The legal principles of our brave civilization are created as a logical abstraction from this declaration of basic rights on Planet Mars. Future generations may change and create better versions of this constitution, when they can collect the majority agreement of 75%, from all regional residents. Different versions of this Mars constitution may exist in different geographic regions of our civilization.
All individuals can have legal rights and obligations as long as the state can recognize them as living individuals with an intellect or basic intelligence that does require the state to assign legal rights or the legal identity. Individuals are above the legal organizations in the order of protection of their rights. Different animals, humans, aliens, robots, AI and similar types of individuals can have different rights and obligations.
1. Neutrality of the government. The government selects to treat all citizens, residents or visitors with equality, as long as the individual or the legal organization is free from the crimes or the direct intent of harm, cause violence that harm the individual, legal organization or the democracy itself.
2. Citizens, Residents or Visitors can have different rights, obligations or benefits.
3. Right of Identity. The Residents, Citizens, or Visitors have the right to obtain a universal identity, secondary public identities for privacy, legal economic identities, etc. The state can force the individual or organization to have a universal identity for administrative purposes of the state.
4. Right of Privacy. The state selects to protect the personal data and the identity of the individual as long as there is no direct of indirect harm to other individuals that may result from the protection of this individual privacy. The legal or economic organizations have no privacy, but their individuals do.
5. Right of Ownership and Property. The state protects the property rights of ownership of objects, space, economic organizations, or legal entities, as long as the protection of the ownership does not harm other individuals or their rights.
6. Financial Privacy for individuals. The state selects to give the right of financial privacy to individuals as long as they do not use this financial privacy for acts of crime or harm against other individuals or economic groups, or the democracy itself. The financial and legal organizations have no right for financial privacy.
7. The universal democracy and voting rights. The individuals have the right to vote in the selection process of their operational government, the judges, the regional administrative government, the changes of important universal rules and regulations, the long term financial investments of the government, the proposals for the law reforms, the regional issues and similar important issues that do require the public vote or agreement. The state selects to allow the individuals to vote as long as their vote creates no crime, violence or harm against other individuals or the democracy itself.
8. The right of free movement. The individuals and legal organizations have the right to move without restriction as long as their movement creates no harm, violence or the restriction of rights to other individuals, the legal organizations, or the democracy itself.
9. The right of free education and basic economic assistance. The government selects to provide the free education and basic economic assistance or safety to individuals who need basic education or economic assistance. The amount of the basic education and economic safety must be selected by a public vote, the financial logic and public discussion. This right is provided by the social investment fund of the government, which is independent from the administrative government. The economic finances, assets, property or similar of the social investment fund are provided by the taxes that the citizens vote for every 5 years.
10. The right of free economic activity. The Mars civilization selects to protect the right for free economic activity, as long as this economic activity does not harm the rights of other individuals, the natural environment, the legal organizations or the democracy itself. The citizens, residents, and visitors can have different economic freedom rights.
11. The right of citizenship. Every individual or legal organization can have a legal residency in the physical or digital space of the Mars civilization. The individuals can become citizens or residents by birth , by the substantial payment of taxes, substantial investment into the social fund, substantial economic activity, the ownership of local personal home, public vote, or family connection. Citizens and residents can have different public rights.
11. The right of basic housing. The government selects to provide housing to the residents, visitors or citizens. The social housing fund is responsible to provide the housing. The income and the operational finances of the social housing fund are created by the residents of the social housing. The residents of social housing can vote on the investments of the social hosing fund. The price of social housing is calculated by the expenses of construction + investments + maintenance + administrative costs.
12. Basic freedom from taxes. The social funds that provide social services of medical assistance, housing, basic income safety, retirement safety, education, and similar social services are free from taxes. There is no taxes on medicine, income, economic activity, investments, or wealth. There are limited taxes for the use of resources, products, services, land or water.
Pay for what you use, not for what you create !
The Mars civilization selects to limit the maximal tax to 10%, as long as the product or service does not harm the individual, or the legal organization, the health of the natural environment, or the democracy itself. Otherwise the tax on the harmful product or service can be higher than 10%.
13. Freedom of money creation or acceptance. The Mars civilization does not create money. The citizens create OR accept their own forms of money, valuable assets, or transactional currency for their economic activity. Visitors or residents from other civilizations may pay taxes in the currency that the citizens of the Mars civilization accept for the payment of taxes. Every 5 years, the Mars civilization citizens can vote on the form of money or assets that the state fund can use for the storage or collection of tax funds.
14. Freedom of religion or public opinion. The individuals of the Mars civilization can have the legal right for the expression of their personal opinion , and or religion , as long as their public practice, communication OR public opinion dos not create direct or indirect crimes, permanent restriction of legal rights, or the direct intent of substantial harm, OR cause of violence that harm the individual, legal organization or the stability of the democracy itself.
15. Economic Freedom and Neutrality of Competitive Capitalism. Free and unrestricted economic activity is allowed to all individuals and legal organisations. As long as their econommic activity is not hurting other individuals, legal organisations, the environment, public goods, or the democracy itself. Restrictions and punishments may apply on hurtful economic activity, where punishments can repair or prevent the damage.
Monopolies may be broken up into parts that allow other competitors to use the services of the monopoly at the same cost to all competitors. Public social funds are excluded from neutrality restrictions when it does increase their efficiency and reduces the price of service for all user groups.
15. Fair Judgement and social punishment. All individuals and legal organisations have the right for a fair trial in 3 independent courts, or the public oppinion vote, after at least 3 independent judgements can not agree on the guilt level, the punishment or damage repair methods.
Punishment for crime correction and prevention is decided by the best available method. The methods of punishment and damage correction are connected to the amount of damage and the most effective method of further crime prevention / rehabilitation of the criminal.
16. Forgiveness and law reforms. Law can be wrong. Low can be bad. The future generations can create better law that fits their situation and reality. The laws of the Mars civilization have automatic expiration dates of 50 years for long term law reforms. 25 years for medium term laws. 10 years for short term laws. The expiration of the law can be extended at the end of the expiration date by a vote of the legislative congress of elected officials.
18. High Quality Government. All government officals must pass a test of their professional and personal skills that are required for their job. All elected officials must pass a test of selected skills, before they can be elected. The test results should be public before the voting period. The test can be repeated once in 200 days.
1. Protection of the personal rights and the democracy. The state and the Mars Civilization can remove or restrict the rights of selected citizens, residents or visitors, if the particular individual intends to harm the existence of the basic rights of other individuals or the existence of the democratic state itself. Self-protection of the state can remove the rights of the individual, when this particular individual wants to destroy the rights of all individuals of our brave civilization.
2. Taxes and contributions to the state funds. The Mars civilization selects to create taxes that help to fund the basic function of the government OR the democracy itself. The citizens have the right to vote on the distribution of their tax contributions.
The individuals and the legal organizations are required to assist the state in the collection of the taxes, where the state fund can not collect them automatically. The individual or legal organization can collect the full tax and keep 1% of the tax, if it helps the state to collect the tax without legal errors and double taxation.
The state fund can invest tax income into other social funds that provide social services. The state fund can not provide social services itself. The annual public vote of the citizens is required to agree on the annual investments and the income distribution of the state fund taxes. The state fund can directly pay the government employees and elected officials, but they can not decide where the state fund will invest the money. The state fund can have assets and investments that grow the economic stability of the state. The investments and assets are selected by the annual public vote.
3. Separation of power of the state. The state selects to divide the power of itself between : the citizens, elected politicians, the administrative employees, the legal administration, the police, the army, and tax collectors, the social service funds, the regional administration, the economic safety funds, the operational saving funds for the different parts of the state.
4. Restriction of crime and violence. The individuals and legal organizations are required to assist the government in the prevention of direct or indirect crimes, permanent restriction of individual rights, or the direct intent of substantial harm, OR cause of violence that harm the individual, legal organization or the stability of the democracy itself.
The government reserves the monopoly to execute violence or penalty, or neutral judgment, or punishment, or correction treatment, or rehabilitation treatment, or forced medical treatment, or forced psychological treatment, or forced psychedelic treatment, or the forced correction of AI citizens, where this application of violence may protect the individual or the stability of the democracy, or the life and rights of other individuals. The inclusion of the public and the expert opinion is required to vote on the types of punishment, levels, amounts, duration and the forms of correction treatments for criminal activities.
The government correction force has the monopoly on violence, but the citizens can select the level of this corrective violence or the restriction of rights.