Database Anime [ Rus | Eng ]
DatabaseAnime - is program for management of your anime, manga, amv and dorama which you ever watched, you want to look or simply heard about them, actually you can define as and for what to use the program.
It is my first project on Qt, difficult functions can be developed long enough.
- Idea, design and testing of application - Maxx Volniy
- Idea of a logo of the application: Pavel Enotin
- Thanks to the portal for the provided API
- Idea of use API Vlados Kurtukov
- Download last stable release for your system
- Compile from source code.
- ArchLinux users can find a package in AUR
- Qt >= 5.3.0
- SQLite >= 3.0
- In future versions it is planned: ToDo
- That done: ChangeLog
- If found a error create new issue
- Group: ВКонтакте
- eMail: [email protected]
- DatabaseAnime is licensed under GNU GPLv3
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