While it looks like there is not too much change happened between FW 2023.0 and FW 2024.0, there is a lot of great changes!
Easy recovery mechanism
We heard your feedback and now integrated a function, to easily factory-reset your EPC 1502 and 1522, no matter what was tested before and eventually disabled your access to the device.
If you require a factory-reset, lost your passwort or at any other problem, please see here: -
Native DHCP for WIFI
If you would like to set up your wireless network, connection the EPC to a router is now as easy as never! The EPC can now be connected via DHCP, therefore, you only need to give the network name and passwort and do not have to handle giving the EPC an empty IP address inside the network! -
All the great changes from PLCnext 2024.0 LTS!
The list is just to big to mention all changes. To further look into changes inside the PLCnext ecosystem, please see here: PLCnext Help