Releases: PlayFab/NodeSDK
NodeSDK version 0.14
== SDK Patch Notes, Mar 28, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Minor incremental improvements to the new Resettable-Leaderboards and other Player-Statistics tweaks.
Minor revisions in the way that CloudScript is uploaded via Admin-Api.
Continuing to revise and define api limits and overage definitions where needed.
"PlayFabId" input has been removed from the documentation on a few client apis, which never used that value.
Lots of minor documentation updates.
New ExecuteCloudScript api which replaces the older pattern of GetCloudScriptUrl+RunCloudScript.
This should make it easier for novice users to call CloudScript correctly.
NodeSDK version 0.13
== SDK Patch Notes, Mar 7, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Added GetPlayerStatisticVersions
Cleaned up account API signatures
NodeSDK version 0.12
== SDK Patch Notes, Feb 22, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Added Server.GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDs
Fixed a minor bug in Server.GetPlayerStatistics
Fixed a minor bug in Server.UpdatePlayerStatistics
NodeSDK version 0.11
== SDK Patch Notes, Feb 15, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Resettable Leaderboards and Player Statistics are now live
GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDs accepts and returns string IDs for languages that cannot handle ulong values.
Minor changes to support Parse migrations
Minor documentation adjustments
NodeSDK version 0.10
== SDK Patch Notes, Feb 01, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Added new APIs: server.ConsumeItem
SteamID types updated from Uint64 to Uint32
GetContentListResult ItemCounts updated from Int64 to Int32
NodeSDK version 0.9
== SDK Patch Notes, Jan 25, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Added new APIs Client.GetPlayFabIDsFromKongregateIDs, Client.GetCharacterStatistics,
Client.UpdateCharacterStatistics, Server.RevokeInventoryItem
Fixed typo in PuchaseItem___ -> PurchaseItem___
Updated UserAccountInfo to contain additional account details
NodeSDK version 0.8
== SDK Patch Notes, Jan 18, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
New leaderboard apis are available: GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer and GetFriendLeaderboardAroundPlayer.
Old leaderboard apis are deprecated: GetFriendLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser and GetLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser
Lots of minor documentation improvements.
NodeSDK version 0.7
== SDK Patch Notes, Dec 09, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Revamped apis for PlayerStatistic
Xbox authentication
PS4 authentication
Minor documentation improvements
SdkGenerator revamped, code cleanup in generator and all sdks, better client/server sdk-separation
New automated tests in all SDKs for upcoming features
NodeSDK version 0.6
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 30, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
LoginWithGameCenter - This was previously published and now being un-hidden.
GetLeaderboardAroundUser - Some issues with returning the correct number of results have been fixed.
GetFriendLeaderboardAroundUser - New API method that acts like GetLeaderboardAroundUser except restricts leadboard results to the current player's friend list.
General Login - New data is being returned for all login results. This is still in prototype, and not fully functional yet. Stay tuned!
NodeSDK version 0.5
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 23, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
The steam error message response has been improved.
Updated automated testing systems for SDKs.
Minor documentation updates.