This is WIP...
The Sponate system comprises a JavaScript-based language to express mappings from SPARQL result sets to JavaScript objects, an engine to execute these mappings, and a set of interfaces. The fundamental principle is, that the JavaScript object tree structures may references to other trees.
- BindingMapper: Maps a binding to a literal value
- Aggregator: A specification for grouping bindings to objects
- Accumulator: Object that accumulates bindings for a specific group
The meaning of the array construct depends on the provided arguments.
ISSUE How to create a static array - i.e. an array with a fixed number of items? [{ id: '?o}] will create new items for each now id. Maybe it is sufficient if we only set a fixed id?
In general:
Arrays with functions as the last argument evaluate to an object
[ '?o' ] An array of objects. By default, distinct / uniq is applied, using the provided comparator.
[ '?o', {distinct: false}] A second argument can be provided to configure array options.
[ '?o', function(o) { }] If the last argument is a function, all prior arguments are considered as value references (todo defined referenecs), and will be passed as function arguments in the specified order.
[ [ '?o' ], function(array) { } ] Declarations can be nested. This example creates an array of objects that is then passed into a transformation function
[ '?o', '?i' ] Use ?i as the index
Functions can be placed into the sponate context for references by name context.declare('length', function(x) { return x.length; });
- [ [ '?o' ], 'length' ] Will yield the length of the array of ?o's
[ '?o', ['?i', function(i) { return i + 1; }]] Create an array of objects based on transforming ?i
[ '?o', '?i', function(i) { return i + 1; }] This will pass ?o to the function and eventually yield ?o + 1.
Default Context comparator
** Functions 'value': yield the literal value for literal nodes, the uri (without <>) for uris, "_:blanknodeid", or identity in any other case 'lang': yield the language attribute.
Issues: Should a warning be issued as the function declares fewer parameters than provided?
names: [[{ firstName: '?fn', lastName: '?ln' }, function(obj) { return obj.firstName + obj.lastName; }]]
Objects are created using the combination of [{ id: literalExpr attr1: subTemplate1 attrn: subTemplateN }]
The id attribute is special, as it represents the id of the object in that list. This specifies a sequence
name: 'projects',
template: [{
id: '?s',
//displayName: labelAggregator // Aggregator fields cannot be filtered server side.
name: '?l',
partners: [{
id: ['?o', function(o) { return o + 1 }]
name: '?pl',
amount: '?a',
from: '?s a fp7o:Project ; rdfs:label ?l ; fp7o:funding [ fp7o:partner [ rdfs:label ?pl ] ; fp7o:amount ?a ]'
var agg =
new AggObject({
displayLabel: new AggTransform(new AggBestLabel(bestLabelConfig), NodeUtils.getValue),
hiddenLabels: new AggArray(
new AggTransform(new AggLiteral(new BindingMapperExpr(new ExprVar(o))), NodeUtils.getValue))