Real Time Scheduling Simulator that uses one of the 3 Scheduling Algorithm:
- Rate Monotonic (RM)
- Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
- Deadlne Monotonic (DM)
to test whether a batch of tasks/jobs from a file will be completed before their deadline.
- Open terminal and navigate to project folder
- In terminal execute: make RTS_Simulator (Compile all the files)
- In terminal execute: ./RTS_Simulator (Executes the program)
- Enter and run one of the program command listed below
sim [view] [algorithm] < [input_file]
[view] - Displays different views.
- -d => Gives the user a detailed view of the simulated information.
- -v => Gives the user a verbose view of the simulated information.
- Without this parameter the user gets a minimal view.
[algorithm] - Allows the user to execute the input file using different algorithm.
- -a RM => Rate Monotonic Algorithm.
- -a EDF => Earliest Deadline First Algorithm.
- -a DM => Deadline Monotonic Algorithm.
- User MUST select an algorithm.
[input_file] - Allows the user to specify the name of the input file which is stored in the Process_Files folder.
Example of sim command: $ sim -d -a RM < file1.txt
gen [number_of_process] [mode] > [output_file]
[number_of_process] - Allows the user to generate a specific number of processes; greater than 5.
- -n <number_of_process> => The number-of-process must be 5 or greater.
- Without this parameter the program generates a random number of processes between 5 and 10.
NB. The upper bound can be changed in the FileGeneration.h file by changing the value of MAX_PROCESSES.
[mode] - Changes the version of input file that will be generated.
- -d => The context switch is equal to 5 and the arrival times are different.
- Without this parameter thecontext switch is equal to 0 and the arrival time for all processes becomes 0.
number_of_processes process_switch
process_number arrival_time burst_time relative_deadline period
process_number arrival_time burst_time relative_deadline period
4 0
1 0 2 16 10
2 0 1 8 5
3 0 5 16 30
4 0 2 20 15