In order to be able to analyze data of your machine over a period of months, it can be useful to create a "backup" of your EPC-data and to be able to save and view it on your Windows-Host-PC "restore".
With this tutorial, you'll save a bucket filled with data of your EPC, store it on your local Host-PC and visualize this data in InfluxDB on your Host-PC.
- Download the InfluxDB CLI Tool and InfluxDB Runtime via this link from Influx data.
Attention, linked is version 2.0.7 which is required. A newer version might not work.
Once downloaded, unzip the file and save the content to a local folder on your Host-PC.
Open up a Comand-promt (CMD). You can do so by entering "cmd" in the folder.
The EPC with the data we want to backup and transfer to our Host-PC must be connected.
The influx cli tool can transfer all files, or as in this example only one bucket. In order to access the EPC, the admin-token needs to be copied from the EPC.
Write the command:influx.exe backup -b [name of bucket] --host https://[ip-adress-of-epc]:8086 --skip-verify -t [admin-token-from-epc] [target-directory-of-host-pc]
With my IP address and my admin token (under Data --> Token), the command looks like this:
A backup should now be created any copied to your target directory of your Host-PC.
Since the data is now on the Host-PC, we need to start the InfluxDB runtime to be able to view it.
To do so, go back to the previously downloaded and unzipped folder and start a new CMD console.
Start the InfluxDB Runtime and Chronograf on your Host-PC using this command:
InfluxDB was started and now listen to port :8086 of your Host-PC.
Start up any internet-browser and connect to the url:
A setup will occur when first starting InfluxDB. Set a user and password.
Once finished, we now want to restore the data from the EPC.
First, go to "Data" --> "Tokens" and copy the value of the "admin's Token" of your Host-PC.
In order to restore the data copied from the EPC into the InfluxDB of your Host-PC, we need to open up another CMD prompt from the downloaded and unziped folder before.
Write the command:
influx.exe restore [target-file-where-the-data-was-copied (Step4)] -t [Admin-Token-from-Host-PC (Step8)] --skip-verify
The Bucket from the EPC with all the data should now also be visible on your Host-PC. A new bucket (in my case: "edge") will be created.
Refresh your InfluxDB Chronograf ( and find the new bucket under "Data" --> "Buckets".
Inside that bucket, all data from the EPC can be found and analysed as well as stored inside the Host-PC.
Further interested? - Please also see chapter: Working with InfluxDB Alerts