Performance benchmarks for Gammapy.
Note that we have validation separately, see here.
We have the following typical science cases tested:
- analysis_3d / script / results / 3d stacked analysis
- analysis_3d_joint / script / results - 3d joint analysis
- spectrum_1d / script / results - 1d stacked analysis
- spectrum_1d_joint / script / results - 1d joint analysis
- lightcurve_1d / script / results - 1d lightcurve analysis
- lightcurve_3d / script / results - 3d lightcurve analysis
- io / script / results - Read DL3 events data
To run a specific benchmark use
python run-benchmark benchmark-name
To run all benchmarks:
python run-benchmark all
To debug scripts (run quickly using only 2 observations):
GAMMAPY_BENCH_N_OBS=2 python run-benchmark all
A summary of the results (for 100 runs) can be found here.