See upcoming speakers and find links to connect with speakers from previous events. We also have a YouTube Channel where you can catch up on talks from previous events
Want to speak at an upcoming PDXNode event?
- Follow the guides on submitting a Lightning talk or Longform talk. Reach out to an organizer if you need help, have questions, or want some feedback before submitting.
I want to give a shorter/longer talk than the time listed for the next meetup. Can I give a talk with a different time?
- Submit something anyways and reach out! We can probably make it work.
Am I qualified enough to give a talk?
- YES!! We LOVE first time speakers! Come show off your projects or talk to us about your learning experience. Everyone has something to teach. Start off with a short form Lightning talk and be cheered on by supportive organizers and meetup attendees.
Have More Questions? Want to chat?
- Connect with an organizer via Twitter DM @PDXNode or come chat with us on #pdxnode on freenode or via our gitter channel.