Changed repo name from brainspin to cvasl
- cli module for command line interface
- file_handler module for configuring and hashing data
- carve module for handeling DICOM data
- mold module for plotting and debiasing images
- seperated module for dealing csv and tsv derived data
- a changelog
- tests/ for testing
First version of this Python project to follow the Netherlands eScience Center software development guide, containing (added to this version):
- License
- Notice
- seperate environments for harmonization experiments inside harmonization_paper folder
- notebook showing how showable standard was generated
- file with standard for submitting to package inside researcher_interface folder
- preliminary linear regression models as baseline for brain age models
Second version of this Python project to follow the Netherlands eScience Center software development guide, containing (added to this version):
- additional experiments inside harmonization_paper folder
- example of correct format for csv of derived values to use with library
Third version of this Python project containing (added to this version):
haromnzation_abstract_one folder to save and make reproducible work for brain mapping abstract
exact freeze of environment in precise_working_environment
harmony module for functions related to implementing common harmonization algorithms
harmony also includes new graphing functions in harmony module to illustrate harmonization effects e.g.
updates to seperated module including:
new functons in seperated to bin data on a continous variable
generalized functions for k-folding as specific to project in seperated module
k folding which allows splitting on two variables (one continuous, one categorical) with
function -
command-line sex recoding over a folder
command-line loging of columns over a folder
command-line loging of columns over a file
command-line cleaning off unwanted columns run over a folder
Fourth version of this Python project containing (added to this version):
- testing has been changed to use pytest ( all unit-test formatted tests will still run)
- testing has been split into two files so CI can run a docker based testing, and a general (multi-os) test
- testing platform (what makes venv + run) switched to tox
- possibility to test notebooks with nbmake module added, but not in CI due to time and data issues
- vendor module of cvasl, harmonization code from outside packages previously without releases, original open licenses copied
- vendor module versions for RELIEF, neurocombat, autocombat, Combat++, covbat and open nested combat
Fifth version of this Python project containing (added to this version):
- work for first long paper in secluded notebooks = reworked environment to run all pythonharmonizations from venfor in one environment
- change to setup to include vendor