label | order |
Libraries |
99999 |
All the routes related to libraries
==- [!badge text="POST" variant="success"] Create a new librarie
All parameters need to be in a json
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libName | string | The librarie name (unique) | true |
libPath | string | The disk path of the files | true |
libType | string | The librarie type (movies, series, games, tv, other, books) | true |
libUsers | string | A string with all users allowed to acced to the lib. Ex: "Bob, Paulo" | false |
Status | Description |
200: OK | Librarie created |
400: Bad Request | Librarie already exist |
==- [!badge text="POST" variant="success"] Edit a librarie
Parameters in the path and in a json
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libName | string | The librarie name (unique) | true |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libPath | string | The disk path of the files | false |
libType | string | The librarie type (movies, series, games, tv, other, books) | false |
libUsers | string | A string with all users allowed to acced to the lib. Ex: "Bob, Paulo" | false |
Status | Description |
200: OK | Librarie edited |
400: Bad Request | Librarie doesn't exist |
==- [!badge text="POST" variant="success"] Delete a librarie
Parameters in the path
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libName | string | The librarie name (unique) | true |
Status | Description |
200: OK | Librarie deleted |
400: Bad Request | Librarie doesn't exist |
==- [!badge text="GET"] Get all the libraries
No parameters
Status | Description |
200: OK | All the libraries |
==- [!badge text="GET"] Get all the libraries of a user
Parameters in the path
Name | Type | Description | Required |
userName | string | The user name | true |
Status | Description |
200: OK | All the libraries of the user |
==- [!badge text="GET"] Get all the libraries of a type
Parameters in the path
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libType | string | The librarie type (movies, series, games, tv, other, books) | true |
Status | Description |
200: OK | All the libraries of the type |
==- [!badge text="GET"] Rescan a librarie
Parameters in the path
Name | Type | Description | Required |
libName | string | The librarie name (unique) | true |
Status | Description |
200: OK | Librarie rescaned |
400: Bad Request | Librarie doesn't exist |
==- [!badge text="GET"] Rescan all the libraries
No parameters
Status | Description |
200: OK | All the libraries rescaned |