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BookBrowser is a full solution for book digitalisation. The desktop application provides an interface to digitise a book using any scanner device, an interface to manage a digitised book library and an interface to read digitised books on screen.
BookBrowser can be used to archive any paper documents to a numerical support or simply transform some kilo of papers to Go of space disks.
BookBrowser is multi-platforms and features:
- A digitised book library showing book covers
- A scanner interface similar to XSane and featuring a timer to estimate the scan process time (supports |Sane|_ and |WIA|_)
- A book metadata editor to define title etc.
- A pane showing page thumbnails
- A page viewer which permits to navigate, zoom and fix page orientation
- Pages can be converted to text using the |Tesseract| Open Source OCR Engine
- supports |FreeDesktopThumbnail|_
Implementation details:
BookBrowser is written in |Python|_ and the user interface is based on the |Qt|_ framework. BookBrowser can thus run on desktop platform like Linux, OSX and Windows, as well as on some embedded devices.
The documentation is available on the |BookBrowserHomePage|_.
Look at the installation section in the documentation.
Authors: Fabrice Salvaire