CT scanner for your brain.js neural network
By randomly sending inputs into a neural network, you can understand how it arrives at an output.
Note: net
is an instance of brain.js
import { BrainCT, RandomInput, ValuesInput } from 'brain-ct.js';
// array index to input of net
const brainCt = new BrainCT(net, [
new ValuesInput([0, 1]),
new ValuesInput([0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1]),
new RandomInput(),
new RandomInput(),
new RandomInput(),
new RandomInput()
// object key input of net
const brainCt = new BrainCT(net, {
gender: new ValuesInput([0, 1]),
referrer: new ValuesInput([0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1]),
dateOfBirth: new RandomInput(),
city: new RandomInput(),
age: new RandomInput(),
membershipExpiration: new RandomInput()
const data = brainCt.scanSync({ iteration: 50000 });
const data = await brainCt.scan({ iteration: 50000 });
import { translate } from 'brain-ct.js';
Highcharts.chart('container', await translate.from(brainCt).to.highcharts());
Highcharts.chart('container', translate.from(brainCt).to.highchartsSync());
babel-node --presets=babel-preset-es2015 test.js