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Releases: CleanCut/rusty_engine


11 Apr 22:01
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  • Implemented all the common traits on public structs and enums that made sense.
  • Added documentation for a few structs, enums, and methods that were missing it.

Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1


11 Apr 22:00
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  • Logic functions no longer return a bool to simplify the learning curve. If you want logic functions to run conditionally, instead track your state in your GameState and use it to exit early from your logic function.
  • The EngineState struct and engine_state variables have been renamed to Engine and engine, respectively, for brevity.

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v5.0.0


11 Apr 22:02
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  • Game is now generic over the user-provided game state struct, so the init! macro from the short-lived 3.0.0 version has been removed! All you need to do is delete the macro call if you have it.
  • EngineState.debug_sprite_colliders has been renamed EngineState.show_colliders for clarity.
  • Renamed the collider_creator example to collider for brevity.
  • Added Sprite.collider_dirty which you can set to true to regenerate a collider. Necessary if you manually replace Sprite.collider with a new collider.

Other Changes

  • Upgraded to Bevy 0.6.
  • Text rotation and scale now works! 🎉
  • Switched to bevy_prototype_lyon to power the debug lines. They look much nicer now that I can choose the line thickness.
  • Updated (or finished) all of the game scenario descriptions.
  • Updated the tutorial.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v4.0.0


11 Apr 22:02
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  • The fundamental way that Rusty Engine connects a user's game state to Bevy has been heavily
    refactored to a new solution based on macros so that users can provide a custom struct with their
    desired game state. This obseletes the old generic vectors and maps of various types that used to be
    stored on the GameState struct (which itself has been renamed to EngineState to more accurately
    describe what it is used for). Please refer to the readme and
    docs for comprehensive documentation on the new
  • Placing the module-level macro call rusty_engine::init!(MyGameState) is now required.
    MyGameState is any user-defined struct type that will be passed to the logic functions each frame.
  • GameState has been renamed to EngineState so that user's custom game state can be referred to
    as GameState instead.
    • GameState::add_actor has been renamed to EngineState::add_sprite
    • GameState::add_text_actor has been renamed to EngineState::add_text
  • Game now implements Deref and DerefMut for EngineState, so you can easily access
    EngineState's methods from Game in for your game setup. Game::game_state_mut has
    been removed (if it had stayed it would have been renamed engine_state_mut, but with the deref
    implementations it's not needed at all).
  • GameState.screen_dimensions, which was set at startup and never updated, has been replaced by EngineState.window_dimensions, which is updated every frame so resizing the window can be handled in your game logic.
  • Multiple logic functions can now be run. Pass them to Game::run in the order you would like them
    run. Return false to abort running any later functions during the frame.
  • Logic functions now need to fit the signature fn somename(engine_state: &mut EngineState, game_state: &mut GameState) -> bool, where GameState is the user-defined struct passed to rusty_engine::init!(), or () if nothing was passed in.
  • .play_sfx() now takes a volume level from 0.0 to 1.0 as a second argument, e.g. .play_sfx(SfxPreset::Congratulations, 1.0)
  • Actor has been renamed to Sprite to eliminate the confusing "actor" terminalogy.
    • Actor::build has been replaced by Sprite::new, which must be used to create a Sprite instead of defining a struct literal (enforced via private phantom data). The Default implementation has been removed because of the previous restriction.
    • Actor.preset has been removed
    • Actor.filename (a String) has been replaced with Sprite.filepath (a PathBuf)
    • The builder methods Actor::set_collision and Actor::set_collider have been removed since we never ended up adopting a builder pattern.
    • Sprite.collider_filepath has been added
    • Sprite::write_collider has been added (see note below about changes to colliders)
  • TextActor has been renamed to Text to eliminate the confusing "actor" terminology.
    • TextActor.text is now Text.value for similar reasons.
  • Sprites may now be created with either a SpritePreset or the path to an image file via both Sprite::new or EngineState::add_sprite. The image file needs to be stored in assets/sprite or one of its subdirectories. When specifying the path to the file, the path relative to assets/sprite should be used. For example, if your image is assets/sprite/circus/animal.png then you would pass circus/animal.png to one of the methods to create the sprite.
  • SpritePreset::build_from_name and SpritePreset::build have been removed (see note above about the new, more flexible way to create sprites)
  • SpritePreset::collider() has been removed since colliders are no longer hard-coded features of presets (see note below about changes to colliders)
  • SpritePreset::filename -> String has been replaced by SpritePreset::filepath -> PathBuf, which powers the impl From<SpritePreset> for PathBuf implementation.
  • Colliders are now loaded from collider files. Collider files use the Rusty Object Notation (RON) format. The easiest way to create a collider is to run the collider_creator example by cloning the rusty_engine repository and running cargo run --release --example collider_creator relative/path/to/my/image.png. The image needs to be somewhere inside the assets/ directory. You could also create the collider programmatically, set it on the Sprite struct, and call the sprite's write_collider() method. Or you could copy an existing collider file, name it the same as your image file (but with the .collider extension) and change it to match your image. Collider coordinates need to define a convex polygon with points going in clockwise order. Coordinates are floating point values relative to the center of the image, with the center of the image being (0.0, 0.0).
  • All sprites' colliders in the asset pack have been recreated more cleanly using the new collider_creator example.
  • The assets/fonts directory in the asset pack has been renamed to assets/font for consistency with the other directories.
  • KeyboardState and MouseState now both have 6 similar methods for processing key- and button-presses:
    • pressed -> pressed_any
    • just_pressed -> just_pressed_any
    • just_released -> just_released_any

Other Changes

  • AudioManager::music_playing() will return whether or not music is currently playing (accessible
    through EngineState:audio_manager)
  • A custom font may now be selected by placing it in assets/font and specifying the relative filepath on Text.font.
  • Custom sounds may now be played via AudioManager::play_music and AudioManager::play_sfx by
    specifying a path to a sound file relative to assets/audio.
  • Collider now implements PartialEq, Serialize, and Deserialize
  • Collider::is_convex was added to make it easier to tell if you have a convex collider.
  • The collider_creator example was added to make it easy to load a sprite and make a collider file for it. Place your image file (let's call it my_image.png) anywhere inside your local clone of the Rusty Engine assets/ directory and then run the example: cargo run --release --example collider_creator -- assets/my_image.png. Afterwards, copy the image file and the new collider file my_image.collider file over to the assets directory of your own project.
  • You can now toggle debug rendering of colliders by setting EngineState.debug_sprite_colliders to true. The collision example will now toggle that value when you press the C key.
  • (meta) Improved CI times by using sccache together with GitHub Actions caching
  • Circular colliders no longer have duplicate starting and ending coordinates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v3.0.0


11 Apr 22:03
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  • Print out error and URL if assets directory is not present

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1


11 Apr 22:04
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  • Renamed GameState.cursor_moved_events to GameState.mouse_location_events
  • Renamed Gamestate.delta_seconds to GameState.delta_f32
  • Renamed Gamestate.seconds_since_startup to GameState.time_since_startup_f64

Other Changes

  • Added GameState::keyboard_state (and a new KeyboardState struct), to determine the current state of the keyboard. This should be preferred over keyboard events when dealing with character movement, etc.
  • Added GameState::mouse_state (and a new MouseState struct), to determine the current state of the mouse. In most cases, this should be preferred over mouse methods when dealing with character movement, etc.
  • Added a new MouseWheelState struct to represent the state of the mouse wheel, which is a simplified representation of cumuluative mouse wheel events.
  • Added an "Extreme Driver's Ed" scenario reference implementation (cargo run --release --example extreme_drivers_ed).
  • Documented GameState
  • Added GameState.vec2_map and GameState.vec2_vec as collections for the user to store state in.
  • Switched all instances of std::collections::HashMap to bevy::utils::HashMap.
  • Updated all examples to adjust for breaking changes, also:
    • The keyboard example has been renamed to keyboard_events to distinguish it from the new keyboard_state example which uses KeyboardState for smooth movement
    • The mouse example has been renamed to mouse_events to distinguish it from the new mouse_state example which uses MouseState for smooth movement
  • Added now level_creator example to use as a rudimentary level creator (originally added in 1.1.0)

Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v2.0.0