Releases: DigitalSlideArchive/HistomicsTK
Version 1.0.5
Fix dependencies.
Version 1.0.4
More annotation workflow features.
Add cellularity detection and extend documention
Merge pull request #734 from DigitalSlideArchive/mtageld-dev Multiple additions and improvements to preprocessing, saliency workflows, and documentation
Add annotation and mask handling functionality
Add new functionality for using HistomicsTK as a python package to interact with the DSA annotations to:
1- Create mask from annotations on the DSA server.
2- Extract annotations from mask and post them to HistomicsTK server for display.
3- Handle complex polygon mergers (eg tiled segmentation results).
1- Update installation instructions
2- Improve documentation
- Changes base image from ubuntu:14.04 to dsarchive/base_docker_image that includes miniconda, python wrapper ITK, and openslide on ubuntu14.04. With this change ITK will be available for use within HistomicsTK when run within the dasrchive/histomicstk docker image.
- Adds examples using jupyter notebooks
- Sets up the infrastructure to add tests using data stored on
- Adds front-end code to display annotations
This release fixes a few bugs in the generation of annotation files by the Nuclei Segmentation CLI.
This release includes two new CLIs
- FeatureExtraction
- NucleiSegmentation
It also includes changes to the automatic rest end-point generation code to pass on additional information (reference image itemId and userId) to the girder_worker binding spec for output files that specify the reference attribute in their xml spec.