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GOA -> K8s Checklist #2061

46 of 49 tasks
artntek opened this issue Feb 5, 2025 · 0 comments
46 of 49 tasks

GOA -> K8s Checklist #2061

artntek opened this issue Feb 5, 2025 · 0 comments


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artntek commented Feb 5, 2025

Checklist: Metacat K8s Installation Steps

from Quick Reference: Metacat K8s Installation Steps

0. Put GOA legacy node in Read-Only mode (special case)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = ON LEGACY HOST = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  • Stop tomcat

    # ssh to legacy host, then...
    sudo systemctl stop tomcat9
  • edit /var/metacat/config/ to add:

  • start tomcat.

    sudo systemctl start tomcat9
  • Check it's in RO mode! https://HOSTNAME/CONTEXT/d1/mn/v2/node - look for:

     <property key="read_only_mode">true</property>

1. Copy Data and Set Ownership & Permissions

  • first rsync the data from the 2.19 instance over to cephfs (OK to leave postgres & tomcat running)

    # can also prepend with time, and use --stats --human-readable, and/or --dry-run
    # metacat:
    sudo rsync -aHAX /var/metacat/data/      /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/metacat/data/
    sudo rsync -aHAX /var/metacat/dataone/   /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/metacat/dataone/
    sudo rsync -aHAX /var/metacat/documents/ /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/metacat/documents/
    sudo rsync -aHAX /var/metacat/logs/      /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/metacat/logs/
    # postgres:
    sudo rsync -aHAX /var/lib/postgresql/    /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/postgresql/
  • After rsyncs are complete, change ownership ON CEPHFS as follows:

    ## postgres (59996:59996) in postgresql data directory
    sudo chown -R 59996:59996 /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/postgresql
    ## tomcat (59997:59997) in metacat directory
    sudo chown -R 59997:59997 data dataone documents logs
  • ...then ensure all metacat data and documents files have g+rw permissions, otherwise, hashstore converter can't create hard links:

    sudo chmod -R g+rw data documents dataone

2. Create Secrets

  • Make a copy of the metacat/helm/admin/secrets.yaml file and rename to ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets.yaml

  • edit to replace ${RELEASE_NAME} with the correct release name:

      name: ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets
  • edit to add the correct passwords for this release (some may be found in legacy; e.g. postgres, DOI, etc.)

  • Deploy it to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f ${RELEASE_NAME}-metacat-secrets.yaml
  • Save a GPG-ENCRYPTED copy to secure storage.

  • Delete your local unencrypted copy.

3. Create Persistent Volumes

Assumes cephfs volume credentials already installed as a k8s Secret - see this tip on creating your own secret, and this DataONEorg/k8s-cluster example.

  • Get the current volume sizes from the legacy installation, to help with sizing the PVs example
  • Create PV for metacat data directory - example
  • Create PV for PostgreSQL data directory - example
  • Create PVC for PostgreSQL - example
  • Only if using a custom theme: Create a PV for the MetacatUI theme directory example

4. Values: Create a new values override file

e.g. see the values-dev-cluster-example.yaml file.

  • TLS ("SSL") setup (ingress.tls.hosts - leave blank to use default, or change if aliases needed - see hostname aliases tip, below)
  • Set up Node cert and replication etc. as needed - see README.
    • Don't forget to install the ca chain, and also enable incoming client cert forwarding:
        dataone.certificate.fromHttpHeader.enabled: true
  • MetacatUI:
    • ALWAYS set global.metacatUiThemeName

    • If using a theme from metacatui-themes:

      • it must be made available on a ceph/PV/PVC mount; e.g:

        enabled: true
        claimName: metacatsfwmd-metacatui-customtheme
        subPath: metacatui-themes/src/cerp/js/themes/cerp
      • Ensure metacatui has read access

        chmod -R o+rx metacatui
    • Fix the "Launch Ocean Portal" button in the GOA header (replace dead link ~~ with the correct one:

5M. First Install


  • Point the deployment at the SANDBOX CN

  • The Node ID (in metacat.dataone.nodeId and metacat.dataone.subject) MUST MATCH the
    legacy deployment!
    (Don't use a temp ID; this will be persisted into
    hashstore during conversion!)

  • The metacat.dataone.autoRegisterMemberNode: flag MUST NOT match today's date!

  • Existing node already syncing to D1? Set dataone.nodeSynchronize: false until after final switch-over!

  • Existing node already accepting D1 replicas? Set dataone.nodeReplicate: false after final switch-over!

  • If legacy DB version was < 3.0.0, Disable livenessProbe & readinessProbe until Database Upgrade is finished.

    NOTE: Upgrade only writes OLD datasets -- ones not starting autogen -- from DB to disk.
    These should all be finished after the first upgrade - so provided subsequent /var/metacat/ rsyncs are only additive (don't --delete destination files not on source), then subsequent DB upgrades after incremental rsyncs will be very fast. Tips, below show how to check the number of "old" datasets exist in DB, before the upgrade

  • set storage.hashstore.disableConversion: true, so the hashstore converter won't run yet

  • helm install, debug any startup and configuration issues, and allow database upgrade to finish.

    See Tips, below, for how to detect when
    database conversion finishes

    NOTE: because hashstore conversion has not yet been done, it is expected for metacatUI to
    display Oops! It looks like there was a problem retrieving your search results., and for
    /metacat/d1/mn/v2/ api calls to display Metacat has not been configured

  • In the metacat database, verify that all the systemmetadata.checksum_algorithm entries are on the list of supported algorithms (NOTE: syntax matters! E.g. sha-1 is OK, but sha1 isn't):

    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      SELECT DISTINCT checksum_algorithm FROM systemmetadata WHERE checksum_algorithm NOT IN
    # then manually update each to the correct syntax; e.g:
    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      UPDATE systemmetadata SET checksum_algorithm='SHA-1' WHERE checksum_algorithm='SHA1';
    # ...etc
  • Delete the storage.hashstore.disableConversion: setting, so the hashstore converter will run, and do a helm upgrade.

    See Tips, below for
    how to detect when hashstore conversion finishes

  • When database upgrade and hashstore conversion have both finished, re-enable probes

  • Re-index all datasets (Did with 25 indexers for test.adc on dev; 50 on prod).

    NOTE: if you will need to determine exactly when indexing is complete (e.g. for
    benchmarking purposes), ensure the indexer log level has been set to INFO before you start
    indexing (kc edit configmaps ${RELEASE_NAME}-indexer-configfiles and restart all indexer pods)

    kubectl get secret ${RELEASE_NAME}-d1-client-cert -o jsonpath="{.data.d1client\.crt}" | \
        base64 -d > DELETEME_NODE_CERT.pem
    curl -X PUT --cert ./DELETEME_NODE_CERT.pem "https://HOSTNAME/CONTEXT/d1/mn/v2/index?all=true"
    # look for <scheduled>true</scheduled> in response
    # don't forget to delete the cert file:

    See Tips, below for monitoring indexing progress.


Ensure Nick/Matt available to change route53 dns!

BEFORE STARTING: To reduce downtime during switch-over, flag any required values override
updates as @todos. E.g. If you've been using a temporary node name, hostname, and TLS setup,
flag these as TODO, for updates during switchover, with the new values in handy comments:

  • global.metacatExternalBaseUrl
  • global.d1ClientCnUrl
  • Any others that will need changing, e.g. dataone.nodeSynchronize, dataone.nodeReplicate

NOTE: If you need to accommodate hostname aliases, you'll need to update the ingress.tls
section to reflect the new hostname(s) - see Tips,

= = = = = = = = = = = = = IN K8S CLUSTER: = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  • Installations houdl already be running here from step 5

  • No need to make a backup of the checksums table for hashstore: legacy was in Read-Only mode, so there should be no delta. Therefore no need to rsync again, or to reindex.

  • Check values overrides and update any @todos to match live settings. See BEFORE STARTING, above.

  • If applicable, re-enable dataone.nodeSynchronize and/or dataone.nodeReplicate

  • Point the deployment at the PRODUCTION CN (, which is the default) by deleting this entry:

  • In order to push dataone.* member node properties (dataone.nodeId, dataone.subject, dataone.nodeSynchronize, dataone.nodeReplicate) to the CN, set:

      ## Set to today's date (UTC timezone), in the YYYY-MM-DD format; example:
      dataone.autoRegisterMemberNode: 2024-11-29
  • Do a final helm upgrade

  • Make sure metacatui picked up the changes - may need to do some pod-kicking

When everything is up and running...

  • Switch DNS to point to k8s ingress instead of legacy. To get current IP address and hostname:

    kubectl get ingress -o yaml | egrep "(\- ip:)|(\- host:)"
  • Take down the legacy instance


To change the database user's password for your existing database

  • Note postgres user:
    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U postgres metacat << EOF
      ALTER USER metacat WITH PASSWORD 'new-password-here';

See how many "old" datasets exist in DB, before the upgrade:

  • kubectl exec metacatarctic-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      select count(*) as docs from xml_documents where docid not like 'autogen%';
      select count(*) as revs from xml_revisions where docid not like 'autogen%';

Monitor Database Upgrade Completion

  • check in version_history table:
    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      select version from version_history where status='1';

Monitor Hashstore Conversion Progress and Completion

  • To monitor progress: check the number of rows in the checksums table: total # rows should be: 5 * (total objects), (approx; not accounting for conversion errors), where total object count can be found from https://HOSTNAME/CONTEXT/d1/mn/v2/object
    # get number of entries in `checksums` table -- should be approx 5*(total objects)
    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      select count(*) from checksums;
  • To detect when hashstore conversion finishes:
    kubectl exec ${RELEASE_NAME}-postgresql-0 -- bash -c "psql -U metacat << EOF
      select storage_upgrade_status from version_history where status='1';
    # ...OR CHECK LOGS
    # If log4j root level is INFO
    egrep "\[INFO\]: The conversion took [0-9]+ minutes.*HashStoreUpgrader:upgrade"
    # If log4j root level is WARN, can also grep for this, if errors:
    egrep "\[WARN\]: The conversion is complete"

Fix Hashstore Error - PID Doesn't Exist in identifier Table:

# If you see this in the metacat logs:
Pid <autogen pid> is missing system metadata. Since the pid starts with autogen and looks like to be created by DataONE api, it should have the systemmetadata. Please look at the systemmetadata and identifier table to figure out the real pid.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Given the docid, get all revisions:
    select * from identifier where docid='<docid>';
  2. Look for pid beginning 'autogen', and note its revision number
  3. pid should be the obsoleted_by from the previous revision's system metadata:
    select obsoleted_by from systemmetadata where guid='<previous revision pid>';
  4. Check by look at obsoletes from the following revision, if one exists:
    select obsoletes from systemmetadata where guid='<following revision pid>';
  5. Check if systemmetadata table has an entry for autogen pid
    select checksum from systemmetadata where guid='<autogen pid>';
    ...and the checksum matches that of the original file, found in:
    /var/metacat/(data or documents)/<'autogen' docid>.<revision number>

= = = If these exist and do not match, STOP HERE AND INVESTIGATE FURTHER! = = =

  1. If an autogen-pid entry was found, update it with the new pid:
    update systemmetadata set guid='<pid from steps 3 & 4>' where guid='<autogen pid>';
  2. Replace the 'autogen' pid with the real pid in the 'identifier' table:
    update identifier set guid='<pid from steps 3 & 4>' where guid='<autogen pid>';
  3. Set the hashstore conversion status back to pending:
    update version_history set storage_upgrade_status='pending' where status='1';
    ...and restart the metacat pod to re-run the hashstore conversion and generate the correct
    sysmeta file in hashstore

Monitor Indexing Progress:

Using the RabbitMQ Dashboard:

  • Enable port forwarding:

    kubectl port-forward service/${RELEASE_NAME}-rabbitmq-headless 15672:15672
  • then browse http://localhost:15672. Username metacat-rmq-guest and
    RabbitMQ password from metacat Secrets, or from:

    secret_name=$(kubectl get secrets | egrep ".*\-metacat-secrets" | awk '{print $1}')
    rmq_pwd=$(kubectl get secret "$secret_name" \
            -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d)
    echo "rmq_pwd: $rmq_pwd"

    NOTE: queue activity is not a reliable indicator of indexing progress, since the index
    workers continue to process tasks even after the queue has been emptied. The best way to
    determine when indexing is complete is to monitor the logs, as follows...

Determining when indexing is complete

  • Ensure the indexer log level has been set to INFO
  • grep the logs for the last occurrence of Completed the index task from the index queue:
    kubectl logs --max-log-requests 100 -f --tail=100 -l \
         | grep "Completed the index task"
  • You must be sure indexing has finished before trying to find the last occurrence. Note that some
    indexing tasks can take more than an hour.

Creating Volume Credentials Secret for the PVs

VERY IMPORTANT when creating volume credentials secret:

  1. For the userID, omit the “client.” from the beginning of the username before base64 encoding
    it; e.g.: if your username is client.k8s-dev-metacatknb-subvol-user, use only
  2. Use echo -n when encoding; i.e:
    echo -n myUserID    |  base64
    echo -n mypassword  |  base64

Get sizing information for PVs

$ du -sh /var/metacat /var/lib/postgresql/14
5.6T /var/metacat
255.4G /var/lib/postgresql/14

If a PV can't be unmounted

  • e.g. if the PV name is cephfs-releasename-metacat-varmetacat:

    kubectl patch pv cephfs-releasename-metacat-varmetacat -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'

If a PV Mount is Doing Strange Things... (e.g. you're unable to change the rootPath)

  • Kubernetes sometimes has trouble changing a PV mount, even if you delete and re-create it
  • If you create a PV and then decide you need to change the rootPath, the old version may still be
    'cached' on any nodes where it has previously been accessed by a pod. This can lead to confusing
  • behavior that is inconsistent across nodes.
  • To work around this, first delete the PV (after deleting any PVC that reference it), and then
    create it with a different name.

If the metacat pod keeps restarting

  • Look for this in the logs:
    rm: cannot remove '/var/metacat/config/': Permission denied
  • Ensure the config directory on the PV (for example: /mnt/ceph/repos/REPO-NAME/metacat/config) allows
    group write (chmod 660) after the rsync has been completed or repeated.

Where to Find Existing Hostname Aliases

  • Look at the legacy installation in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory; e.g.:

    # ls /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
      # ...etc
  • the ServerName and ServerAlias directives are in these .conf files, e.g.:

      <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
      <VirtualHost *:443>
              DocumentRoot /var/www/

    NOTE: it may not be necessary to incorporate all these aliases in the k8s environment. For
    prod ADC, for example, we left apache running with these aliases in place, and transferred only
    the domain. see Issue #1954

@artntek artntek added this to the 3.1.0-deployment milestone Feb 5, 2025
@artntek artntek moved this to In Progress in Metacat Releases Feb 13, 2025
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