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Base wrapper for new buildings Images


This project subfolder contain's a basic wrapper for PLCnext app's. We have the possibility to create new image. This is possible with this folder and the related processes in the pipelines. The project itself holds three folders:

  ├── arm
  ├── build
  └── x86

PLCnext consist out of two different processor architectures. The 1152, 2152 are using the ARM architecture, and all other PLC's from PLCnext family containing an x86 architecture. Therefore we had to build two slightly different app structures.

The file structure itself is nearly identical, but for e.g. we use podman and therefore we have to differentiate between podman-compose version.

So if you have to use an special version for each architecture or need to add architecture specific dependecies, you can archive this by adding to the respective folder.

The build directory holds all neccessary context for the build process. As sample for this template was an nginx build choosen.

Configure Project

In order to adapt your project there are few things that have to be adapted. Within the root directory you have to edit the gitlab-ci.yml file. There are some environmental variables to be changed and if you want you can adapt your folder structure.

Edit Environmental Variables to Pipeline Configuration

An PLCnext app needs the app_info.json as information for the plcnext runtime. It provides information about the appname, id etc. The following variables are heavily needed for an existing images.

  1. APP_VERSION is the displayed version number in the web based managment app section (The appversion on the plcnextstore must be set seperat on the app configuration via plcnextstore).
  2. MINFIRMWARE_VERSION sets the executable minimum firmware version.
  3. APP_NAME is the displayed and overall used Name inside the app and on the running system.
  4. LICENSE_TYPE it can be set to activate an licensing function.
  5. MANUFACTOR you can set your name or your company name. It will be represenet on the web based managment.
  6. LINUXDAEMON_PATH these path is preconfigured, if no additional script is needed, these settings can be retained(it's needed that the app can be executed). The script that will be executed is an empty placeholder.
  7. Different version between x86 and arm architecture:
    1. IDENTIFIER_ARM and IDENTIFIER_X86 are the unique identifier provided by the plcnextstore. These must be different due to the different platforms.
    2. TARGET_ARM and TARGET_X86
  8. Build specific variables(also this information will set to env_x86 and env_arm so that containers can be startet proberly):
    1. IMAGE_NAME it's the image name that will used for the build.
    2. IMAGE_TAG is the tag that we set to the OCI image.

So all of these variables need to be changed to your needs and project.

Add Project Dependecies

The also a few other steps to get an running OCI Container. Currently the init.d system is used to manage start and stop scripts on plcnext controller. So there is an script (initscript_arm, initscript_x86) for each startup process. Inside these script all dependecies are accomplished and copied, neccessary things will be loaded and if everything runs succesfuel podman will start up the containers.

If you want extend your applications with additional information, normally all things that has to be in some form executed must be done there(like overwrite existing file/folder permissions etc. ).

If you want to extend base images you could mount files. These can be done by adding an new folder (e.g ./arm/volumes and ./x86/volumes) and add these as an mounting volume to the docker-compose.yml file.

Build Context

These pipeline builds it's images with kaniko. The main benefits is that it can be run rootless and build multiplatform images. This is the right advantages for this use case. In order to build such images it has to provide the context for the build process. Within the folder build all relevant information and scripts for the build are provided.

  ├── Dockerfile                         

Inside this structure you can adapt to your images. If the build process runs on your local machine, it can be run also on the kaniko executer. So you just have to adapt to your own settings and build scene and then it's possible to run on an CI/CD pipeline.

Download build app

After the build runs through succesfuel. The artifacts can be downloaded. It can be downloaded just under the download button for pipeline over every commit. Every stage that start with container, contains an .app compressed within an .zip file. gitlab artifact download

Pipeline structure

The pipeline splits into one stage. The stage is called container_existing_image it will download the predefined image, that has been set in configuration part