From 975452cccdd049012b885b826718d74bb7a07e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Arnaud Roland Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:47:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] release: SDK 1.21.1 --- Package.swift | 4 ++-- Sources/Batch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ Sources/Batch/Versions.h | 2 +- 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift index 95f5c78..9fdef50 100644 --- a/Package.swift +++ b/Package.swift @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ let package = Package( targets: [ .binaryTarget( name: "Batch", - url: "", - checksum: "0e1edfbf2df8952552ae62bcfd1262347554af3c993a38c2d0e4eccbcac28c7b" + url: "", + checksum: "0b4a80df826d46be24d71eb77e41517a6545663f15b1e44d4ef46038df175232" ) ] ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Sources/Batch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/Sources/Batch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index 58b25d2..1c6ccc6 100644 --- a/Sources/Batch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/Sources/Batch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -3012,6 +3012,7 @@ 517D701422BBC34A00E374FB /* Sources */, 517D701522BBC34A00E374FB /* Frameworks */, 517D701622BBC34A00E374FB /* Resources */, + 5113932C2BA3011B00DB58CE /* ShellScript */, ); buildRules = ( ); @@ -3110,6 +3111,24 @@ shellPath = /bin/sh; shellScript = "# workaround for bitcode generation problem with Xcode 7.3\nunset TOOLCHAINS\n\nexport CONFIGURATION=Release\n\n# define output folder environment variable\nUNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER=${PROJECT_DIR}/universal/Batch.embeddedframework\n\n# Step 1. Build Device and Simulator versions\nxcodebuild OTHER_CFLAGS=\"-fembed-bitcode\" -target Batch ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphoneos BUILD_DIR=\"${BUILD_DIR}\" BUILD_ROOT=\"${BUILD_ROOT}\"\nxcodebuild OTHER_CFLAGS=\"-fembed-bitcode\" -target Batch ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphonesimulator BUILD_DIR=\"${BUILD_DIR}\" BUILD_ROOT=\"${BUILD_ROOT}\"\n\n# Remove the old output folder\nrm -rf \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}\"\n\n# Recreate it\nmkdir -p \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}\"\n\n# Copy the generated framework\ncp -R \"${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/Batch.framework\" \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/\"\n\n# Remove the old binary\nrm \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/Batch\"\n\n# Extract Intel slices from the simulator binary\n# We can't support arm64 and arm64e for silicon macs in a fat framework, lipo will fail\nSIMULATOR_FRAMEWORK_PATH=\"${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphonesimulator/Batch.framework/Batch\"\nlipo -extract \"x86_64\" -output \"${SIMULATOR_FRAMEWORK_PATH}-x86_64\" \"${SIMULATOR_FRAMEWORK_PATH}\"\n\n# Create universal binary file using lipo\nlipo -create -output \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/Batch\" \"${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/Batch.framework/Batch\" \"${SIMULATOR_FRAMEWORK_PATH}-x86_64\" \n\n# make sure the resource directory exists\nmkdir -p \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.bundle\"\nrm -R \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.bundle/\"\n\n# Move ressources.\nmkdir -p \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/en.lproj/\" #this may not exist\ncp -R \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/en.lproj/\" \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.bundle/\"\nrm -R \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/en.lproj/\"\ntouch \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.bundle/.gitignore\"\n\n# Clean up framework for public use\ncd \"${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/Batch.framework/\"\nsh ${PROJECT_DIR}/../Tools/Scripts/\n"; }; + 5113932C2BA3011B00DB58CE /* ShellScript */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + alwaysOutOfDate = 1; + buildActionMask = 8; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + outputFileListPaths = ( + ); + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "# Work around an issue where release builds of Batch on Xcode 15.3 need to have\n# a very high Deployment target to pass validation\n#\n# We can't override this when building so we need to patch the plist before it's bundled\n# in the xcframework or signed\nif [[ -z \"${IS_MACCATALYST}\" ]]; then\n # We are NOT in a catalyst environment: we only want to patch iOS/visionOS builds\n # We also do not want to patch simulator builds\n if [[ ${SDK_NAME} != *\"simulator\"* ]]; then\n echo \"Patching MinimumOSVersion to 100.0\"\n plutil -replace MinimumOSVersion -string 100.0 \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/Batch.framework/Info.plist\"\n fi\nfi\n \n"; + }; 516BBC0B22BD0D2900742649 /* ShellScript */ = { isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; alwaysOutOfDate = 1; diff --git a/Sources/Batch/Versions.h b/Sources/Batch/Versions.h index 6dfa8c1..bc05d5f 100644 --- a/Sources/Batch/Versions.h +++ b/Sources/Batch/Versions.h @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ Comments should not use the // form, as the plist preprocessor will include them */ -#define BASDKVersion 1.21.0 +#define BASDKVersion 1.21.1 #define BAAPILevel 70 #define BAMessagingAPILevel 12