sentinelTimer是sentinel逻辑的main函数,100ms时间间隔定期执行。由当前sentinel发起的所有 操作都是从此处触发.
/* src/sentinel.c */
4010 void sentinelTimer(void) {
4011 sentinelCheckTiltCondition();
4012 sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(sentinel.masters);
3953 /* Perform scheduled operations for all the instances in the dictionary.
3954 * Recursively call the function against dictionaries of slaves. */
3955 void sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(dict *instances) {
3956 dictIterator *di;
3957 dictEntry *de;
3958 sentinelRedisInstance *switch_to_promoted = NULL;
3960 /* There are a number of things we need to perform against every master. */
3961 di = dictGetIterator(instances);
3962 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
3963 sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de);
3965 sentinelHandleRedisInstance(ri);
3966 if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) {
3967 sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(ri->slaves);
3968 sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(ri->sentinels);
3918 /* Perform scheduled operations for the specified Redis instance. */
3919 void sentinelHandleRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
3920 /* ========== MONITORING HALF ============ */
3921 /* Every kind of instance */
3922 sentinelReconnectInstance(ri);
3923 sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(ri);
3925 /* ============== ACTING HALF ============= */
3935 /* Every kind of instance */
3936 sentinelCheckSubjectivelyDown(ri);
3938 /* Masters and slaves */
3939 if (ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) {
3940 /* Nothing so far. */
3941 }
3943 /* Only masters */
3944 if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) {
3945 sentinelCheckObjectivelyDown(ri);
3946 if (sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(ri))
3947 sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED);
3948 sentinelFailoverStateMachine(ri);
3949 sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_NO_FLAGS);
3950 }
3951 }
可以看到大部分逻辑其实集中在sentinelHandleRedisInstance这个函数里,这个函数 作用于master,slave以及sentinel role的sentinelRedisInstance上。 sentinelHandleRedisInstance里的每个函数都很有意思,后续章节会逐一介绍。
- sentinelReconnectInstance
- sentinelSendPeriodicCommands
/* src/sentinel.c */ 57 #define SRI_DISCONNECTED (1<<3) 118 typedef struct sentinelRedisInstance { 124 redisAsyncContext *cc; /* Hiredis context for commands. */ 125 redisAsyncContext *pc; /* Hiredis context for Pub / Sub. */ 127 mstime_t cc_conn_time; /* cc connection time. */ 128 mstime_t pc_conn_time; /* pc connection time. */
cc是连接到的sentinelRedisInstance具体所指向的instance的command connection, pc是用于subscribe sentinelRedisInstance具体所指向的instance的pubsub connection。
从之前介绍的sentinel的拓扑结构结合此处来看,每个master sentinelRedisInstance struct 会创建一个cc连接和一个pc连接到指向的相应的master redis instance,每个 master sentinelRedisInstance struct的*slaves dict所指向的所有 slave sentinelRedisInstance struct也会一一创建一个cc连接和一个pc连接到指向的 相应的slave redis instance。另外对于每个master sentinelRedisInstance struct 的*sentinels dict所指向的所有sentinel sentinelRedisInstance也会一一创建一个cc连接 到指向的相应的sentinel instance, 但是没有pc,sentinel不会直接订阅其他的sentinel。 即sentinel之间不会直接的subscribe的行为,也就没有pc存在的必要。 稍微重新提一下,拓扑结构中的master struct的*sentinels部分, 对于每个master,对于监控某个master的所有other sentinel instance, 都会直接 创建一个role为sentinel的sentinelRedisInstance作为到当前sentinel的本地映射并挂载 在该master strurt的下,即master struct的*sentinels的value为 指向sentinel sentinelRedisInstance的指针。注意到此处,直接二字就意味着重复, 一个sentinel可以同时monitor一批redis master instance。也就是两个master下可能有相同的 sentinel instance,对此采取的操作是重复的独立的建立两个sentinel sentinelRedisInstance, 而不是复用同一个sentinel sentinelRedisInstance,用指针或者其他的方式来共享sentinel sentinelRedisInstance。 这将会导致一个很严重的连接数增长的问题,后续会详细介绍.
/* src/sentinel.c */ 931 /* Note that all the instances are started in the disconnected state, 932 * the event loop will take care of connecting them. */ 933 ri->flags = flags | SRI_DISCONNECTED; 938 ri->cc = NULL; 939 ri->pc = NULL; 940 ri->pending_commands = 0; 941 ri->cc_conn_time = 0; 942 ri->pc_conn_time = 0;
干掉无效连接,如长时间没有获得过正确的reply之类的, 在此分为cc和pc两种连接方式介绍一下reconnect方式。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1619 /* Completely disconnect a hiredis link from an instance. */ 1620 void sentinelKillLink(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, redisAsyncContext *c) { 1621 if (ri->cc == c) { 1622 ri->cc = NULL; 1623 ri->pending_commands = 0; 1624 } 1625 if (ri->pc == c) ri->pc = NULL; 1626 c->data = NULL; 1627 ri->flags |= SRI_DISCONNECTED; 1628 redisAsyncFree(c); 1629 }
cc重连机制, 也即sentinelReconnectInstance中cc的部分
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1703 /* Create the async connections for the specified instance if the instance 1704 * is disconnected. Note that the SRI_DISCONNECTED flag is set even if just 1705 * one of the two links (commands and pub/sub) is missing. */ 1706 void sentinelReconnectInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 1707 if (!(ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED)) return; 1708 1709 /* Commands connection. */ 1710 if (ri->cc == NULL) { 1711 ri->cc = redisAsyncConnectBind(ri->addr->ip,ri->addr->port,REDIS_BIND_ADDR); 1712 if (ri->cc->err) { 1713 sentinelEvent(REDIS_DEBUG,"-cmd-link-reconnection",ri,"%@ #%s", 1714 ri->cc->errstr); 1715 sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->cc); 1716 } else { 1717 redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE, 1718 "+cmd-link-connection %s %d", 1719 ri->addr->ip, ri->addr->port); 1720 ri->cc_conn_time = mstime(); 1721 ri->cc->data = ri; 1722 redisAeAttach(server.el,ri->cc); 1723 redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(ri->cc, 1724 sentinelLinkEstablishedCallback); 1725 redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(ri->cc, 1726 sentinelDisconnectCallback); 1727 sentinelSendAuthIfNeeded(ri,ri->cc); 1728 sentinelSetClientName(ri,ri->cc,"cmd");
可以看到是通过SRI_DISCONNECTED这个flag来判断是否要进一步判断重连, 这个flag的作用就是cc或者pc只要出问题了,都为真,都需要杀掉重连。 然后是判断ri->cc是否为NULL。由于是async bind,还设置了 sentinelLinkEstablishedCallback,sentinelDisconnectCallback两个callback。
还有一个值得注意的地方,sentinelSetClientName会让这个link的remote instance将 这个link的命名从一个无意义的名字提升为一个成更有意义的名字,供使用者 从remote instance的角度获得更清晰的分门别类的连接信息,以便能够更好的管理连接。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1686 /* Use CLIENT SETNAME to name the connection in the Redis instance as 1687 * sentinel-<first_8_chars_of_runid>-<connection_type> 1688 * The connection type is "cmd" or "pubsub" as specified by 'type'. 1689 * 1690 * This makes it possible to list all the sentinel instances connected 1691 * to a Redis servewr with CLIENT LIST, grepping for a specific name format. */ 1692 void sentinelSetClientName(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, redisAsyncContext *c, char *type) { 1693 char name[64]; 1694 1695 snprintf(name,sizeof(name),"sentinel-%.8s-%s",server.runid,type); 1696 if (redisAsyncCommand(c, sentinelDiscardReplyCallback, NULL, 1697 "CLIENT SETNAME %s", name) == REDIS_OK) 1698 { 1699 ri->pending_commands++; 1700 } 1701 }
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1706 void sentinelReconnectInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 1707 if (!(ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED)) return; 1734 /* Pub / Sub */ 1735 if ((ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) && ri->pc == NULL) { 1736 ri->pc = redisAsyncConnectBind(ri->addr->ip,ri->addr->port,REDIS_BIND_ADDR); 1737 if (ri->pc->err) { 1738 sentinelEvent(REDIS_DEBUG,"-pubsub-link-reconnection",ri,"%@ #%s", 1739 ri->pc->errstr); 1740 sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->pc); 1741 } else { 1742 int retval; 1743 1744 redisLog(REDIS_VERBOSE, 1745 "+pubsub-link-connection %s %d", 1746 ri->addr->ip, ri->addr->port); 1747 ri->pc_conn_time = mstime(); 1748 ri->pc->data = ri; 1749 redisAeAttach(server.el,ri->pc); 1750 redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(ri->pc, 1751 sentinelLinkEstablishedCallback); 1752 redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(ri->pc, 1753 sentinelDisconnectCallback); 1754 sentinelSendAuthIfNeeded(ri,ri->pc); 1755 sentinelSetClientName(ri,ri->pc,"pubsub"); 1756 /* Now we subscribe to the Sentinels "Hello" channel. */ 1757 retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->pc, 1758 sentinelReceiveHelloMessages, NULL, "SUBSCRIBE %s", 1759 SENTINEL_HELLO_CHANNEL); 1760 if (retval != REDIS_OK) { 1761 /* If we can't subscribe, the Pub/Sub connection is useless 1762 * and we can simply disconnect it and try again. */ 1763 sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->pc); 1764 return; 1765 } 1766 } 1767 } 1768 /* Clear the DISCONNECTED flags only if we have both the connections 1769 * (or just the commands connection if this is a sentinel instance). */ 1770 if (ri->cc && (ri->flags & SRI_SENTINEL || ri->pc)) 1771 ri->flags &= ~SRI_DISCONNECTED;
可以看到是判断了((ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) && ri->pc == NULL), 并且设置了callback,并且设置了link name,并且立即通过pc连接订阅了instance上的 SENTINEL_HELLO_CHANNEL这个channel,关于hello message后续章节会详细介绍. 从此处可以看出当前sentinel只是同master或者slave instance建立了pc连接,并且 只订阅了SENTINEL_HELLO_CHANNEL这个频道,用于被动的接受新鲜的消息。
SRI_MASTER 表示这个sentinelRedisInstance struct表示的role是master
SRI_SLAVE 表示这个sentinelRedisInstance struct表示的role是slave
SRI_SENTINEL 表示这个sentinelRedisInstance struct表示的role是sentinel
SRI_DISCONNECTED 对于表示master或者slave的sentinelRedisInstance struct即 ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)来说,是指cc或者pc中任意一个处于未响应的状态, 对于ri->flags & SRI_SENTINEL来讲,是指cc处于未响应的状态。
/* src/sentinel.c */
71 /* Note: times are in milliseconds. */
72 #define SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD 10000
73 #define SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD 1000
74 #define SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD 1000
/* src/sentinel.c */
2342 /* Send periodic PING, INFO, and PUBLISH to the Hello channel to
2343 * the specified master or slave instance. */
2344 void sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
2345 mstime_t now = mstime();
2346 mstime_t info_period, ping_period;
2347 int retval;
2349 /* Return ASAP if we have already a PING or INFO already pending, or
2350 * in the case the instance is not properly connected. */
2351 if (ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED) return;
2353 /* For INFO, PING, PUBLISH that are not critical commands to send we
2354 * also have a limit of SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS. We don't
2355 * want to use a lot of memory just because a link is not working
2356 * properly (note that anyway there is a redundant protection about this,
2357 * that is, the link will be disconnected and reconnected if a long
2358 * timeout condition is detected. */
2359 if (ri->pending_commands >= SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS) return;
2361 /* If this is a slave of a master in O_DOWN condition we start sending
2362 * it INFO every second, instead of the usual SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD
2363 * period. In this state we want to closely monitor slaves in case they
2364 * are turned into masters by another Sentinel, or by the sysadmin. */
2365 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) &&
2366 (ri->master->flags & (SRI_O_DOWN|SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS))) {
2367 info_period = 1000;
2368 } else {
2369 info_period = SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD;
2370 }
2372 /* We ping instances every time the last received pong is older than
2373 * the configured 'down-after-milliseconds' time, but every second
2374 * anyway if 'down-after-milliseconds' is greater than 1 second. */
2375 ping_period = ri->down_after_period;
2376 if (ping_period > SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD) ping_period = SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD;
并且设置了一个最大的SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS的上限, 默认是100,达到上限之后, 暂时不再增加,除非老的未响应的连接超时被杀掉腾出位置来。从这里可以看出, 如果监控一批100个以上的redis instances,这个上限还是很紧张的。
info_period, SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD默认是10000ms,如果这个 sentinelRedisInstance是表示slave的,并且该slave的master处于odown甚至是failover in progress时, info_period是1000ms,以更快得到该slave可能被提升为master而产生的角色变更信息。
/* src/sentinel.c */
2342 /* Send periodic PING, INFO, and PUBLISH to the Hello channel to
2343 * the specified master or slave instance. */
2344 void sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
2345 mstime_t now = mstime();
2378 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SENTINEL) == 0 &&
2379 (ri->info_refresh == 0 ||
2380 (now - ri->info_refresh) > info_period))
2381 {
2382 /* Send INFO to masters and slaves, not sentinels. */
2383 retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc,
2384 sentinelInfoReplyCallback, NULL, "INFO");
2385 if (retval == REDIS_OK) ri->pending_commands++;
2386 } else if ((now - ri->last_pong_time) > ping_period) {
2387 /* Send PING to all the three kinds of instances. */
2388 sentinelSendPing(ri);
2389 } else if ((now - ri->last_pub_time) > SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD) {
2390 /* PUBLISH hello messages to all the three kinds of instances. */
2391 sentinelSendHello(ri);
2392 }
再看sentinelSendPeriodicCommands的后半部分,可以看到info只是作用于master或者slave角色的sentinelRedisInstance struct上, 而sentinelSendPing,sentinelSendHello是作用于三种role的sentinelRedisInstance struct上, sentinelSendHello后续章节会详细解释,这里解释一下sentinelInfoReplyCallback, sentinelSendPing这两个func。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2038 void sentinelInfoReplyCallback(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) { 2047 if (r->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING) { 2048 sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(ri,r->str); 2049 } 2050 }
由于这是一个callback方法,ri其实就是上面调用redisAsyncCommand时的第一个参数 ri->cc中ri相关的sentinelRedisInstance,只能表示master或者slave。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1795 /* cache full INFO output for instance */ 1796 sdsfree(ri->info); 1797 ri->info = sdsnew(info); 1911 ri->info_refresh = mstime();
可以看到ri->info的作用就是用来直接缓存整个从指向的redis instance获取到的info的。 ri->info_refresh只是记录了更新info的之后的那个时间点。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1822 /* old versions: slave0:<ip>,<port>,<state> 1823 * new versions: slave0:ip=,port=9999,... */ 1824 if ((ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) && 1825 sdslen(l) >= 7 && 1826 !memcmp(l,"slave",5) && isdigit(l[5])) 1827 { 1850 /* Check if we already have this slave into our table, 1851 * otherwise add it. */ 1852 if (sentinelRedisInstanceLookupSlave(ri,ip,atoi(port)) == NULL) { 1853 if ((slave = createSentinelRedisInstance(NULL,SRI_SLAVE,ip, 1854 atoi(port), ri->quorum, ri)) != NULL)
之前也提到过,从master的info中发现该master下未知的slave, 若有发现,则作为slave挂载在当前master sentinelRedisInstance之下。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1861 /* master_link_down_since_seconds:<seconds> */ 1862 if (sdslen(l) >= 32 && 1863 !memcmp(l,"master_link_down_since_seconds",30)) 1864 { 1865 ri->master_link_down_time = strtoll(l+31,NULL,10)*1000; 1866 }
master_link_down_since_seconds: 这是slave instance的info中的一部分, master instance的info中没有部分信息。也就只有表示slave的sentinelRedisInstance struct的 这个信息才是有效的。 slave的sentinelRedisInstance struct会将该信息记录在ri->master_link_down_time中。 关于master_link_down_since_seconds的细节后续会详细介绍。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1868 /* role:<role> */ 1869 if (!memcmp(l,"role:master",11)) role = SRI_MASTER; 1870 else if (!memcmp(l,"role:slave",10)) role = SRI_SLAVE; 1871 1872 if (role == SRI_SLAVE) { 1873 /* master_host:<host> */ 1874 if (sdslen(l) >= 12 && !memcmp(l,"master_host:",12)) { 1875 if (ri->slave_master_host == NULL || 1876 strcasecmp(l+12,ri->slave_master_host)) 1877 { 1878 sdsfree(ri->slave_master_host); 1879 ri->slave_master_host = sdsnew(l+12); 1880 ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); 1881 } 1882 } 1883 1884 /* master_port:<port> */ 1885 if (sdslen(l) >= 12 && !memcmp(l,"master_port:",12)) { 1886 int slave_master_port = atoi(l+12); 1887 1888 if (ri->slave_master_port != slave_master_port) { 1889 ri->slave_master_port = slave_master_port; 1890 ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); 1891 } 1892 } 1893 1894 /* master_link_status:<status> */ 1895 if (sdslen(l) >= 19 && !memcmp(l,"master_link_status:",19)) { 1896 ri->slave_master_link_status = 1897 (strcasecmp(l+19,"up") == 0) ? 1898 SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_UP : 1899 SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_DOWN; 1900 } 1901 1902 /* slave_priority:<priority> */ 1903 if (sdslen(l) >= 15 && !memcmp(l,"slave_priority:",15)) 1904 ri->slave_priority = atoi(l+15); 1905 1906 /* slave_repl_offset:<offset> */ 1907 if (sdslen(l) >= 18 && !memcmp(l,"slave_repl_offset:",18)) 1908 ri->slave_repl_offset = strtoull(l+18,NULL,10); 1909 } 1910 } 1918 /* Remember when the role changed. */ 1919 if (role != ri->role_reported) { 1920 ri->role_reported_time = mstime(); 1921 ri->role_reported = role; 1922 if (role == SRI_SLAVE) ri->slave_conf_change_time = mstime(); 1923 /* Log the event with +role-change if the new role is coherent or 1924 * with -role-change if there is a mismatch with the current config. */ 1925 sentinelEvent(REDIS_VERBOSE, 1926 ((ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) == role) ? 1927 "+role-change" : "-role-change", 1928 ri, "%@ new reported role is %s", 1929 role == SRI_MASTER ? "master" : "slave", 1930 ri->flags & SRI_MASTER ? "master" : "slave"); 1931 }
这部分是针对info中的role章节的,针对slave解析了ri->slave_master_host, ri->slave_master_port,ri->slave_master_link_status,ri->slave_priority, ri->slave_repl_offset这项几个信息出来,并且记录了ri->slave_master_host, ri->slave_master_port这两个值变动的时间到ri->slave_conf_change_time。
ri->slave_master_host 就是slave sentinelRedisInstance用来记录指向的 redis instance认为从info中暴露出来的master_host信息的。ri->slave_master_port同理。
ri->slave_conf_change_time 值得注意的几点是,有且仅有以下几点,
记录该sentinelRedisInstance之前的role为master,现在从指向 instance的info中报告是slave的变更时间。
ri->slave_master_link_status 是slave sentinelRedisInstance用来记录从info中暴露出来的 slave和其master的master_link_status状态信息。关于master_link_status后续章节会详细介绍。
ri->slave_priority 是slave sentinelRedisInstance用来记录从info中暴露出来的slave_priority信息。
ri->slave_repl_offset 是slave sentinelRedisInstance用来记录从info中暴露出来的slave_repl_offset信息。
此处注意的是ri->flags除了SRI_RECONF_xxx系列之外的其他flag位包括SRI_MASTER,SRI_SLAVE并 不会直接被从info得到的信息更新。SRI_RECONF_xxx系列后续会详细介绍。
可以看到"+role-change"、"-role-change"这两种message的区别是,"+role-change"是flags已经 在之前被更新,新来的info信息报告吻合了之前的flags更改。 "-role-change"则是新报告的info信息和现有的flags不吻合。
ri->role_reported, ri->role_reported_time
role_reported被初始化为该sentinelRedisInstance创建的role, ri->role_reported = ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE); 如果role是sentinel,则此flags所有位都是0, 相当于是初始空白信息的含义.
当该sentinelRedisInstance被sentinelResetMaster重置时,会将ri->role_reported = SRI_MASTER; sentinelResetMaster的细节后续会详细介绍。
Handle slave -> master role switch
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1944 /* Handle slave -> master role switch. */ 1945 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_MASTER) { 1946 /* If this is a promoted slave we can change state to the 1947 * failover state machine. */ 1948 if ((ri->flags & SRI_PROMOTED) && 1949 (ri->master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) && 1950 (ri->master->failover_state == 1951 SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION)) 1952 { 1953 /* Now that we are sure the slave was reconfigured as a master 1954 * set the master configuration epoch to the epoch we won the 1955 * election to perform this failover. This will force the other 1956 * Sentinels to update their config (assuming there is not 1957 * a newer one already available). */ 1958 ri->master->config_epoch = ri->master->failover_epoch; 1959 ri->master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_RECONF_SLAVES; 1960 ri->master->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); 1961 sentinelFlushConfig(); 1962 sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+promoted-slave",ri,"%@"); 1963 sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+failover-state-reconf-slaves", 1964 ri->master,"%@"); 1965 sentinelCallClientReconfScript(ri->master,SENTINEL_LEADER, 1966 "start",ri->master->addr,ri->addr); 1967 sentinelForceHelloUpdateForMaster(ri->master); 1968 } else { 1969 /* A slave turned into a master. We want to force our view and 1970 * reconfigure as slave. Wait some time after the change before 1971 * going forward, to receive new configs if any. */ 1972 mstime_t wait_time = SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD*4; 1973 1974 if (!(ri->flags & SRI_PROMOTED) && 1975 sentinelMasterLooksSane(ri->master) && 1976 sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(ri,wait_time) && 1977 mstime() - ri->role_reported_time > wait_time) 1978 { 1979 int retval = sentinelSendSlaveOf(ri, 1980 ri->master->addr->ip, 1981 ri->master->addr->port); 1982 if (retval == REDIS_OK) 1983 sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+convert-to-slave",ri,"%@"); 1984 } 1985 } 1986 }
在当前的ri是role为slave的sentinelRedisInstance,而指向的redis instance的info信息中确报告自己为master. 这是我们遇到的第一种master slave role信息不吻合的情况。 这样的情况下,有以下几部分逻辑,
如果此时从我们记录的状态来看,该slave sentinelRedisInstance确实是被标记为SRI_PROMOTED, 并且ri->master->failover_state为SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION,表示相应的master的failover正在进行中, 并且此slave sentinelRedisInstance就是被promote为master的promoted_slave。则首先在此完成upgrade config这一变更, 关于failover和这个upgrade config变更的细节后续会详细讨论。
如果不是上面的情况, 如果以下几个条件同时满足(下面提到的wait_time的定义是mstime_t wait_time = SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD*4; 8s)
如果该slave sentinelRedisInstance没有被我们标记为SRI_PROMOTED
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1776 /* Return true if master looks "sane", that is: 1777 * 1) It is actually a master in the current configuration. 1778 * 2) It reports itself as a master. 1779 * 3) It is not SDOWN or ODOWN. 1780 * 4) We obtained last INFO no more than two times the INFO period time ago. */ 1781 int sentinelMasterLooksSane(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { 1782 return 1783 master->flags & SRI_MASTER && 1784 master->role_reported == SRI_MASTER && 1785 (master->flags & (SRI_S_DOWN|SRI_O_DOWN)) == 0 && 1786 (mstime() - master->info_refresh) < SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD*2; 1787 }
该slave sentinelRedisInstance指向的master sentinelRedisInstance, 该master sentinelRedisInstance标记自己是SRI_MASTER并且记录的role_reported也是SRI_MASTER,
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1286 /* Return non-zero if there was no SDOWN or ODOWN error associated to this 1287 * instance in the latest 'ms' milliseconds. */ 1288 int sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, mstime_t ms) { 1289 mstime_t most_recent; 1290 1291 most_recent = ri->s_down_since_time; 1292 if (ri->o_down_since_time > most_recent) 1293 most_recent = ri->o_down_since_time; 1294 return most_recent == 0 || (mstime() - most_recent) > ms; 1295 }
如果距离master sentinelRedisInstance记录的最近一次sdown或者odown掉的时间大于wait_time 8s的话,则为真.
mstime() - ri->role_reported_time > wait_time
距离上一次role_reported的时间也得大于wait_time,即这个role的role_reported已经持续了这么长时间, 同上面一项合起来的意思是想表明该slave sentinelRedisInstance在wait_time这段时间内没有sdown或者odown过, 并且role_reported持续了wait_time没有变过。
上面几个条件完全满足的话,此时会尝试发送sentinelSendSlaveOf纠正这个info中报告自己是master的 instance SlaveOf我们config中的master,以配合sentinel的config记录的那样。并且 输出"+convert-to-slave"这样的message,我个人认为要尽量避免这个message出现。
会在回收sentinelRedisInstance处理SRI_PROMOTED状态的slave的master的promoted_slave属性。 以及abort failover的时候该master的promoted_slave的SRI_PROMOTED属性会被清空,
/* src/sentinel.c */ 997 /* Release this instance and all its slaves, sentinels, hiredis connections. 998 * This function does not take care of unlinking the instance from the main 999 * masters table (if it is a master) or from its master sentinels/slaves table 1000 * if it is a slave or sentinel. */ 1001 void releaseSentinelRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 1021 /* Clear state into the master if needed. */ 1022 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && (ri->flags & SRI_PROMOTED) && ri->master) 1023 ri->master->promoted_slave = NULL; 3900 void sentinelAbortFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 3907 if (ri->promoted_slave) { 3908 ri->promoted_slave->flags &= ~SRI_PROMOTED; 3909 ri->promoted_slave = NULL; 3910 }
会在failover的过程中,被选中的slave sentinelRedisInstance会被置为SRI_PROMOTED状态, 并且将master sentinelRedisInstance的promoted_slave记录为此slave sentinelRedisInstance。
3668 void sentinelFailoverSelectSlave(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 3669 sentinelRedisInstance *slave = sentinelSelectSlave(ri); 3670 3671 /* We don't handle the timeout in this state as the function aborts 3672 * the failover or go forward in the next state. */ 3673 if (slave == NULL) { 3677 } else { 3678 sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+selected-slave",slave,"%@"); 3679 slave->flags |= SRI_PROMOTED; 3680 ri->promoted_slave = slave; 3685 } 3686 }
值得注意的是,ri->promoted_slave以及SRI_PROMOTED,只有进行某个master的failiover的 sentinel instance的该master sentinelRedisInstance struct里才会记录的相关状态, SRI_PROMOTED只有该sentinel instance该master sentinelRedisInstance下的某个被选中 准备提升为master的slave sentinelRedisInstance才有。 这两个属性不会传播给其他sentinel instance。后续还会提到SRI_PROMOTED用于在 sentinelFailoverDetectEnd和sentinelFailoverReconfNextSlave中skip掉某些逻辑的用途。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 1988 /* Handle slaves replicating to a different master address. */ 1989 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && 1990 role == SRI_SLAVE && 1991 (ri->slave_master_port != ri->master->addr->port || 1992 strcasecmp(ri->slave_master_host,ri->master->addr->ip))) 1993 { 1994 mstime_t wait_time = ri->master->failover_timeout; 1995 1996 /* Make sure the master is sane before reconfiguring this instance 1997 * into a slave. */ 1998 if (sentinelMasterLooksSane(ri->master) && 1999 sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(ri,wait_time) && 2000 mstime() - ri->slave_conf_change_time > wait_time) 2001 { 2002 int retval = sentinelSendSlaveOf(ri, 2003 ri->master->addr->ip, 2004 ri->master->addr->port); 2005 if (retval == REDIS_OK) 2006 sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+fix-slave-config",ri,"%@"); 2007 } 2008 }
这是我们遇到的第二种master slave role信息不吻合的情况。 这段是处理slave replicating to a different master的情况,即如果 当前slave sentinelRedisInstance的flags role信息和从remote redis instance info获取的 role信息都表示remote redis instance是slave, 这点没有疑问,但是当前slave sentinelRedisInstance的 master信息与从该slave instance info里获取的master信息不吻合,并且满足以下条件, (以下wait_time的定义是mstime_t wait_time = ri->master->failover_timeout;)
sentinelMasterLooksSane(ri->master) maser看起来okay
sentinelRedisInstanceNoDownFor(ri,wait_time) 这个slave在当前时间往前failover_timeout一段时间之内没down掉过。
mstime() - ri->slave_conf_change_time > wait_time 在wait_time这段时间之内 slave的config没有变更过。(具体变更情况,前面已经列举过了.)
就会强制sentinelSendSlaveOf这个slave instance SlaveOf我们当前config中的master instance。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 1789 /* Process the INFO output from masters. */ 1790 void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) { 2010 /* Detect if the slave that is in the process of being reconfigured 2011 * changed state. */ 2012 if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_SLAVE && 2013 (ri->flags & (SRI_RECONF_SENT|SRI_RECONF_INPROG))) 2014 { 2015 /* SRI_RECONF_SENT -> SRI_RECONF_INPROG. */ 2016 if ((ri->flags & SRI_RECONF_SENT) && 2017 ri->slave_master_host && 2018 strcmp(ri->slave_master_host, 2019 ri->master->promoted_slave->addr->ip) == 0 && 2020 ri->slave_master_port == ri->master->promoted_slave->addr->port) 2021 { 2022 ri->flags &= ~SRI_RECONF_SENT; 2023 ri->flags |= SRI_RECONF_INPROG; 2024 sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave-reconf-inprog",ri,"%@"); 2025 } 2026 2027 /* SRI_RECONF_INPROG -> SRI_RECONF_DONE */ 2028 if ((ri->flags & SRI_RECONF_INPROG) && 2029 ri->slave_master_link_status == SENTINEL_MASTER_LINK_STATUS_UP) 2030 { 2031 ri->flags &= ~SRI_RECONF_INPROG; 2032 ri->flags |= SRI_RECONF_DONE; 2033 sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave-reconf-done",ri,"%@"); 2034 } 2035 }
这是failover过程中SRI_RECONF_xx这个系列相关的逻辑,这个逻辑是发生在role为 slave的sentinelRedisInstance上的,这系列flag的定义如下:
/* src/sentinel.c */ 65 #define SRI_RECONF_SENT (1<<9) /* SLAVEOF <newmaster> sent. */ 66 #define SRI_RECONF_INPROG (1<<10) /* Slave synchronization in progress. */ 67 #define SRI_RECONF_DONE (1<<11) /* Slave synchronized with new master. */
如果该instance的info中报告的该instance的role是slave,并且slave sentinelRedisInstance的flags表示 该instance正处于前两个状态,即SRI_RECONF_SENT,SRI_RECONF_INPROG,则需要检查更多的信息来判断 这系列状态是否要往后推进,包括以下两个阶段。
如果该slave sentinelRedisInstance处于SRI_RECONF_SENT状态,并且该 slave sentinelRedisInstance指向的slave instance的info中报告的ri->slave_master_host和 ri->slave_master_port和该slave sentinelRedisInstance记录的ri->master->promoted_slave的host和port相吻合, 则说明在sentinelSendSlaveOf cmd发出去之后,instance已经响应slave of完成, 则标记flags为SRI_RECONF_INPROG进入到下一个阶段。
如果该slave sentinelRedisInstance处于SRI_RECONF_SENT_INPROG状态, 并且相应的slave instance的info中报告的ri->slave_master_link_status已经处于up状态, 则认为整个reconf完成。关于master_link_status具体的含义后续会详细解释。
主导failover过程的sentinel判断该次failover是否结束时,会判断处于该次failover的 master sentinelRedisInstance挂载下的所有slave sentinelRedisInstance是否处于SRI_RECONF_DONE的 状态或者是SRI_PROMOTED状态,SRI_PROMOTED是因为该slave sentinelRedisInstance相应的slave instance 就是这次failover过程中被选出来当做新的master的instance,不需要经历SRI_RECONF_xx系列。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 3729 void sentinelFailoverDetectEnd(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { 3740 /* The failover terminates once all the reachable slaves are properly 3741 * configured. */ 3742 di = dictGetIterator(master->slaves); 3743 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { 3744 sentinelRedisInstance *slave = dictGetVal(de); 3745 3746 if (slave->flags & (SRI_PROMOTED|SRI_RECONF_DONE)) continue; 3747 if (slave->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) continue; 3748 not_reconfigured++; 3749 } 3750 dictReleaseIterator(di);
SRI_RECONF_xx系列 在sentinelFailoverReconfNextSlave的详细作用后续会详细说明。
上面那么大的篇幅终于把info信息的处理这部分内容讲完了,除了sentinelInfoReplyCallback这个 定期收集info信息的逻辑之外,还有sentinelSendPing也是定期执行的。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2342 /* Send periodic PING, INFO, and PUBLISH to the Hello channel to 2343 * the specified master or slave instance. */ 2344 void sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 2386 } else if ((now - ri->last_pong_time) > ping_period) { 2387 /* Send PING to all the three kinds of instances. */ 2388 sentinelSendPing(ri); 2322 /* Send a PING to the specified instance and refresh the last_ping_time 2323 * if it is zero (that is, if we received a pong for the previous ping). 2324 * 2325 * On error zero is returned, and we can't consider the PING command 2326 * queued in the connection. */ 2327 int sentinelSendPing(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 2328 int retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc, 2329 sentinelPingReplyCallback, NULL, "PING"); 2330 if (retval == REDIS_OK) { 2331 ri->pending_commands++; 2332 /* We update the ping time only if we received the pong for 2333 * the previous ping, otherwise we are technically waiting 2334 * since the first ping that did not received a reply. */ 2335 if (ri->last_ping_time == 0) ri->last_ping_time = mstime(); 2336 return 1; 2337 } else { 2338 return 0; 2339 } 2340 }
可以看出来,ping这个cmd是发给master,slave,sentinel三种role的sentinelRedisInstance所指向的instance的, 还可以看到该sentinelRedisInstance的ri->last_ping_time是在ri->last_ping_time为0这个初始状态才会更新的。
ri->last_ping_time, ri->last_pong_time初始化为初始当时时间
/* src/sentinel.c */ 896 sentinelRedisInstance *createSentinelRedisInstance(char *name, int flags, char *hostname, int port, int quorum, sentinelRedisInstance *master) { 944 /* We set the last_ping_time to "now" even if we actually don't have yet 945 * a connection with the node, nor we sent a ping. 946 * This is useful to detect a timeout in case we'll not be able to connect 947 * with the node at all. */ 948 ri->last_ping_time = mstime(); 950 ri->last_pong_time = mstime(); 1164 #define SENTINEL_RESET_NO_SENTINELS (1<<0) 1165 void sentinelResetMaster(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, int flags) { 1188 ri->last_ping_time = mstime(); 1189 ri->last_avail_time = mstime(); 1190 ri->last_pong_time = mstime();
即ping cmd会在ri->last_pong_time最后更新距今已经大于一个ping_period间隔时间持续进行。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2342 /* Send periodic PING, INFO, and PUBLISH to the Hello channel to 2343 * the specified master or slave instance. */ 2344 void sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 2386 } else if ((now - ri->last_pong_time) > ping_period) { 2387 /* Send PING to all the three kinds of instances. */ 2388 sentinelSendPing(ri);
如果得到了acceptable reply,则更新ri->last_ping_time = 0;作为收到了acceptable reply信息的标记。 值得注意的是收到任何reply即使不是acceptable reply,都会更新ri->last_pong_time,会影响上面一条的行为。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2062 void sentinelPingReplyCallback(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) { 2063 sentinelRedisInstance *ri = c->data; 2064 redisReply *r; 2065 REDIS_NOTUSED(privdata); 2066 2067 if (ri) ri->pending_commands--; 2068 if (!reply || !ri) return; 2069 r = reply; 2071 if (r->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS || 2072 r->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 2073 /* Update the "instance available" field only if this is an 2074 * acceptable reply. */ 2075 if (strncmp(r->str,"PONG",4) == 0 || 2076 strncmp(r->str,"LOADING",7) == 0 || 2077 strncmp(r->str,"MASTERDOWN",10) == 0) 2078 { 2079 ri->last_avail_time = mstime(); 2080 ri->last_ping_time = 0; /* Flag the pong as received. */ 2096 ri->last_pong_time = mstime();
send ping cmd,如果此时ri->last_ping_time为0,这是一个从之前的ping获得了acceptable reply的标记, 则再次更新ri->last_ping_time.表示获得acceptable reply之后最早一次pending的ping是什么时候发出去的。 同时ri->last_ping_time不为0也表示至少有一个ping cmd还在pending中,未获得回应。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2322 /* Send a PING to the specified instance and refresh the last_ping_time 2323 * if it is zero (that is, if we received a pong for the previous ping). 2324 * 2325 * On error zero is returned, and we can't consider the PING command 2326 * queued in the connection. */ 2327 int sentinelSendPing(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { 2328 int retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc, 2329 sentinelPingReplyCallback, NULL, "PING"); 2330 if (retval == REDIS_OK) { 2331 ri->pending_commands++; 2332 /* We update the ping time only if we received the pong for 2333 * the previous ping, otherwise we are technically waiting 2334 * since the first ping that did not received a reply. */ 2335 if (ri->last_ping_time == 0) ri->last_ping_time = mstime(); 2336 return 1; 2337 } else { 2338 return 0; 2339 } 2340 }
上面的ping pong恩怨占了sentinelPing的一部分逻辑,因为ri->last_ping_time,ri->last_pong_timer的更新 并不仅是记录作用,ri->last_ping_time被用作sentinelCheckSubjectivelyDown的检查逻辑,具体细节后续会详细介绍。
/* src/sentinel.c */ 2062 void sentinelPingReplyCallback(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) { 2063 sentinelRedisInstance *ri = c->data; 2064 redisReply *r; 2065 REDIS_NOTUSED(privdata); 2066 2067 if (ri) ri->pending_commands--; 2068 if (!reply || !ri) return; 2069 r = reply; 2070 2071 if (r->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS || 2072 r->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 2073 /* Update the "instance available" field only if this is an 2074 * acceptable reply. */ 2075 if (strncmp(r->str,"PONG",4) == 0 || 2076 strncmp(r->str,"LOADING",7) == 0 || 2077 strncmp(r->str,"MASTERDOWN",10) == 0) 2078 { 2079 ri->last_avail_time = mstime(); 2080 ri->last_ping_time = 0; /* Flag the pong as received. */ 2081 } else { 2082 /* Send a SCRIPT KILL command if the instance appears to be 2083 * down because of a busy script. */ 2084 if (strncmp(r->str,"BUSY",4) == 0 && 2085 (ri->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) && 2086 !(ri->flags & SRI_SCRIPT_KILL_SENT)) 2087 { 2088 if (redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc, 2089 sentinelDiscardReplyCallback, NULL, 2090 "SCRIPT KILL") == REDIS_OK) 2091 ri->pending_commands++; 2092 ri->flags |= SRI_SCRIPT_KILL_SENT; 2093 } 2094 } 2095 } 2096 ri->last_pong_time = mstime(); 2097 }
在收到acceptable reply时,不仅更新ri->last_ping_time = 0;,并且更新了ri->last_avail_time, 这个属性和ri->last_pong_time的不同区别就在于尽在acceptable reply时才更新ri->last_avail_time。 这也是ri->last_avail_time的全部意义。
Send a SCRIPT KILL command if the instance appears to be down because of a busy script. 这也是SRI_SCRIPT_KILL_SENT的全部用途。