Hype is able to extend classical planning instances and generate methods and tasks to solve them with a HTN planner using Patterns and Dummy.
Dummy is based on the transformation of STRIPS to HTN presented in Complexity Results for HTN Planning - 3.3 Expressivity: HTNs versus STRIPS representation.
The current implementation of the following algorithm has been expanded to limit the amount of repeated action application.
This limitation purpose it to avoid infinite loops as some actions may undo previous effects, by marking actions as visited once applied and only applying actions not visited more than a certain amount of times.
The repetition expands the amount of methods of perform_goal_p/not_p try_o_to_perform_goal_p/not_p n
, visit
and unvist
Some problems may require more repetitions to satisfy a goal state.
Note that the original algorithm can be used with stochastic search and no repetition control.
The new Hyper compiler does not use generate
and requires calls to each
to be replaced with shuffle!.each
in the domain.
def dummy(operators, initial state, goal state)
create an unordered task list
create methods set
for positive goal predicate p in goal state
create task perform_goal_p
perform_goal_p can be decomposed into:
- method finish_goal_p
- positive precondition p
- subtasks []
- method try_o_to_perform_goal_p for each o in operators
- preconditions of o
- subtasks [visit o, o, perform_goal_p, unvisit o]
add perform_goal_p to task list
for negative goal predicate p in goal state
create task perform_goal_not_p
perform_goal_not_p can be decomposed into:
- finish_goal_not_p
- negative precondition p
- subtasks []
- try_o_to_perform_goal_not_p for each o in operators
- preconditions of o
- subtasks [visit o, o, perform_goal_not_p, unvisit o]
add perform_goal_not_p to task list
define visit o with negative precondition (visited o) and positive effect (visited o) to operators
define unvisit o with negative effect (visited o) to operators
return <operators, methods, initial state, task list>
Example of PDDL to JSHOP:
(define (domain dependency)
(:requirements :strips :typing :negative-preconditions)
(:predicates (have ?a ?x) (got_money ?a) (happy ?a))
(:action work
:parameters (?a - agent)
:precondition (and (not (got_money ?a)))
:effect (and (not (happy ?a)) (got_money ?a))
(:action buy
:parameters (?a - agent ?x - object)
:precondition (and (got_money ?a) (not (have ?a ?x)))
:effect (and (not (got_money ?a)) (have ?a ?x))
(:action give
:parameters (?a ?b - agent ?x - object)
:precondition (and (have ?a ?x) (not (have ?b ?x)))
:effect (and (not (have ?a ?x)) (have ?b ?x) (happy ?b))
(defdomain dependency (
; Operators
(:operator (!work ?a)
((agent ?a) (not (got_money ?a)))
((happy ?a))
((got_money ?a))
(:operator (!buy ?a ?x)
((agent ?a) (object ?x) (got_money ?a) (not (have ?a ?x)))
((got_money ?a))
((have ?a ?x))
(:operator (!give ?a ?b ?x)
(agent ?a) (agent ?b) (object ?x)
(have ?a ?x) (not (have ?b ?x))
((have ?a ?x))
((have ?b ?x) (happy ?b))
(:operator (!!visit_work_1 ?a)
((not (visited_work_1 ?a)))
((visited_work_1 ?a))
(:operator (!!unvisit_work_1 ?a)
((visited_work_1 ?a))
(:operator (!!visit_buy_1 ?a ?x)
((not (visited_buy_1 ?a ?x)))
((visited_buy_1 ?a ?x))
(:operator (!!unvisit_buy_1 ?a ?x)
((visited_buy_1 ?a ?x))
(:operator (!!visit_give_1 ?a ?b ?x)
((not (visited_give_1 ?a ?b ?x)))
((visited_give_1 ?a ?b ?x))
(:operator (!!unvisit_give_1 ?a ?b ?x)
((visited_give_1 ?a ?b ?x))
; Methods
(:method (perform_goal_happy_bob)
((happy bob))
(:method (perform_goal_happy_bob)
(agent ?a)
(not (got_money ?a))
(!!visit_work_1 ?a)
(!work ?a)
(!!unvisit_work_1 ?a)
(:method (perform_goal_happy_bob)
(agent ?a) (object ?x)
(got_money ?a) (not (have ?a ?x))
(!!visit_buy_1 ?a ?x)
(!buy ?a ?x)
(!!unvisit_buy_1 ?a ?x)
(:method (perform_goal_happy_bob)
(agent ?a) (agent ?b) (object ?x)
(have ?a ?x) (not (have ?b ?x))
(!!visit_give_1 ?a ?b ?x)
(!give ?a ?b ?x)
(!!unvisit_give_1 ?a ?b ?x)