- Allow NetSync on sequential reload action groups - PTTheta
- Bullet casing ejection - PTTheta
- Fix action stack sync on server, generic delay parameter for all action instances - PTTheta
- Clean up some log spam - Flan
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - PTTheta
- Nasty hack to fix effect renderer - PTTheta
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- Added Modrinth upload tasks - Flan
- Fix Bullet acceleration not applying - PTTheta
- Bump up BulletEntity render distance - PTTheta
- Bit stinky but it seems to work - PTTheta
- Lock-on for multiple shot magazines, fix some guidance crashes - PTTheta
- Bullet trails fix, effect positioning fix - PTTheta
- Fix third person transforms and poseStack -> TransformStack - Flan
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- Consistent physics mod id, ready for build - Flan
- Particle trails for projectiles initial commit - PTTheta
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- 3rd person render tweaks - Flan
- Fix #69 - DUPE FIX - Flan
- Delay function for SpawnParticleAction and AttachEffectAction - PTTheta
- Very basic, may be worth integrating a delay into the base Start > Trigger > Tick setup for ActionInstance - PTTheta
- Spawn Particle Action - PTTheta
- Individual IDs for actions and modifiers - PTTheta
- Gun modification table rework + paint + Patreon - Flan
- Some vender fixes - Flan
- Try to fix vender radio - Flan
- Ignore data run from tinkers branch - Flan
- Physic - Flan
- Better construct and hints - Flan
- Tons of teams features - Flan
- Teamsy things - Flan
- Teams work - Flan
- Fix some bugs - Flan
- Interfaces for collision system - Flan
- Constructs - Flan
- Teams construct work still - Flan
- Some more instancing - Flan
- Some start on huds - Flan
- More teams stuff - Flan
- More gamemode stuff - Flan
- Add files - Flan
- More TeamsAPI and construct - Flan
- Teams doesn't crash on startup - Flan
- Teams stuff including dim swap - Flan
- Some more Teams functionality - Flan
- TeamsMod basic structures - Flan
- TurboReading - Flan
- Allow TurboBox/TurboShapeBox model .json - Flan
- Redo Turbo baking to allow box, shapebox etc definitions - Flan
- Why so bouncy - Flan
- Physics are very slidy but getting better - Flan
- The cube topples - Flan
- Fix just so many bugs in the physic - Flan
- Added bullet bags, not working yet - Flan
- More physics and big memory leak fix - Flan
- New resolver logic - Flan
- Merge pull request #72 from DevArchwave/1.20 - Flan
- Return empty optional when there is no capability for a null ordinal - Flan
- PhysicsMod is fully independent now - Flan
- Move DebugRenderer into Physics mod - Flan
- Cut some old debug in transform - Flan
- More net work - Flan
- More netsync prep - Flan
- Start of physics net sync - Flan
- Add start of some collision tests - Flan
- Move resolve step into tasks - Flan
- More camelCasing - Flan
- CamelCase in Physics library - Flan
- Some more physics - Flan
- Axis-aligned collisions working - Flan
- Separators working - Flan
- Massive collision work, not yet tested - Flan
- Turret Block Works - Flan
- Shooty Block - Flan
- Return empty optional when there is no capability for a null ordinal - DevArchWave
- Remove unneccessary debug. Whoops - PTTheta
- Bullet guidance modes and lock-on logic - PTTheta
- Merge pull request #71 from FlansMods/vehicles - Flan
- Vehicles - Flan
- Physics better but not working - Flan
- Fix a lot of 1st frame bugs with physics - Flan
- A whole day just fixing arrows - Flan
- Do units right - Flan
- Units will make me sane I hope - Flan
- Some stuff - Flan
- Whoops debug timer - Flan
- Fix a lot of weird things with distillers - Flan
- Consume inputs at end of processing - Flan
- Give distillation sided caps - Flan
- Fix mineable settings for blocks - Flan
- Fix part fab being picky with material matches - Flan
- Render the amounts of ingredient (even partial) - Flan
- Allow repeat crafting and make default hoppers better - Flan
- Add pocket workbench - Flan
- Fix the rare grenade crash - Flan
- Fix missing block tags for crafting - Flan
- Fix item transforms - Flan
- Added sus grenades - Flan
- Frog nades - Flan
- Fix #56 - Flan
- More vehicle progress - Flan
- We compile again - Flan
- Gobbledygook - Flan
- Physics - Flan
- Some vehicles, also FIX HOT SWAP :D - Flan
- Stuck in wheel sync, maybe not parts - Flan
- Vehicle syncing - Flan
- Tons of WIP, doesn't compile, just backing up - Flan
- Changing the entire rendering system? - Flan
- Inputs improvements - Flan
- More vehicle work - Flan
- Driving inputs sorta laid out - Flan
- Lots of structures - Flan
- Initial structures - Flan
- Initial test export of World Wars - Flan
- Prevent a huge amount of hash map reallocation - Flan
- Don't copy the item stack if its already identical. This can be enough heap allocation to kill a low performance machine whenever a gun is used - Flan
- Fatal hit markers are red - Flan
- Fix scope overlay not hiding gun - Flan
- Sort recipes the same on client and server - Flan
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- Not much - Flan
- Update emissive renderer - PTTheta
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- #44 Use regular entity shaders (seems fine?) - Flan
- Fix some bad maths in sound dropoff - PTTheta
- Gunshot volume drop-off with range - PTTheta
- Stop bullet trail rendering when no hitscan - PTTheta
- 3rd person muzzle particles - PTTheta
- Anim events maybe - Flan
- Add Armour item, fix thrashing canPerformAction - Flan
- #39 Add config file - Flan
- Lots of laser render improvements - Flan
- Muzzle Flashes - Flan
- Laser in 3rd person - Flan
- Fix mag edits on server - Flan
- Don't hide gun model when remote player scopes - Flan
- Don't process release as press event on remote client - Flan
- Fix trait tooltips - Flan
- Some projectile tweaks and fix traits not loading - Flan
- Improved auto-build versioning and bumped things - Flan
- Make sure we ALWAYS send a release input to server - Flan
- Remove debug testing, so that snapshots snap every frame - Flan
- Fixes for Gun crafting in MP - Flan
- Avoid a call to getItems during client remote init - Flan
- Client remote connection is odd, it goes like - Flan
- Wipe all tags - Flan
- Evaluate recipe categories (we don't care, but default implementation is to check the input items) - Flan
- Apply tags - Flan
- So we don't want to cache our matching items at this point - Flan
- #51 Multiplayer shooting is functional - Flan
- Supply strings for transform debug - Flan
- New hitbox code - Flan
- #49 Fix actions showing up on clients - Flan
- Fix mineable tag for gun mod table - Flan
- #50 Add some Attributes for modpacks - Flan
- Should be - Flan
- "flansmod.impact_damage_multiplier" - Flan
- "flansmod.splash_radius_multiplier" - Flan
- "flansmod.time_between_shots_multiplier" - Flan
- "flansmod.shot_spread_multiplier" - Flan
- "flansmod.vertical_recoil_multiplier" - Flan
- "flansmod.horizontal_recoil_multiplier" - Flan
- Modifier and ability refactor pretty functional - Flan
- More modifier updates, nearly ready - Flan
- Tidy up ground item poses - Flan
- New data exports for better stat accumulating - Flan
- Stacking maybe done aaaaa - Flan
- More ability and modifier rework - Flan
- Abilities rework, breaks data for old abilities - Flan
- Abilities refactor - not currently functional - Flan
- Fix grenade launcher crash - Flan
- (Version Bump!) Data changes to add ResLoc and ItemCollection - Flan
- Fix full auto triggering on server without shot data - Flan
- Finally fix tag exports - Flan
- Sort out messy partial tag setup - Flan
- Use contexts in the Workbench for better data retention - Flan
- #43 Fix trigger spam that was causing infinite damage - Flan
- Re-exported item tags #42 - Flan
- Fix comodification crash? Are players not threadsafe? - Flan
- Fix context invalidation on reconnecting to game - Flan
- Fix various publishing errors - Flan
- Ready for 1.20.1 release - Flan
- Build script stuff - Flan
- Context fixes - Flan
- Some content fixes and RepeatMode fixes - Flan
- Contexts much more stable and working in MP - Flan
- ContextHistory??? - Flan
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- Full Auto works much better - Flan
- Switch item rendering VertexBuffer to not conflict with other mods - PTTheta
- Fix nether travel and guns - Flan
- Fix bullet spread - Flan
- Some UI touchups - Flan
- JEI for distillation - Flan
- New content exports - Flan
- Particle shoot effects - PTTheta
- Fix tags - Flan
- Gun Fabricator full rework - Flan
- Reexport item models - Flan
- GunFabrication refactor to be a .json recipe - Flan
- Merge pull request #33 from FlansMods/1.20-jei - Flan
- Added JEI for part recipes - Flan
- Added JEI for part recipes - Flan
- Reexport for UV rotations - Flan
- Tons of transformstack fixes and content re-exports - Flan
- Additional gun components - PTTheta
- Tooltip improvements - Flan
- UI fixes - Flan
- Merge branch '1.20' of https://github.com/FlansMods/FlansModReloaded into 1.20 - Flan
- Lasers and sane transforms at last, also testing - Flan
- Sanitise id tag checks for compatibility for other mods - PTTheta
- ActionContexts looking tidy - Flan
- 1.20 Kinda Working - Flan
- Add totem grip - Flan
- Render types, like emissive or transparent - Flan
- Fix some more transform scaling with the new stack - Flan
- Fix mode toggling while ADS is active - Flan
- Apply isScoping mixin to reduce ADS sensitivity - Flan
- 45 deg sights and mode toggles - Flan
- TransformStack refactor and LASERS :D - Flan
- MP fixes (and hard wood ability) - Flan
- Abilities nearer feature complete #15 - Flan
- Boom, Headshot - add effects for abilities - Flan
- Abilities Initial Commit + Gun UUIDs - Flan
- Added 2h dual wield error to HUD #30 - Flan
- Eject bullets when decreasing mag size #27 - Flan
- Added paintcans and mag upgrades to loot #14 - Flan
- Add attachment crafting recipes #17 - Flan
- Update part crafting to be a vanilla category - Flan
- Fix first person shot origins - Flan
- Rename animations to avoid other anim mods - Flan
- Improvements to first person ADS - Flan
- #13 Smooth gun rotation and allow player to control with scroll wheel - Flan
- Added new stocks for F&C and HM - Flan
- Potential OptiFine fix - Flan
- Restrict inputs in gun fabrication to matching parts - Flan
- Remove old debug animation tool - Flan
- Fix some stale ShooterContexts after death - Flan
- Don't upload sources to CurseForge - Flan
- Fix crash on exit - Flan
- Crafting fixes - Flan
- Attempt at bullets rendering in trails - Flan
- Iterate APs when calculating eye line - Flan
- Attachments now restrict to weapon types - Flan
- Npc fixes - Flan
- Additional fixes and content tweaks - Flan
- Clean up duplicate APs - Flan
- Disable unfinished content - Flan
- PhanTek Seeker - Flan
- HM & FC stocks - Flan
- TakeYourLifeInYourHands Totem Grip - Flan
- Flashlights - Flan
- Add missing strings - Flan
- Add 3rd person poses for guns - Flan
- New SFX - Flan
- Stop Gradle crashing if you don't have the Curseforge token - Flan
- Fixed gun caching behaviour being jank - Flan
- Fix mods.toml files and pack.mcmeta files, builds look good - Flan
- Build scripts producing outputs - Flan