 24], "loader": [15, 24, 52], "shuffl": [15, 24], "cifar": [15, 24], "mnist_load": [15, 24], "cifar_load": [15, 24], "each": [15, 18, 24, 26, 29, 32, 44, 46, 48, 55, 58, 60, 81, 84, 86], "batch": [15, 18, 24, 49, 52, 60], "batch_mnist": [15, 24], "batch_cifar": [15, 24], "val_dataload": [15, 24], "recommend": [15, 24, 26, 29, 83], "prepar": [15, 24, 44, 46, 81], "happen": [15, 18, 24], "them": [15, 16, 24, 29, 43, 46, 66, 81], "loader_a": [15, 24], "loader_b": [15, 24], "loader_n": [15, 24], "don": [15, 24, 44, 49, 52, 53, 55], "t": [15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 30, 44, 46, 49, 52, 53, 55, 70, 77], "validation_step": [15, 24], "argument": [15, 24, 26, 63], "dataloader_idx": [15, 18, 24], "which": [15, 24, 26, 29, 44, 47, 48, 55, 60, 70, 77, 79, 84, 86], "order": [15, 24, 27, 47, 48, 58, 62, 71, 77, 86], "here": [15, 24, 44, 77, 83, 84], "sequencetaggingdistillationforfinallay": 15, "layer": 15, "soft_cross_entropi": 15, "target": [15, 48, 66, 77, 81, 84], "tensor_to_jagged_arrai": 15, "attention_mask": [15, 16], "training_step": [15, 24], "batch_idx": [15, 18, 24], "comput": [15, 16, 24, 59, 60], "loss": [15, 24, 70, 73], "progress": [15, 24], "bar": [15, 24], "logger": [15, 24], "output": [15, 18, 24, 26, 29], "your": [15, 24, 77, 80, 83], "displai": [15, 24], "optimizer_idx": [15, 24], "optim": [15, 24, 59], "present": [15, 24, 30, 66, 86], "hidden": [15, 24], "core": [15, 18, 24, 27, 84], "lightningmodul": [15, 18, 24], "truncated_bptt_step": [15, 24], "must": [15, 24, 29, 46, 52, 55, 60, 70, 73, 84], "skip": [15, 24, 39], "next": [15, 24, 47, 55, 78, 86, 88], "automat": [15, 24, 60], "support": [15, 24, 66, 81], "gpu": [15, 18, 24, 81], "tpu": [15, 18, 24], "ipu": [15, 24], "deepspe": [15, 24], "forward": [15, 16, 18, 24, 46], "fancier": [15, 24], "like": [15, 24, 29, 44, 55, 70, 81, 84], "someth": [15, 24, 29, 84], "y": [15, 24, 44], "z": [15, 24, 30], "out": [15, 24, 44, 47, 70, 73, 81], "gan": [15, 24], "decod": [15, 24], "back": [15, 24, 29, 55, 83], "propag": [15, 24], "through": [15, 24, 60], "time": [15, 24, 43, 44, 47, 60, 67, 77], "previou": [15, 24, 55], "backprop": [15, 24], "lstm": [15, 24], "shown": [15, 24], "smooth": [15, 24], "averag": [15, 24], "over": [15, 24, 47, 53, 54, 60, 77, 78, 81], "last": [15, 24, 44, 52, 58, 81], "so": [15, 24, 27, 29, 40, 43, 44, 47, 53, 55, 62, 67, 70, 77, 78, 81, 83, 86, 88], "validation_epoch_end": [15, 24], "val_step_output": 15, "epoch": [15, 18, 24], "pseudocod": [15, 24], "val_out": [15, 24], "val_batch": [15, 24], "val_data": [15, 24], "append": [15, 24, 78, 86, 88], "didn": 15, "won": [15, 18, 24], 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77], "eval": [15, 24], "mode": [15, 24], "gradient": [15, 24], "disabl": [15, 24, 29], "At": [15, 24], "goe": [15, 24, 84], "enabl": [15, 24, 81], "allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devic": 15, "prepare_data_per_nod": 15, "sequencetaggingdistillationforintermediatelay": 15, "intermedi": 15, "embed": [15, 24, 49, 66, 84], "platform": 15, "configure_optim": [15, 24], "configur": [15, 24, 26, 29, 46, 52, 55, 58, 63, 66, 79, 80, 81, 84], "learn": [15, 24, 60, 70], "rate": [15, 24], "get_optimizer_grouped_paramet": 15, "student_model": 15, "bert": [16, 24, 52, 55, 64], "tinybertforsequencetag": 16, "bertpretrainedmodel": 16, "config": [16, 26, 29, 32, 52, 63, 83, 85, 86], "num_label": 16, "fit_siz": 16, "768": 16, "initi": [16, 27], "intern": [16, 55], "share": [16, 59], "nn": 16, "scriptmodul": 16, "token_type_id": 16, "is_stud": 16, "perform": [16, 27, 44, 46, 59, 79], "overridden": [16, 29], "although": [16, 81], "recip": 16, "afterward": 16, "instead": [16, 48, 66], "former": 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"hfsapbertpairwisedataset": 24, "encodings_1": 24, "encodings_2": 24, "ndarrai": [24, 44], "identifi": [24, 29, 35, 46, 47, 48, 62, 84], "origin": [24, 29, 46, 47, 49, 55, 59, 62, 70, 73, 78], "github": [24, 62, 70], "com": [24, 59, 62, 70, 73], "cambridgeltl": 24, "credit": [24, 62, 70], "inproceed": [24, 59], "liu2021self": 24, "titl": [24, 53, 59, 70, 78], "align": [24, 49, 55], "pretrain": [24, 49, 86], "author": [24, 44, 53, 59, 70, 73, 83], "liu": 24, "fangyu": 24, "shareghi": 24, "ehsan": 24, "meng": 24, "zaiqiao": 24, "basaldella": 24, "marco": 24, "collier": 24, "nigel": 24, "booktitl": [24, 59], "proceed": [24, 59], "2021": [24, 49, 59], "confer": 24, "north": 24, "american": [24, 59], "chapter": 24, "linguist": [24, 59], "human": [24, 46, 53, 59], "languag": [24, 26, 27, 53, 59, 62, 80, 81], "technolog": 24, "page": [24, 59, 86], "4228": 24, "4238": 24, "month": [24, 53, 59, 70], "jun": [24, 53], "year": [24, 53, 59, 70, 81], "sapbert_training_param": 24, "sapbert_evaluation_manag": 24, "from_pretrain": [24, 52], "sapberttrainingparam": 24, "sapbertevaluationdatamanag": 24, "choos": [24, 58, 84], "what": [24, 47, 48, 84, 86], "But": [24, 81], "two": [24, 46, 78, 84, 86, 88], "first": [24, 52, 58, 62, 70, 78, 80, 84, 88], "second": [24, 60, 70], "lr": 24, "lr_scheduler_config": 24, "lr_schedul": 24, "whose": 24, "describ": [24, 60, 70], "frequenc": [24, 77], "its": [24, 27, 60, 73], "below": [24, 58, 79], "unit": 24, "size": [24, 39, 49, 52, 66, 84], "could": [24, 29, 47, 81, 84], "updat": [24, 55, 64], "wherea": 24, "interv": 24, "mani": [24, 29, 46, 59, 77, 81, 84], "correspond": [24, 44, 46, 62], "monitor": [24, 32], "reducelronplateau": 24, "enforc": 24, "thu": [24, 29], "stop": [24, 69, 75], "found": [24, 49, 62, 64], "warn": [24, 26, 32, 58], "strict": [24, 27, 70, 73], "learningratemonitor": 24, "keyword": 24, "condit": [24, 53, 55, 70, 71, 73], "adam": 24, "metric_to_track": 24, "often": [24, 44, 77, 84, 86], "check_val_every_n_epoch": 24, "optimizer1": 24, "optimizer2": 24, "sgd": 24, "scheduler1": 24, "scheduler2": 24, "lambdalr": 24, "made": 24, "simpli": [24, 46], "metric_v": 24, "along": [24, 32, 70], "sequenti": [24, 55, 66], "given": [24, 29, 44, 46, 48, 52, 63, 70, 71, 77, 81, 84], "optimizer_on": 24, "01": 24, "optimizer_two": 24, "cycl": 24, "continu": [24, 55], "being": [24, 29, 55, 59], "1e": 24, "3": [24, 43, 46, 51, 70, 73, 84], "gen_opt": 24, "model_gen": 24, "dis_opt": 24, "model_di": 24, "02": 24, "dis_sch": 24, "cosineann": 24, "t_max": 24, "gen_sch": 24, "exponentiallr": 24, "99": 24, "procedur": 24, "improv": [24, 70], "wasserstein": 24, "algorithm": [24, 29, 35, 46, 58, 62, 73, 81, 84], "arxiv": 24, "org": [24, 29, 49, 53, 59, 70, 84], "ab": 24, "1704": 24, "00028": 24, "n_critic": 24, "know": [24, 84], "backward": 24, "lbfg": 24, "closur": 24, "control": 24, "those": 24, "optimizer_step": 24, "evaluate_topk_acc": 24, "level": [24, 46], "k": [24, 30, 47, 58], "nearest": 24, "neighbour": 24, "get_candidate_dict": 24, "np_candid": 24, "golden_iri": 24, "row": 24, "datafram": [24, 29, 66, 84], "get_embed": 24, "come": [24, 26, 84], "get_embeddings_for_str": 24, "pl": [24, 49, 66], "get_embeddings_from_dataload": 24, "cl": [24, 29, 60], "log_result": 24, "dataset_nam": 24, "sapbertevaluationdataset": 24, "ontology_sourc": 24, "query_sourc": 24, "dataset_idx": 24, "sapbertdatacollatorwithpad": 24, "collat": [24, 52], "pad": 24, "pad_to_multiple_of": 24, "pretrainedtokenizerbas": 24, "paddingstrategi": 24, "manag": [24, 43, 47, 48, 66, 81, 83, 86], "pars": [24, 29, 59, 73, 84], "evalu": [24, 59], "maintain": [24, 39, 49, 81], "construct": [24, 48], "debug": [24, 32, 70], "datasourc": [24, 84], "space": [24, 71], "against": [24, 47, 59, 62, 63, 83], "three": [24, 84], "column": [24, 29], "basemodel": [24, 75], "miner_margin": 24, "topk": 24, "train_batch_s": 24, "train_fil": 24, "type_of_triplet": 24, "get_embedding_dataloader_from_str": 24, "50": 24, "datacollatorwithpad": [24, 52], "callabl": [24, 51, 53, 57, 60, 65], "init_hf_collate_fn": 24, "custom_token": 26, "main": [26, 49, 62, 83, 85], "output_dir": [26, 63], "curated_list": [26, 27], "span_kei": [26, 27], "raw_hit": [26, 27], "serial": [26, 27], "ontologymatch": [26, 27], "english": [26, 59], "sentenc": [26, 27, 37, 59], "written": [26, 73], "caller": 26, "built": [26, 59, 63], "try": [26, 46], "understand": [26, 84], "noisi": [26, 30, 77, 84], "raw": [26, 46, 55, 73, 77], "tend": [26, 77], "curat": [26, 27, 30, 79, 80, 81, 84], "befor": [26, 47, 66, 70], "appli": [26, 35, 46, 47, 55, 66, 70, 77], "build": [26, 44, 48, 63, 66, 77], "attempt": [26, 47, 48, 52, 54, 66, 81, 84], "directori": [26, 29, 32, 43, 48, 63, 66, 86], "jsonl": 26, "line": [26, 29], "case_sensit": [26, 27], "attribut": [26, 29, 84], "store": [26, 27, 29, 44], "recognis": [26, 81], "curatedterm": 27, "action": 27, "term_norm_map": 27, "done": [27, 44, 55], "phrasematch": [27, 77, 79], "match_id_sep": 27, 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"kazu.modelling.annotation.label_studio.KazuToLabelStudioConverter": [[7, 2, 1, "", "convert_docs_to_tasks"], [7, 2, 1, "", "convert_single_doc_to_tasks"]], "kazu.modelling.annotation.label_studio.LSToKazuConversion": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [7, 2, 1, "", "convert_tasks_to_docs"], [7, 2, 1, "", "create_ents"], [7, 2, 1, "", "create_mappings"], [7, 2, 1, "", "create_section"]], "kazu.modelling.annotation.label_studio.LabelStudioAnnotationView": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [7, 2, 1, "", "build_labels"], [7, 2, 1, "", "build_taxonomy"], [7, 2, 1, "", "create_main_view"], [7, 2, 1, "", "getDOM"]], "kazu.modelling.annotation.label_studio.LabelStudioManager": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [7, 2, 1, "", "create_linking_project"], [7, 2, 1, "", "delete_project_if_exists"], [7, 2, 1, "", "export_from_ls"], [7, 2, 1, "", "get_all_tasks"], [7, 2, 1, "", "get_tasks"], [7, 2, 1, "", "import_to_ls"], [7, 5, 1, "", "project_id"]], "kazu.modelling.database": [[9, 0, 0, "-", "in_memory_db"]], "kazu.modelling.database.in_memory_db": [[9, 1, 1, "", "MetadataDatabase"], [9, 1, 1, "", "SynonymDatabase"]], "kazu.modelling.database.in_memory_db.MetadataDatabase": [[9, 2, 1, "", "add_parser"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_all"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_by_idx"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_by_index"], [9, 3, 1, "", "loaded_parsers"]], "kazu.modelling.database.in_memory_db.SynonymDatabase": [[9, 2, 1, "", "add"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_all"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_syns_for_id"], [9, 2, 1, "", "get_syns_sharing_id"], [9, 3, 1, "", "loaded_parsers"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation": [[11, 0, 0, "-", "data_utils"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "dataprocessor"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "lightning_plugins"], [14, 0, 0, "-", "metrics"], [15, 0, 0, "-", "models"], [16, 0, 0, "-", "tiny_transformers"], [17, 0, 0, "-", "train"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.data_utils": [[11, 6, 1, "", "to_unicode"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor": [[12, 1, 1, "", "NerProcessor"], [12, 1, 1, "", "SeqTagProcessor"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor.NerProcessor": [[12, 2, 1, "", "get_aug_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_dev_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_test_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_train_examples"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.dataprocessor.SeqTagProcessor": [[12, 2, 1, "", "get_aug_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_dev_examples"], [12, 2, 1, "", "get_train_examples"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.lightning_plugins": [[13, 1, 1, "", "StudentModelCheckpointIO"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.lightning_plugins.StudentModelCheckpointIO": [[13, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [13, 2, 1, "", "load_checkpoint"], [13, 2, 1, "", "remove_checkpoint"], [13, 2, 1, "", "save_checkpoint"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.metrics": [[14, 6, 1, "", "accuracy"], [14, 6, 1, "", "numeric_label_f1_score"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models": [[15, 1, 1, "", "NerDataset"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationBase"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationForFinalLayer"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SequenceTaggingDistillationForIntermediateLayer"], [15, 1, 1, "", "TaskSpecificDistillation"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.NerDataset": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "convert_single_example"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationBase": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_training_examples"], [15, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationForFinalLayer": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 3, 1, "", "allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices"], [15, 3, 1, "", "precision"], [15, 3, 1, "", "prepare_data_per_node"], [15, 2, 1, "", "soft_cross_entropy"], [15, 2, 1, "", "tensor_to_jagged_array"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.SequenceTaggingDistillationForIntermediateLayer": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 3, 1, "", "allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices"], [15, 3, 1, "", "precision"], [15, 3, 1, "", "prepare_data_per_node"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"], [15, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [15, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.models.TaskSpecificDistillation": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_optimizer_grouped_parameters"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_training_examples"], [15, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.tiny_transformers": [[16, 1, 1, "", "TinyBertForSequenceTagging"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.tiny_transformers.TinyBertForSequenceTagging": [[16, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [16, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [16, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.distillation.train": [[17, 6, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers": [[18, 1, 1, "", "PLAutoModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "PLAutoModelForTokenClassification"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers.PLAutoModel": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [18, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.hf_lightning_wrappers.PLAutoModelForTokenClassification": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [18, 3, 1, "", "training"]], "kazu.modelling.language": [[20, 0, 0, "-", "language_phenomena"], [21, 0, 0, "-", "string_similarity_scorers"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers": [[21, 1, 1, "", "BooleanStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "EntityNounModifierStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "EntitySubtypeStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "NumberMatchStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "RapidFuzzStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "SapbertStringSimilarityScorer"], [21, 1, 1, "", "StringSimilarityScorer"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.BooleanStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.EntityNounModifierStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.EntitySubtypeStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 3, 1, "", "numeric_class_phrases"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.NumberMatchStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 3, 1, "", "number_finder"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.SapbertStringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.language.string_similarity_scorers.StringSimilarityScorer": [[21, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking": [[23, 0, 0, "-", "sapbert"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert": [[24, 0, 0, "-", "train"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train": [[24, 1, 1, "", "Candidate"], [24, 1, 1, "", "GoldStandardExample"], [24, 1, 1, "", "HFSapbertInferenceDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "HFSapbertPairwiseDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "PLSapbertModel"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertDataCollatorWithPadding"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertEvaluationDataManager"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertEvaluationDataset"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SapbertTrainingParams"], [24, 6, 1, "", "get_embedding_dataloader_from_strings"], [24, 6, 1, "", "init_hf_collate_fn"], [24, 6, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.Candidate": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "correct"], [24, 3, 1, "", "default_label"], [24, 3, 1, "", "iri"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.GoldStandardExample": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "candidates"], [24, 3, 1, "", "gold_default_label"], [24, 3, 1, "", "gold_iri"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.HFSapbertInferenceDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.HFSapbertPairwiseDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.PLSapbertModel": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 2, 1, "", "configure_optimizers"], [24, 2, 1, "", "evaluate_topk_acc"], [24, 2, 1, "", "forward"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_candidate_dict"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings_for_strings"], [24, 2, 1, "", "get_embeddings_from_dataloader"], [24, 2, 1, "", "log_results"], [24, 2, 1, "", "predict_step"], [24, 2, 1, "", "train_dataloader"], [24, 3, 1, "", "training"], [24, 2, 1, "", "training_step"], [24, 2, 1, "", "val_dataloader"], [24, 2, 1, "", "validation_epoch_end"], [24, 2, 1, "", "validation_step"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertDataCollatorWithPadding": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "max_length"], [24, 3, 1, "", "pad_to_multiple_of"], [24, 3, 1, "", "padding"], [24, 3, 1, "", "tokenizer"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertEvaluationDataManager": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertEvaluationDataset": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__new__"], [24, 3, 1, "", "ontology_source"], [24, 3, 1, "", "query_source"]], "kazu.modelling.linking.sapbert.train.SapbertTrainingParams": [[24, 3, 1, "", "lr"], [24, 3, 1, "", "miner_margin"], [24, 3, 1, "", "num_workers"], [24, 3, 1, "", "topk"], [24, 3, 1, "", "train_batch_size"], [24, 3, 1, "", "train_file"], [24, 3, 1, "", "type_of_triplets"], [24, 3, 1, "", "weight_decay"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching": [[26, 0, 0, "-", "assemble_pipeline"], [27, 0, 0, "-", "ontology_matcher"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.assemble_pipeline": [[26, 6, 1, "", "custom_tokenizer"], [26, 6, 1, "", "main"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher": [[27, 1, 1, "", "CuratedTerm"], [27, 1, 1, "", "OntologyMatcher"], [27, 1, 1, "", "OntologyMatcherConfig"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.CuratedTerm": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 3, 1, "", "action"], [27, 3, 1, "", "case_sensitive"], [27, 3, 1, "", "entity_class"], [27, 3, 1, "", "term"], [27, 3, 1, "", "term_norm_mapping"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.OntologyMatcher": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 2, 1, "", "create_lowercase_phrasematcher_from_parsers"], [27, 2, 1, "", "create_phrasematchers_from_curated_list"], [27, 2, 1, "", "filter_by_contexts"], [27, 2, 1, "", "from_disk"], [27, 5, 1, "", "labels"], [27, 5, 1, "", "match_id_sep"], [27, 5, 1, "", "nr_lowercase_rules"], [27, 5, 1, "", "nr_strict_rules"], [27, 5, 1, "", "parser_name_to_entity_type"], [27, 2, 1, "", "set_context_matchers"], [27, 2, 1, "", "set_labels"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_FP_context"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_FP_coocc"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_TP_context"], [27, 2, 1, "", "span_in_TP_coocc"], [27, 5, 1, "", "span_key"], [27, 2, 1, "", "to_disk"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_matching.ontology_matcher.OntologyMatcherConfig": [[27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [27, 3, 1, "", "labels"], [27, 3, 1, "", "match_id_sep"], [27, 3, 1, "", "parser_name_to_entity_type"], [27, 3, 1, "", "span_key"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing": [[29, 0, 0, "-", "base"], [30, 0, 0, "-", "synonym_generation"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base": [[29, 1, 1, "", "BiologicalProcessGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CLOOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CLOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CellosaurusOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "CellularComponentGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "ChemblOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "EnsemblOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "GeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "JsonLinesOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MeddraOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MolecularFunctionGeneOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "MondoOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsDiseaseOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsMoleculeOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "OpenTargetsTargetOntologyParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "RDFGraphParser"], [29, 1, 1, "", "UberonOntologyParser"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.BiologicalProcessGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CLOOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CLOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CellosaurusOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "cell_line_re"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.CellularComponentGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.ChemblOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.EnsemblOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.GeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 3, 1, "", "instances"], [29, 3, 1, "", "instances_in_dbs"], [29, 2, 1, "", "load_go"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_databases"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.JsonLinesOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "read"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MeddraOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MolecularFunctionGeneOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.MondoOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "is_valid_iri"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "all_synonym_column_names"], [29, 2, 1, "", "drop_excluded_ids"], [29, 2, 1, "", "export_metadata"], [29, 2, 1, "", "export_synonym_terms"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "generate_synonyms"], [29, 3, 1, "", "minimum_metadata_column_names"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_databases"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_metadata_database"], [29, 2, 1, "", "populate_synonym_database"], [29, 2, 1, "", "resolve_synonyms"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsDiseaseOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "allowed_sources"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 2, 1, "", "look_for_mondo"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsMoleculeOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.OpenTargetsTargetOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 3, 1, "", "annotation_fields"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "json_dict_to_parser_records"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"], [29, 2, 1, "", "score_and_group_ids"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.RDFGraphParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "convert_to_rdflib_ref"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 2, 1, "", "is_valid_iri"], [29, 2, 1, "", "parse_to_dataframe"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base.UberonOntologyParser": [[29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "find_kb"], [29, 3, 1, "", "parsed_dataframe"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation": [[30, 1, 1, "", "CombinatorialSynonymGenerator"], [30, 1, 1, "", "GreekSymbolSubstitution"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SeparatorExpansion"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SpellingVariationReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "StopWordRemover"], [30, 1, 1, "", "StringReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SuffixReplacement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "SynonymGenerator"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.CombinatorialSynonymGenerator": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.GreekSymbolSubstitution": [[30, 3, 1, "", "ALL_SUBS"], [30, 3, 1, "", "greek_letter"], [30, 3, 1, "", "lower_greek_letter"], [30, 3, 1, "", "spelling"], [30, 3, 1, "", "upper_greek_letter"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SeparatorExpansion": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SpellingVariationReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.StopWordRemover": [[30, 3, 1, "", "all_stopwords"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.StringReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SuffixReplacement": [[30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation.SynonymGenerator": [[30, 2, 1, "", "call"]], "kazu.pipeline": [[32, 0, 0, "-", "pipeline"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline": [[32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsFileHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "FailedDocsLogHandler"], [32, 1, 1, "", "Pipeline"], [32, 6, 1, "", "batch_metrics"], [32, 6, 1, "", "calc_doc_size"], [32, 6, 1, "", "load_steps_and_log_memory_usage"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline.FailedDocsFileHandler": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline": [[32, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [32, 2, 1, "", "prefilter_docs"], [32, 2, 1, "", "profile"], [32, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [32, 2, 1, "", "update_failed_docs"]], "kazu.steps": [[34, 0, 0, "-", "document_post_processing"], [36, 0, 0, "-", "joint_ner_and_linking"], [38, 0, 0, "-", "linking"], [50, 0, 0, "-", "ner"], [56, 0, 0, "-", "other"], [60, 0, 0, "-", "step"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing": [[35, 0, 0, "-", "abbreviation_finder"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing.abbreviation_finder": [[35, 1, 1, "", "AbbreviationFinderStep"]], "kazu.steps.document_post_processing.abbreviation_finder.AbbreviationFinderStep": [[35, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking": [[37, 0, 0, "-", "explosion"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion": [[37, 1, 1, "", "ExplosionStringMatchingStep"]], "kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion.ExplosionStringMatchingStep": [[37, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [37, 2, 1, "", "extract_entity_data_from_spans"]], "kazu.steps.linking": [[39, 0, 0, "-", "dictionary"], [40, 0, 0, "-", "mapping_step"], [41, 0, 0, "-", "post_processing"], [49, 0, 0, "-", "sapbert"]], "kazu.steps.linking.dictionary": [[39, 1, 1, "", "DictionaryEntityLinkingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.dictionary.DictionaryEntityLinkingStep": [[39, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [39, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_caches"]], "kazu.steps.linking.mapping_step": [[40, 1, 1, "", "MappingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.mapping_step.MappingStep": [[40, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing": [[42, 0, 0, "-", "disambiguation"], [45, 0, 0, "-", "mapping_strategies"], [47, 0, 0, "-", "strategy_runner"], [48, 0, 0, "-", "xref_manager"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation": [[43, 0, 0, "-", "context_scoring"], [44, 0, 0, "-", "strategies"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.context_scoring": [[43, 1, 1, "", "TfIdfScorer"], [43, 6, 1, "", "create_word_and_char_ngrams"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.context_scoring.TfIdfScorer": [[43, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [43, 2, 1, "", "build_or_load_vectorizers"], [43, 2, 1, "", "build_vectorizers"], [43, 2, 1, "", "load_vectorizer"], [43, 2, 1, "", "load_vectorizers"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies": [[44, 1, 1, "", "AnnotationLevelDisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "DefinedElsewhereInDocumentDisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "DisambiguationStrategy"], [44, 1, 1, "", "TfIdfDisambiguationStrategy"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.AnnotationLevelDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.DefinedElsewhereInDocumentDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.DisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.disambiguation.strategies.TfIdfDisambiguationStrategy": [[44, 3, 1, "", "CONTEXT_SCORE"], [44, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [44, 2, 1, "", "build_id_set_representation"], [44, 2, 1, "", "cacheable_build_document_representation"], [44, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate"], [44, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies": [[46, 0, 0, "-", "strategies"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies": [[46, 1, 1, "", "DefinedElsewhereInDocumentMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "ExactMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "MappingFactory"], [46, 1, 1, "", "MappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "StrongMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "StrongMatchWithEmbeddingConfirmationStringMatchingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "SymbolMatchMappingStrategy"], [46, 1, 1, "", "TermNormIsSubStringMappingStrategy"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.DefinedElsewhereInDocumentMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 3, 1, "", "found_equivalent_ids"], [46, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.ExactMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.MappingFactory": [[46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping"], [46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping_from_id_set"], [46, 2, 1, "", "create_mapping_from_id_sets"], [46, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.MappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "disambiguate_if_required"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 2, 1, "", "prepare"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.StrongMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.StrongMatchWithEmbeddingConfirmationStringMatchingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.SymbolMatchMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"], [46, 2, 1, "", "match_symbols"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.mapping_strategies.strategies.TermNormIsSubStringMappingStrategy": [[46, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [46, 2, 1, "", "filter_terms"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner": [[47, 1, 1, "", "NamespaceStrategyExecution"], [47, 1, 1, "", "StrategyRunner"], [47, 6, 1, "", "entity_to_entity_key"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner.NamespaceStrategyExecution": [[47, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [47, 2, 1, "", "get_strategies_for_entity_class"], [47, 5, 1, "", "longest_mapping_strategy_list_size"], [47, 2, 1, "", "reset"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.strategy_runner.StrategyRunner": [[47, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [47, 2, 1, "", "execute_hit_post_processing_strategies"], [47, 2, 1, "", "group_entities_by_symbolism"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager": [[48, 1, 1, "", "CrossReferenceManager"], [48, 1, 1, "", "OxoCrossReferenceManager"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager.CrossReferenceManager": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "build_xref_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "create_xref_mappings"], [48, 2, 1, "", "load"], [48, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "save"], [48, 3, 1, "", "xref_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.post_processing.xref_manager.OxoCrossReferenceManager": [[48, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [48, 2, 1, "", "build_xref_cache"], [48, 2, 1, "", "create_oxo_dump"], [48, 3, 1, "", "headers"], [48, 3, 1, "", "oxo_url"], [48, 2, 1, "", "parse_oxo_dump"], [48, 3, 1, "", "xref_db"]], "kazu.steps.linking.sapbert": [[49, 1, 1, "", "SapBertForEntityLinkingStep"]], "kazu.steps.linking.sapbert.SapBertForEntityLinkingStep": [[49, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [49, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_caches"], [49, 2, 1, "", "process_entities"]], "kazu.steps.ner": [[51, 0, 0, "-", "entity_post_processing"], [52, 0, 0, "-", "hf_token_classification"], [53, 0, 0, "-", "seth"], [54, 0, 0, "-", "spacy_ner"], [55, 0, 0, "-", "tokenized_word_processor"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing": [[51, 1, 1, "", "NonContiguousEntitySplitter"], [51, 1, 1, "", "SplitOnConjunctionPattern"], [51, 1, 1, "", "SplitOnNumericalListPatternWithPrefix"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.NonContiguousEntitySplitter": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.SplitOnConjunctionPattern": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [51, 2, 1, "", "run_conjunction_rules"]], "kazu.steps.ner.entity_post_processing.SplitOnNumericalListPatternWithPrefix": [[51, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification": [[52, 1, 1, "", "TransformersModelForTokenClassificationNerStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.hf_token_classification.TransformersModelForTokenClassificationNerStep": [[52, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [52, 2, 1, "", "frame_to_tok_word"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_activations"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_dataloader"], [52, 2, 1, "", "get_list_of_batch_encoding_frames_for_section"], [52, 2, 1, "", "id2labels_from_label_list"], [52, 2, 1, "", "section_frames_to_tokenised_words"]], "kazu.steps.ner.seth": [[53, 1, 1, "", "SethStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.seth.SethStep": [[53, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.spacy_ner": [[54, 1, 1, "", "SpacyNerStep"]], "kazu.steps.ner.spacy_ner.SpacyNerStep": [[54, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor": [[55, 1, 1, "", "SimpleSpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "SmartSpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "SpanFinder"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokWordSpan"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokenizedWord"], [55, 1, 1, "", "TokenizedWordProcessor"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SimpleSpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SmartSpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.SpanFinder": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "close_spans"], [55, 2, 1, "", "get_bio_and_class_labels"], [55, 2, 1, "", "process_next_word"], [55, 2, 1, "", "span_continue_condition"], [55, 2, 1, "", "start_span"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokWordSpan": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 3, 1, "", "clazz"], [55, 3, 1, "", "subspan"], [55, 3, 1, "", "tok_words"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokenizedWord": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_confidences"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_ids"], [55, 3, 1, "", "token_offsets"], [55, 3, 1, "", "tokens"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_char_end"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_char_start"], [55, 3, 1, "", "word_id"]], "kazu.steps.ner.tokenized_word_processor.TokenizedWordProcessor": [[55, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [55, 2, 1, "", "calculate_span_offsets"], [55, 2, 1, "", "make_span_finder"], [55, 2, 1, "", "spans_to_entities"]], "kazu.steps.other": [[57, 0, 0, "-", "cleanup"], [58, 0, 0, "-", "merge_overlapping_ents"], [59, 0, 0, "-", "stanza"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup": [[57, 1, 1, "", "CleanupAction"], [57, 1, 1, "", "CleanupStep"], [57, 1, 1, "", "DropMappingsByConfidenceMappingFilter"], [57, 1, 1, "", "DropUnmappedEntityFilter"], [57, 1, 1, "", "EntityFilterCleanupAction"], [57, 1, 1, "", "MappingFilterCleanupAction"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.CleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.CleanupStep": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.DropMappingsByConfidenceMappingFilter": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.DropUnmappedEntityFilter": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.EntityFilterCleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.cleanup.MappingFilterCleanupAction": [[57, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [57, 2, 1, "", "cleanup"]], "kazu.steps.other.merge_overlapping_ents": [[58, 1, 1, "", "MergeOverlappingEntsStep"]], "kazu.steps.other.merge_overlapping_ents.MergeOverlappingEntsStep": [[58, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [58, 2, 1, "", "filter_ents_across_class"], [58, 2, 1, "", "group_entities_by_location"], [58, 2, 1, "", "select_preferred_entity"]], "kazu.steps.other.stanza": [[59, 1, 1, "", "StanzaStep"]], "kazu.steps.other.stanza.StanzaStep": [[59, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.steps.step": [[60, 1, 1, "", "Step"], [60, 6, 1, "", "document_batch_step"], [60, 6, 1, "", "document_iterating_step"]], "kazu.steps.step.Step": [[60, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [60, 2, 1, "", "namespace"]], "kazu.utils": [[62, 0, 0, "-", "abbreviation_detector"], [63, 0, 0, "-", "build_and_test_model_packs"], [64, 0, 0, "-", "caching"], [65, 0, 0, "-", "grouping"], [66, 0, 0, "-", "link_index"], [67, 0, 0, "-", "spacy_pipeline"], [68, 0, 0, "-", "stanza_pipeline"], [69, 0, 0, "-", "stopwatch"], [70, 0, 0, "-", "string_normalizer"], [71, 0, 0, "-", "utils"]], "kazu.utils.abbreviation_detector": [[62, 1, 1, "", "KazuAbbreviationDetector"], [62, 6, 1, "", "filter_matches"], [62, 6, 1, "", "find_abbreviation"], [62, 6, 1, "", "short_form_filter"]], "kazu.utils.abbreviation_detector.KazuAbbreviationDetector": [[62, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs": [[63, 4, 1, "", "ModelPackBuildError"], [63, 1, 1, "", "ModelPackBuilder"], [63, 6, 1, "", "build_custom_pack_params"]], "kazu.utils.build_and_test_model_packs.ModelPackBuilder": [[63, 2, 1, "", "build_all_model_packs"], [63, 2, 1, "", "build_caches"], [63, 2, 1, "", "clear_cached_resources_from_model_pack_dir"], [63, 2, 1, "", "process_model_pack_path"], [63, 2, 1, "", "reset_singletons"], [63, 2, 1, "", "zip_model_pack"]], "kazu.utils.caching": [[64, 1, 1, "", "EntityLinkingLookupCache"]], "kazu.utils.caching.EntityLinkingLookupCache": [[64, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [64, 2, 1, "", "check_lookup_cache"], [64, 2, 1, "", "update_terms_lookup_cache"]], "kazu.utils.grouping": [[65, 6, 1, "", "sort_then_group"]], "kazu.utils.link_index": [[66, 1, 1, "", "CDistTensorEmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "DictionaryIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "EmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "Index"], [66, 1, 1, "", "MatMulTensorEmbeddingIndex"], [66, 1, 1, "", "TensorEmbeddingIndex"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.DictionaryIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "apply_boolean_scorers"], [66, 2, 1, "", "search"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.EmbeddingIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "enumerate_database_chunks"], [66, 2, 1, "", "predict_ontology_embeddings"], [66, 2, 1, "", "search"], [66, 2, 1, "", "set_embedding_model"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.Index": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 2, 1, "", "add"], [66, 2, 1, "", "build_ontology_cache"], [66, 3, 1, "", "column_type_dict"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_index_data_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_metadata_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "get_synonym_data_path"], [66, 2, 1, "", "load"], [66, 2, 1, "", "load_or_build_cache"], [66, 2, 1, "", "save"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.MatMulTensorEmbeddingIndex": [[66, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [66, 3, 1, "", "synonym_db"]], "kazu.utils.link_index.TensorEmbeddingIndex": [[66, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [66, 3, 1, "", "metadata_db"], [66, 3, 1, "", "synonym_db"]], "kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline": [[67, 1, 1, "", "SpacyPipeline"]], "kazu.utils.spacy_pipeline.SpacyPipeline": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [67, 3, 1, "", "instance"]], "kazu.utils.stanza_pipeline": [[68, 1, 1, "", "StanzaPipeline"]], "kazu.utils.stanza_pipeline.StanzaPipeline": [[68, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [68, 2, 1, "", "from_stanza_kwargs"], [68, 5, 1, "", "instance"], [68, 2, 1, "", "simple_init"]], "kazu.utils.stopwatch": [[69, 1, 1, "", "Stopwatch"]], "kazu.utils.stopwatch.Stopwatch": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [69, 2, 1, "", "message"], [69, 2, 1, "", "start"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer": [[70, 1, 1, "", "AnatomyStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "DefaultStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "DiseaseStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "EntityClassNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "GeneStringNormalizer"], [70, 1, 1, "", "GildaUtils"], [70, 1, 1, "", "StringNormalizer"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.AnatomyStringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.DefaultStringNormalizer": [[70, 3, 1, "", "allowed_additional_chars"], [70, 2, 1, "", "depluralize"], [70, 3, 1, "", "greek_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "greek_subs_upper"], [70, 2, 1, "", "handle_lower_case_prefixes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"], [70, 3, 1, "", "number_split_pattern"], [70, 3, 1, "", "other_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "re_subs"], [70, 3, 1, "", "re_subs_2"], [70, 2, 1, "", "remove_non_alphanum"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_greek"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_substrings"], [70, 2, 1, "", "split_on_numbers"], [70, 2, 1, "", "sub_greek_char_abbreviations"], [70, 3, 1, "", "symbol_number_split"], [70, 3, 1, "", "trailing_lowercase_s_split"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.DiseaseStringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 3, 1, "", "known_disease_short_nouns"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.EntityClassNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.GeneStringNormalizer": [[70, 3, 1, "", "gene_name_suffixes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "gene_token_classifier"], [70, 2, 1, "", "is_symbol_like"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_noun_phrase"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize_symbol"], [70, 2, 1, "", "remove_trailing_s_if_otherwise_capitalised"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.GildaUtils": [[70, 3, 1, "", "dashes"], [70, 2, 1, "", "depluralize"], [70, 2, 1, "", "replace_dashes"]], "kazu.utils.string_normalizer.StringNormalizer": [[70, 2, 1, "", "classify_symbolic"], [70, 2, 1, "", "normalize"], [70, 3, 1, "", "normalizers"]], "kazu.utils.utils": [[71, 1, 1, "", "EntityClassFilter"], [71, 1, 1, "", "Singleton"], [71, 6, 1, "", "as_path"], [71, 6, 1, "", "create_char_ngrams"], [71, 6, 1, "", "create_word_ngrams"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_document_section_batch_encodings_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_document_section_text_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "documents_to_id_section_map"], [71, 6, 1, "", "filter_entities_with_ontology_mappings"], [71, 6, 1, "", "find_document_from_entity"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_cache_dir"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_cache_path"], [71, 6, 1, "", "get_match_entity_class_hash"]], "kazu.utils.utils.EntityClassFilter": [[71, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "kazu.web": [[73, 0, 0, "-", "jwtauth"], [74, 0, 0, "-", "routes"], [75, 0, 0, "-", "server"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth": [[73, 1, 1, "", "JWTAuthenticationBackend"], [73, 1, 1, "", "JWTUser"], [73, 6, 1, "", "on_auth_error"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth.JWTAuthenticationBackend": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [73, 2, 1, "", "authenticate"], [73, 2, 1, "", "get_token_from_header"]], "kazu.web.jwtauth.JWTUser": [[73, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [73, 5, 1, "", "display_name"], [73, 5, 1, "", "is_authenticated"]], "kazu.web.server": [[75, 1, 1, "", "SectionedWebDocument"], [75, 1, 1, "", "SimpleWebDocument"], [75, 6, 1, "", "start"], [75, 6, 1, "", "stop"]], "kazu.web.server.SectionedWebDocument": [[75, 3, 1, "", "sections"], [75, 2, 1, "", "to_kazu_document"]], "kazu.web.server.SimpleWebDocument": [[75, 3, 1, "", "text"], [75, 2, 1, "", "to_kazu_document"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:exception", "5": "py:property", "6": "py:function"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "5": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "6": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "titleterms": {"kazu": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81], "data": [1, 2, 3, 78], "pytorch": 3, "model": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 78, 86], "annot": [5, 6, 7], "acceptance_test": 6, "label_studio": 7, "databas": [8, 9], "in_memory_db": 9, "distil": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], "data_util": 11, "dataprocessor": 12, "lightning_plugin": 13, "metric": 14, "tiny_transform": 16, "train": [17, 24], "hf_lightning_wrapp": 18, "languag": [19, 20, 21], "language_phenomena": 20, "string_similarity_scor": 21, "link": [22, 23, 24, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 77], "sapbert": [23, 24, 49], "ontology_match": [25, 26, 27], "assemble_pipelin": 26, "ontology_preprocess": [28, 29, 30], "base": [29, 77], "synonym_gener": 30, "pipelin": [31, 32, 79], "step": [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 86], "document_post_process": [34, 35], "abbreviation_find": 35, "joint_ner_and_link": [36, 37], "explos": 37, "dictionari": 39, "mapping_step": 40, "post_process": [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48], "disambigu": [42, 43, 44], "context_scor": 43, "strategi": [44, 46], "mapping_strategi": [45, 46], "strategy_runn": 47, "xref_manag": 48, "ner": [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 77], "entity_post_process": 51, "hf_token_classif": 52, "seth": 53, "spacy_n": 54, "tokenized_word_processor": 55, "other": [56, 57, 58, 59], "cleanup": 57, "merge_overlapping_": 58, "stanza": 59, "util": [61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71], "abbreviation_detector": 62, "build_and_test_model_pack": 63, "cach": 64, "group": 65, "link_index": 66, "spacy_pipelin": 67, "stanza_pipelin": 68, "stopwatch": 69, "string_norm": 70, "web": [72, 73, 74, 75], "jwtauth": 73, "rout": 74, "server": 75, "api": [76, 80], "refer": 76, "curat": 77, "knowledg": 77, "At": 79, "glanc": 79, "how": 79, "us": 79, "default": [79, 86], "welcom": 80, "s": 80, "document": [80, 86], "guid": 80, "tutori": 80, "site": 80, "index": 80, "introduct": 81, "why": 81, "summari": 81, "tba": [82, 87], "visualis": 83, "result": 83, "label": 83, "studio": 83, "The": 84, "ontologypars": 84, "write": 84, "custom": 84, "parser": 84, "quickstart": 86, "instal": 86, "pack": 86, "run": 86, "advanc": [], "configur": 86, "hydra": [], "process": 86, "your": 86, "first": 86}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 6, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx": 56}})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index a3cc3defd..2ca5b61ae 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
doctest_global_setup = """
import os
-kazu_config_missing = os.environ.get("KAZU_CONFIG_DIR") is None
kazu_model_pack_missing = os.environ.get("KAZU_MODEL_PACK") is None
diff --git a/docs/curating_for_explosion.rst b/docs/curating_for_explosion.rst
index 0a446dbfb..84d56f8cc 100644
--- a/docs/curating_for_explosion.rst
+++ b/docs/curating_for_explosion.rst
@@ -7,106 +7,23 @@ Many entities in Biomedical NER do not require sophisticated NER or disambiguati
unambiguous, and have few genuine synonyms. For instance, terms such as "Breast Cancer" and "mitosis" can be taken at face value, and
simple string matching techniques can be employed (in our case, we use the `Spacy PhraseMatcher `_).
-However, the terms in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken 'wholesale', and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+However, the string labels in ontologies tend to be noisy when taken 'wholesale', and need curation in order to ensure high precision matching.
+For instance, the `Gene Ontology reference for envelope `_ is highly ambiguous -
+we wouldn't want this to be tagged every time we see the string 'envelope' appear in text. On the other hand
+`cornified envelope assembly `_ is highly specific, and whenever we see this string,
+we can safely assume it refers to this GO id.
-In Kazu, we take the following approach:
-1. generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative pipeline.
- .. code-block::
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_matching import assemble_pipeline
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.base import MondoOntologyParser
- from kazu.modelling.ontology_preprocessing.synonym_generation import (
- CombinatorialSynonymGenerator,
- StringReplacement,
- StopWordRemover,
- )
- syn_generator = CombinatorialSynonymGenerator(
- [StopWordRemover(), StringReplacement(include_greek=True)]
- )
- parser = MondoOntologyParser(
- in_path="", data_origin="test", synonym_generator=syn_generator
- )
- nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- parsers=[parser],
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline",
- )
-2. we then run this pipeline over a large corpora of text, and look at the frequency of each hit. Note, the below
- is for illustration only - you'll probably want a more sophisticated set up when doing this on a large document set!
- .. code-block::
- from import Document
- from kazu.steps.joint_ner_and_linking.explosion import ExplosionStringMatchingStep
- from dataclasses import dataclass, field
- from typing import List
- import json
- @dataclass
- class AnnotatedPhrase:
- term: str
- action: str
- symbolic: bool
- case_sensitive: bool
- term_norm_mapping: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
- examples: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+Given an ontology can contain 100 000s of labels, how do we curate these? It's too labour intensive to look at every one. Therefore, we
+apply some pragmaticism in order to produce a set of precise labels we want to use for dictionary based NER and linking.
+In Kazu, we take the following approach:
- class AnnotatedPhraseEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, obj):
- if isinstance(obj, AnnotatedPhrase):
- return obj.__dict__
- # Base class default() raises TypeError:
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
- def save(path, data):
- with open(path, "w") as f:
- f.writelines(json.dumps(x, cls=AnnotatedPhraseEncoder) + "\n" for x in data)
- # get_docs represents some function to get documents relevant to you
- docs: List[Document] = get_docs()
- noisy_step = ExplosionStringMatchingStep(path="~/noisy_spacy_pipeline")
- noisy_step(docs)
- curatable_phrases = []
- for doc in docs:
- for section in doc.sections:
- for ent in section.entities:
- term_norm_mapping = {
- term.parser_name: term.term_norm for term in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms
- }
- symbolic = any(x.is_symbolic for x in ent.syn_term_to_synonym_terms)
- to_curate = AnnotatedPhrase(
- term=ent.match,
- action="to_curate",
- case_sensitive=True,
- symbolic=symbolic,
- term_norm_mapping=term_norm_mapping,
- examples=[section.text[ent.start : ent.end]],
- )
- curatable_phrases.append(to_curate)
- save("~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl", curatable_phrases)
-3. we curate the phrases_to_curate.jsonl file, according to whether they look like good matches or not for a given parser, and whether case matters.
-4. Now, the final pipeline can be generated as follows:
- .. code-block::
+1. Generate synonym candidates from the raw ontology to build a putative list of terms we might want to use. If the term is symbolic,
+ we assume it's case sensitive. Otherwise assume case insensitive.
+2. Build a pipeline from this list, execute this pipeline over a large corpora of target data, and explore the results to get a sense of
+ which terms are 'noisy'
+3. Curate the top x hits by frequency, to determine whether a given term is precise enough in it's own right to be valid for dictionary based NER.
+ We assume here that if a term doesn't hit frequently enough to be considered in step 2, it's probably safe to include. Depending on your target
+ data, this may be invalid - so in practice, the curation approach is iterative.
- nlp = assemble_pipeline.main(
- parser_name_to_entity_type={ "disease"},
- curated_list="~/phrases_to_curate.jsonl",
- labels={"disease"},
- output_dir="~//spacy_pipeline",
- )
+TODO: add a worked example
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.rst b/docs/quickstart.rst
index 84d004997..e0f2a6a95 100644
--- a/docs/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/quickstart.rst
@@ -15,56 +15,56 @@ Ensure you are on version 21.0 or newer of pip.
Model Pack
-In order to use the majority of Kazu, you will need the model pack, which contains
-the pretrained models required by the pipeline. This is available from
+In order to use the majority of Kazu, you will need a model pack, which contains
+the pretrained models and knowledge bases/ontologies required by the pipeline.
+These are available from the `release page `_
-Running Steps
-Components are wrapped as instances of :class:`kazu.steps.step.Step`.
-.. include:: single_step_example.rst
+Default configuration
+Kazu has a LOT of moving parts, each of which can be configured according to your requirements.
+Since this can get complicated, we use `Hydra `_ to manage different
+configurations, and provide a 'default' configuration that is generally useful in most circumstances
+(and is also a good starting point for your own tweaks). This default configuration is located in
+the 'conf/' directory of the model pack.
-Advanced Pipeline configuration with Hydra
-To create an NLP pipeline, you need to instantiate steps. Given the large amount
-of configuration required, the easiest way to do this is with Hydra
-Here, you will need a hydra config directory (see kazu/conf for an example).
-First, export the path of your config directory to KAZU_CONFIG_DIR.
-To use the example kazu/conf config you will need to
-set the environment variable KAZU_MODEL_PACK to a path for a kazu model pack,
-or manually update the model paths that use the variable - search for
-`${oc.env:KAZU_MODEL_PACK}` in kazu/conf).
+Processing your first document
.. testcode::
:skipif: kazu_config_missing or kazu_model_pack_missing
- import os
- from hydra import compose, initialize_config_dir
+ from hydra import initialize_config_dir, compose
from hydra.utils import instantiate
from import Document
from kazu.pipeline import Pipeline
- # some text we want to process
- text = """EGFR is a gene"""
+ from pathlib import Path
+ import os
- with initialize_config_dir(config_dir=os.environ.get("KAZU_CONFIG_DIR")):
- cfg = compose(config_name="config")
- # instantiate a pipeline based on Hydra defaults
+ # the hydra config is kept in the model pack. Ensure this env
+ # variable is set to your model pack location
+ cdir = Path(os.environ["KAZU_MODEL_PACK"]).joinpath('conf')
+ with initialize_config_dir(config_dir=str(cdir)):
+ cfg = compose(
+ config_name="config",
+ overrides=[],
+ )
pipeline: Pipeline = instantiate(cfg.Pipeline)
- # create an instance of Document from our text string
+ text = "EGFR mutations are often implicated in lung cancer"
doc = Document.create_simple_document(text)
- # Pipeline takes a List[Document] as an argument to __call__
- # and returns a processed List[Document]
- result: Document = pipeline([doc])[0]
- # a Document is composed of Sections
- # (a Document created with create_simple_document has only one)
- print(result.sections[0].get_text())
+ pipeline([doc])
+ print(f"{doc.sections[0].text}")
.. testoutput::
:skipif: kazu_config_missing or kazu_model_pack_missing
- EGFR is a gene
+ EGFR mutations are often implicated in lung cancer
+You can now inspect the doc object, and explore what entities were detected on each section
+Running Steps
+Components are wrapped as instances of :class:`kazu.steps.step.Step`.
+.. include:: single_step_example.rst
diff --git a/ b/
index 6150ff702..d3d4755c5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ "cachetools>=5.2.0",
"webserver": webserver_dependencies,