1.11.0 (2023-07-08)
1.10.4 (2023-07-06)
1.10.3 (2022-03-28)
- amend: add --append to autocompletion (8040baa)
1.10.2 (2022-01-20)
- stdout with line-break and strings (0fcb79b)
1.10.1 (2022-01-17)
- removes console.log (78cd664)
1.10.0 (2022-01-17)
- list: calculation of cw end date (a34a821)
- remove console statemants (56c8ca3)
- removes console statements (fad0763)
1.9.0 (2022-01-11)
1.8.1 (2022-01-10)
- deps: update dependency commander to v8.2.0 (#188) (7f5ccd5)
- deps: update dependency inquirer to v8.2.0 (#189) (a4effc6)
- deps: update dependency open to v8.3.0 (#193) (655df03)
- deps: update dependency table to v6.7.2 (#192) (a54cabe)
- increase node version in .nvmrc (8a71168)
- service: use of columns argument (b9efcc1)
- trigger release (9bdcb25)
- trigger release (8ae795c)
1.8.1-alpha.2 (2022-01-10)
- service: use of columns argument (b9efcc1)
1.8.1-alpha.1 (2022-01-10)
- deps: update dependency commander to v8.2.0 (#188) (7f5ccd5)
- deps: update dependency inquirer to v8.2.0 (#189) (a4effc6)
- deps: update dependency open to v8.3.0 (#193) (655df03)
- deps: update dependency table to v6.7.2 (#192) (a54cabe)
- increase node version in .nvmrc (8a71168)
1.8.0 (2021-08-11)
- 0 revenue returns as number instead of blank (cacb4dc)
- deps: update dependency open to v8.0.5 (#143) (a74b6e3)
- deps: update dependency open to v8.0.6 (#147) (3759f6d)
- format artifact (ff03472)
- number with units omit space (040af74)
- undefined config outputFormat handling (6b7e4ac)
1.7.1 (2021-03-10)
- deps: update dependency open to v8 (#134) (766f36d)
- deps: update dependency open to v8.0.2 (#136) (ccc9e52)
- list guessing of time period parameter (9040bf3)
1.7.0 (2021-02-28)
- deps: update dependency commander to v7 (#117) (491cb6b)
- deps: update dependency inquirer to v8 (#132) (074569e)
- deps: update dependency nconf to ^0.11.0 (#103) (a1117fe)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.3.1 (#116) (7b53c7a)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.4.0 (#122) (bbccc2a)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.4.2 (#129) (6ecd44c)
1.6.0 (2020-11-23)
- autocomplete install/uninstall wait for user input #101 (#102) (625deaf)
- config: json parsing error handling using erro handler (#62) (8e56fac)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.2.0 (#65) (edb9329)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.2.1 (#67) (9f809c5)
- deps: update dependency open to v7.3.0 (#84) (a0cfd65)
- deps: update dependency table to v6 (#69) (3b887ef)
- format option lowercased (38b1826)
- adds alias mite resume which runs mite start --last (#78) (69489aa)
- amend last & start --last (#82) (d193b35), closes #77 #77
- amend: adds user-id option to change assigend user (8444405)
- list understands 1y or 2year (#26) (14d0140)
1.5.0 (2020-05-26)
- artifact for logging in mite-api (1ed50e2)
- customer-update: fix archived flag for completion (225b586)
- deps: update dependency chalk to v4 (675945a)
- deps: update dependency csv-string to v4 (67206da)
- different list commands use regexp for matching for items (140d41a)
- users: search query used correctly (33680ed)
- ammend: set new date to move time-entry (2fbd816)
- disable enhanced unicode columns with NO_COLOR (0486127)
1.4.0 (2020-03-21)
- adds gitlab branch & merge-request tags as default highlight (581e08e)
1.3.0 (2019-12-21)
- mite-list: bug in recognizing relative periods (4dc7adf)
- mite-list: wrongly accepted weekday (243d3e2)
- mite-list: pass relative durations like 2d or 3w (8f6c85a)
- mite-list: period can be a weekday name (60c18fb)
1.2.1 (2019-10-03)
- helpers: getMySelf mispelling (fecb888)
- mite-list: accept also underscored time period’s like "this_month" (34edfcd)
- mite-list: allow passing of exact dates without replacing underscores (646f81b)
- mite-list: fix replacement of period hyphens (f5b7cb1)
- mite-list: no coloring and utf8 chars in some formats (9fbb5df)
- mite-services: fixes call to mite services (66166c4)
1.2.0 (2019-08-28)
- mite-list: adds thousand seperators to numbers (b65c03e)
- mite-list: adds thousand seperators to revenue values (c9f0a34)
- mite-list: changes note highlight regexp for highlighting durations (949cd47)
- mite-list: coloring of minutes & hours (807095a)
- mite-list: defaults to today fixed (addcc7b)
- mite-list: show all entries when no period is set (52779ff)
- mite-list: adds hours column which shows industry hours (68a9d26)
- project-list: adds revenue column for showing total revenue per project (4cfb9d6)
- project-list: budget chart and percentage orange or red (4e80e3e)
- project-list: last month actively used monthly budget shown (fa31eef)
- project-list: optional display of budget used as chart or value(s) (a2b0977)
1.1.2 (2019-07-29)
- mite-list: typo in filters breaking whole list (6161089)
1.1.1 (2019-07-29)
- mie-list: duration coloring with existing yellow instead of orange (2acfcef)
- mite-list: 0-value columns are not filtered in grouped reports (b8c1922)
- mite-list: apply min/max-duration also to grouped reports (4e1a7db)
- mite-list: different default columns when groupBy is used (66afe00)
- mite-list: fix json output ansi color stripping (e0c4385)
- mite-list: no colored undefined revenue anymore (31d46d9)
- mite-list: removes additional line-break when using TSV format (e3511f8)
- mite-list: using dataformater for grouped output too (c532dcc)
- mite-new: auto-completion escape space service or customer (913f3a2)
1.1.0 (2019-07-12)
- list: adds missing limit and locked to autocompletion (d8222e6)
- list: autocompletion works again (a2ec467)
- mite-list: error handling upon errs in getTimeEntries call (b681f71)
- list: adds max-duration and min-duration (932e4cb)
- list: highlight durations above 8 (orange) or 12 hours (red) (18241a6)
- mite-amend: set/add/remove minutes of time-entry (10864f4)
1.0.1 (2019-06-27)
- customer-new: show server error messages correctly (f76b3e2)
- customer: new now accepts the name (3207b62)
- errors: check for lowercased NODE_ENV (658e6ca)
- list: table footer not empty anymore (5a3d727)
- mite-amend: only match timeEntryId when it’s truish (895857d)
- mite-api: addTimeEntry callback argument order (03ec43c)
- project-new: correct default for budgetType (bd7fd58)
- project-new: show server error messages correctly (97f2534)
- project: new now accepts the name (e3bb65d)
- start: correct error message shown (d7510a7)
1.0.0 (2019-06-24)
- correct description for --hourly-rate option (1cf1c56)
- customer-update: typo in success message (75f81fd)
- err or err.message output upon errors in most of sub commands (b888702)
- list: service and project id & date-completion improvment (7c7a355)
- mite-list: empty table headers in grouped output (c38628e)
- mite-list: no default limit value (01a96f5)
- mite-new: different response format from mite-api package (24a99dd)
- only use update_entries when flag is set (e59d1eb)
- projects-list: projects with no customer show blank value (bdba7ef)
- removes custom error code as mite-api lib covers most of the cases (677e1d6)
- sort: string or array parameter (2eef4a6)
- all underscore options use minus now (ebfe6be)
- adds archived column and option can be set to "all" (d1e2ad0)
- adds config customizable columns for all listing commands (84ca387)
- adds customer-delete (aa1a31b)
- adds JSON output format (fe95bd3)
- adds JSON output format (5b054a0)
- config: adds ability to modify note hightlighting pattern (e8f4dc1)
- config: adds currency code as config option (a50046b)
- customer: adds auto-completion for delete & update (e56457d)
- list: adds "all" as option for columns which show all colums available (7d1fc5c)
- list: adds tracking column (b770e5f)
- list: sort by multiple fields in asc and desc order (861332c)
- mite-amend: pass note as argument or pipe-in (e699c8e)
- mite-amend: use first argument as note if it’s not numeric (97efeac)
- project-delete: adds auto-completion (cb9fe8d)
- project-new: adds ability to create new customers (e21107b)
- project-new: adds ability to create new projects (0605e6c)
- project-update: adds budget & budget_type options (3c94dd4)
- project: adds ability to delete (60dd072)
- projects-list: adds archived column (d52af59)
- service: adds ability to update service’s properties (bc893b9)
- service: adds auto-completion for delete & update (ca92479)
- update hourly_rate and update entries in customer, project and service (c213cf0)
- all options containing an underscore are changed to have a minus instead so that it aligns with the other options which contain multiple words. F.e.
0.10.0 (2019-04-20)
- adds -n1 argument to each example that contains xargs (cb9c728)
- new: showing error message when is no TTY (5afa795)
- list: adds locked filter (6c9511b)
- new: accepting content for node through tsdin (ee41af7)
- users: adds columns option (b6152b7)
0.9.0 (2019-04-19)
- amend: more precise error message with no tracker or invalid id (dd47fde)
- config: prevent setting of undefined variable (5eaa01d)
- config: re-enable resetting values to their default (2248b48)
- mistakenly changed alias for customers (7d02c0a)
- mite: accidential dublicate parsing of argv (93ad79e)
- projects: customer_name exact matches (45ef317)
- typo in auto-completion name in lock and unlock (8620b2e)
- typo in mite autocomplete uninstall (697b6ed)
- adds --help to all the auto-completions (ff40cf5)
- adds base for auto-completion for all mite subcommands (96e7f44)
- adds outputFormat to config to define global output format (c95eac4)
- amend: auto-completed provides list of 5 last entries of the user (87309f4)
- customer-update: adds auto-completion for customer list and archived state (eefb1b9)
- customer-update: adds command for updating single customer (8733b12)
- customer-update: auto-comple list depends on archived option (c44e29e)
- customer-update: change name and note of a customer (42f4090)
- customers: adds --column option (33df7a5)
- customers: adds --columns option to define which colums are shown (bd734c8)
- customers: adds auto-completion for options and option values (60bff36)
- delete: adds autocompletion which shows last 5 entries (26edb09)
- formater: adds durationToMinutes helper function (1f249d9)
- list: --user_id auto-completion shows you at the current user (d527e06)
- list: adds auto-completion for options and option values (a3906bd)
- list: adds text as output format (31be856)
- list: adds time period completion when date is started to enter (6b4ddee)
- list: services auto-completion shows billable services with dollar sign (8ab0340)
- lock: adds auto-completion for options (c410ab2)
- lock: adds auto-completion for options (9d6469e)
- lock: adds sub-command to lock single time entries (38ec3e0)
- new: accepts minutes in duration format HH:MM (2b14588)
- new: adds auto-completion for project, services, minutes and date (4e8ac36)
- new: create new time entries using project or service ids (afa2830)
- project-update: adds auto-completion for argument and project ids (a36923d)
- project-update: auto-comple list depends on archived option (cb37578)
- project-update: change name and note of a project (1a8a76a)
- projects: adds auto-completion for options and option values (06e4c4b)
- project: update a project f.e. archive/unarchive it (d5342c6)
- services: adds --columns option (0736812)
- services: adds auto-completion for options and option values (29f44bb)
- start: adds auto-completion which shows latest 5 entries (25201d0)
- unlock: adds sub-command to unlock single time entries (47db187)
- users: adds auto-completion options and option values (12b325f)
0.8.1 (2019-03-17)
- use master of mite-api to fix package security warnings (26bae84)
0.8.0 (2019-03-17)
- adds descriptions for cli arguments (4c28876)
- adds example to almost all help messages (7c5084d)
- list: adds capability to read display column names from config (6d8f946)
- mite-new: accept all inputs via optional arguments (e1d549e)
0.7.0 (2018-12-14)
- list: correct revenue reduction for correct sum (6f24c46)
- list: default sort option using constant (e833a2d)
- wrongly increased version number (106a152)
- budgets: adds format option (831be4b)
- list: adds markdown table output (cc7f93c)
- list: adds optional csv, tsv or table output format (0c76b6f)
- list: highlight numeral hashtags (github) (921bba3)
- list: option to define the columns shown (c3e9085)
- projects: adds format option (85d4e81)
- services: adds format option (db474cd)
- user: adds format option (f180ea7)
0.6.4 (2018-11-05)
- list: adds missing user column (bae35b5)
0.6.3 (2018-11-02)
- config: config file stored securely in home directory (f17e448), closes #2
- config: removes ENV injectable account, apiKey and application (af4268a)
0.6.2 (2018-10-09)
0.6.1 (2018-09-22)
- new: use of note argument (0d598f2)
- new: first arguments used as note (e478dd1)
- projects: making archived true the default option (0ed2510)
0.6.0 (2018-04-06)
- list: empty service & project names displayed as "-" (89add52)
- list: notes with line-breaks (687384f)
- list: null revenues shown as "-" (0d9d074)
- projects: empty customer displayed as "-" (ae515d1)
- service: rate displayed as "-" when null (f380878)
- amend: adds inline or editor-edit currently tracked entry’s note (ad435c7)
- customers: adds list of customers (9f634c5)
- customers: sort by rate / hourly_rate (dd82769)
- list: adds "sort" options for api-side ordering the results (ffbd738)
- list: adds group_by argument and alternate table output format (541d0f3)
- list: highlight jira identifiers (cabd423)
- project: show archived & not archived in one list (185c876)
- projects: list projects (0a32f3a)
- projects: order by customer_name & id (59103c3)
- project: sort by budgets & hourly_rate (0609b91)
- projects: search for customer names (15a9c0d)
- services: adds list of services (c0464f5)
- services: show archived & not archived in one list (0b4556f)
- users: shows archived & not archived users in one list (a1f721d)
0.5.0 (2018-03-14)
- new: errors while starting time entry are shown (abf2869)
- new: newly create time entry id is shown in output (3967f29)
- new: start tracker (312a0fc)
- new: start tracker (3fcd425)
- delete: introduces mite delete command (75aa6ed)
- list: adds from & to options (47fcd37)
- list: adds tracking option (83e208c)
- list: filter using user_id (5866a75)
- new: optional leave service & project empty (d4ec166)
- user: adds first index column (e8fd2fe)
- user: adds user list & archived user list (bcc015c)
- user: client-side search in email, name & note with regexp (2bde83c)
- user: filter by user roles (8b83154)
- user: sort by column name (de3e471)
0.4.4 (2018-02-16)
- list: use checkmark instead of lock due to char width (3d88cfc)
- migrates cli-table2 to table package (acf59ac)
0.4.3 (2018-02-16)
- using mite-api fork for updated npm packages (c83b1af)
0.4.2 (2018-02-13)
- new: show error message when creation fails (ab4a895)
0.4.1 (2018-01-08)
- adds alias "ls" for "list" and "create" for "new" (1072252)
- budgets: adds duration column to table output (0d1b5b1)
- open: also open mite url when time entry id not given (b4f21c9)
- open: alternate message when no id given (b68377d)
- start: adds verbose error message when entry not found (b8637ea)
0.4.0 (2017-09-19)
- list: set default limit to 100 to return not-billable entries (fb9c476)
0.3.0 (2017-08-24)
- list: index column right aligment (7dab9e2)
- list: revenue & duration order (b2ef56d)
- removes padding (ed4d859)
- right-badding in budget and list table (bb8d218)
- list: show time entry id (a2babbb)
- running time entry indicated with unicode triangle "▶" (e9879f6)
- start time entry by id (ded7161)
- stop any running entry (4eab9e6)