Loan Default Prediction Dataset:
Stock Price Ananlysis Dataset:
Honey Production Dataset:
Superstore Dataset:
Covid-19 Dataset:
You can go through all the problem statements above and pick one to solve. After that follow these steps -
- Create a jupyter notebook or a colab notebook.
- Show all the calculations required and print them.
- The final calculation for the answer must be in a separate cell.
- Create a text cell to give explanations wherever you think is necessary.
- The visualization questions must be accompanied with an explanation as well as conclusions.
- Write all the answers in point form. Answers must be to the point.
Follow this video for the submission.
For example: Manvi Kaur_Loan Default Prediction
For any doubts or queries, put them on our discord server (doubts will be entertained on the ask-oc channel only) and we'll get back to you. ALL THE BEST!!