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Releases: KNMI/adaguc-server

GeoJSON reader now supports multiple dataobjects

23 Sep 06:49
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GeoJSON reader now supports multiple dataobjects, useful for styling earthquake files with age and magnitude variables.

Version 2.7.7

21 Sep 11:56
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  • GeoJSON reader now supports featuretype Point.
  • Added support for radar volume scan files based on KNMI volume radar data
  • Added ogcapi features api


2.7.6 - Fix legend display with Log scale

12 Jul 09:50
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  • Legend with Log scale did not show labels

Quantize product times on ingest

11 Jul 10:38
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This change make sit possible for ADAGUC to apply quantizemthod/quantizeperiod attributes to product times on ingest (instead of only on TIME= request values as it was originally).
This makes it possible to quantize for example NOAA GOES16 product times, which is useful because GOES16 product times can vary a few seconds.

Should be enabled by configurig the time dimension, for example like this:
<Dimension name="time" quantizeperiod="PT10M" quantizemethod="round">time</Dimension>
quantizemethod can be low, high or round (round is the default).

Behaviour was also fixed for quantizemethod="high": if a value is exactly on a quantizeperiod step, it is not rounded up. (For example with quantizemethod="high" quantizeperiod=PT10M the timestamp 2022-07-08T12:00:00Z yields 2022-07-08T12:00:00Z

Continuous Legend graphic supports inverted min and max

06 Jul 14:00
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  • Continuous Legend graphic supports inverted min and max

  • Legend graphic code split and refactored

Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols

06 Apr 13:37
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Version 2.7.1 2022-04-06

  • Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
  • The time dimension for a layer in a GetCapabilities document can now be set based on the modification time of the file by configuring a dimension using: <Dimension default="filetimedate">time</Dimension>
  <Symbol name="triangle" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [0.0, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
  <Symbol name="square" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
  <Style name="age_magnitude">
    <Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="100000">magnitude</Legend>
    <NameMapping name="point" title="Seismic events with age and magnitude" abstract="The seismic events are colored according to age and the size of the disc is based on Magnitude"/>
    <Point min="2592000" max="1000000000000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="triangle" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#CCCCCC" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="604800" max="2592000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="square" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FFFFFFFF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="86400" max="604800" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FFFF00FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="3600" max="86400" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FF9900FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="0" max="3600" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FF0000" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <LegendGraphic value="{ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR}/beslegend.png"/>

  <Layer type="database">
    <FilePath filter="^.*\.csv$">/data/adaguc-autowms/BES/usgs_earthquakes-bla.csv</FilePath>



Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols

06 Apr 12:23
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Version 2.7.1 2022-04-06

  • Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
  • The time dimension for a layer in a GetCapabilities document can now be set based on the modification time of the file by configuring a dimension using: <Dimension default="filetimedate">time</Dimension>
  <Symbol name="triangle" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [0.0, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
  <Symbol name="square" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
  <Style name="age_magnitude">
    <Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="100000">magnitude</Legend>
    <NameMapping name="point" title="Seismic events with age and magnitude" abstract="The seismic events are colored according to age and the size of the disc is based on Magnitude"/>
    <Point min="2592000" max="1000000000000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="triangle" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#CCCCCC" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="604800" max="2592000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="square" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FFFFFFFF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="86400" max="604800" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FFFF00FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="3600" max="86400" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FF9900FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <Point min="0" max="3600" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false"  fillcolor="#FF0000" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
    <LegendGraphic value="{ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR}/beslegend.png"/>

  <Layer type="database">
    <FilePath filter="^.*\.csv$">/data/adaguc-autowms/BES/usgs_earthquakes-bla.csv</FilePath>



Support for pointstyle radiusandvalue

21 Mar 11:04
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Automate docker build and push to dockerhub

08 Feb 07:50
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Automate docker build and push to dockerhub

2.6.5 Hillshading enabled

24 Dec 15:38
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Merge pull request #194 from KNMI/265

Version 2.6.5