Imagine you work at a company that has a lot of open source committers in many many projects. And now imagine you're responsible for the happys of some users that may use some of those projects. At times you might want to answer the question: "HEY! I work at <org>
! Maybe there's someone at <org>
who is working on <project>/<repository>
that I can talk to about <repository>
This script attempts to answer that question.
- Python 3
- Pip
- A github account with a personal access token exported to the
environmental variable - A sense of wonder and curiosity
Want this to work? Follow the directions below. Doesn't work? File an issue.
pip install github_contributor_matcher
Generate a personal access token via Github's Settings - Developer Settings - Personal Access Token page. Grant the token "repo" and "user". Export the token as an environmental variable "GITHUB_TOKEN":
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_new_token
Confirm the token is set by echoing its value when running echo $GITHUB_TOKEN
github_contributor_matcher <organization> <project> <repository>
example: github_contributor_matcher openshift kubernetes kubernetes
would print all users in the kubernetes/kubernetes project that are associated to the "openshift" organization in github.
@dannyzen @maxdotdotg
@sigmavirus24 & the rest of the contributors on the project