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Orthogonalizing Type Lists

The type list interfaces in the Type Parameters Type Parameters draft lack significant properties common to other interface types — and, indeed, types in general! — in Go as it exists today.

Type lists are not coherent with interface types.

The draft specifies that “[i]nterface types with type lists may only be used as constraints on type parameters. They may not be used as ordinary interface types. The same is true of the predeclared interface type comparable. … This restriction may be lifted in future language versions.” However, it would not be possible to lift this restriction without giving type-list interfaces a different meaning as interface types than they have as type constraints.

An ordinary interface type T implements itself: for all types T, all values of T support the operations of T and are assignable to T. However, a type-list interface cannot “implement” itself for the purpose of satisfying type constraints: that would provide unspecified (and perhaps inconsistent) semantics for operators such as + and < when two variables of the type store values with different concrete types, and the whole point of type-list interfaces in the first place is to be able to safely allow those operators.

According to the Go specification, “[a] type determines a set of values together with operations and methods specific to those values”. But a type list, as defined in the draft, represents a set of sets of values paired with operations whose semantics vary per set, not a single set of values with uniform operations. So in some sense, a type-list interface is not really even a type!

This mismatch in meaning not only makes interface types and type-lists more complex to describe and reason about, but also limits the future extensibility of the language. Without this semantic mismatch, the Type Parameters design could be extended to allow type variables themselves as constraints, with the meaning that “the argument is or implements the constraint type”, or perhaps “the argument is assignable to the constraint type”. However, if the meaning of an interface varies depending on whether it is a type or a constraint the substitution lemma would no longer hold: a type-list interface passed as parameter Τ and interpreted as a proper interface type would match any type that “implements” T — including a type-list interface naming any subset of T's type list — but upon substituting T's actual type for the constraint, it would no longer allow those interface types.

In contrast, the built-in comparable constraint, if allowed as an ordinary interface type, would have the same properties as other interface types: the == and != operations are defined uniformly and meaningfully for every pair of comparable values, so the type comparable itself guarantees the operations enabled by the comparable constraint.

Type lists miss the opportunity to address general use-cases.

Type lists match on the underlying type of a type argument, but do not allow a generic function to convert the argument type to its underlying type. That prevents even simple type-based specializations, such as in the GeneralAbsDifference example in the draft.

Type lists enable the use of operators that are not defined for interface types. However, they fail to cover other use cases that require non-interface types (such as wrappers around atomic.Value, or types that embed a field of type *T). (Admittedly, these use-cases are rare.)

Type-list interfaces also have a clear similarity to the oft-requested “sum types” that could be used to enable safer type-switches, but because type-lists match on underlying types instead of concrete types, they do not directly address the use cases for sum types.

How could we address the use-cases of type lists more orthogonally?

Type lists could be made more orthogonal in one of several ways, but we must start by acknowledging that one of the type constraints we want to express — namely, the constraint that a parameter must be a non-interface type — is not itself a coherent Go type.

We could make a minimal change to the design to distinguish between types and constraints:

  1. Define that a type constraint may be either an interface type or a type-list constraint. Define type-list constraints as constraints (not types) using tokens other than type and interface.

    For example, use the token constraintinstead:

    constraint T {
        type X, Y, Z

Or, we could split out the “must be a non-interface type” constraint, and preserve as much of the current type-lists as we can as interface types:

  1. Define “type list interface types”, implemented by any type for which all values are known to have a dynamic type with the same underlying type as one of the types in the list. Either reject or filter out any interface types in the list, since an interface type cannot be the dynamic underlying type of any value at run time.

  2. Define that a type constraint may be either a type, or a type restricted to its concrete (non-interface) implementations.

Or we could break down type-lists into smaller orthogonal parts: disjunction interfaces, underlying-type interfaces, and concrete-type constraints.

  1. Define “sum interface types”, implemented by any type that is or implements any of the listed types.

  2. Define “defined-sum interface types”, implemented by any type whose underlying type is any of the listed types.

  3. Define a mapping between defined-sum interface types and the corresponding ordinary sum types.

  4. Define that a type constraint may be either a type, or a type restricted to its concrete (non-interface) implementations.

Under the orthogonal option, the interface types would be defined as follows.

Sum interface types

A sum-interface type (or “sum type”) is declared using the syntax type = T1, …, Tn, and is implemented by any type that is or implements at least one of the types in the list. (When a sum type T is implemented by a concrete type R, we say that R is “in“ the sum T.)

The method set of a sum type is the intersection of the method sets of each type in the sum. No other methods may be defined and no other interfaces may be embedded, because the interfaces and methods implemented by the types in the sum are already known.

The zero value of a sum type is the nil interface value, even if none of the types in the list is itself an interface type.

A type switch or type assertion on a variable of a sum type may use only the types in the sum and interface types implemented by at least one type in the sum. To allow lists to be expanded over time, a default case is permitted even if the switch is exhaustive.

A sum type is assignable to any interface implemented by all of the types in the sum.

If all of the types in the sum are convertible to a type T, then the sum type is also convertible to T. If T is a concrete type, the nil interface value converts to the zero-value of the type.

A sum type embedded in another interface S restricts S to the types in the sum that also implement the remainder of S. (If multiple sum interface types are embedded in an interface, the types in the sums are intersected.)

Defined-sum interface types

A defined-sum interface type (or “defined sum type”), declared using the syntax type T1, … Tn, is a sum type that includes in the sum every type whose underlying type is one of the listed types (T1 through Tn). (An ordinary sum type includes a fixed set of types, but the set of types included in a defined-sum type is unbounded.)

The underlying types listed in a defined sum type declaration must be predeclared boolean, numeric, or string types, type literals, or sum types comprising the same.

A defined-sum interface type may include additional methods. A defined-sum interface may embed other (ordinary and defined) sum interfaces.

A type R implements a defined sum type T if the underlying type of R is in the underlying-type list of T, the method set of R includes all of the methods declared in T, and R implements all of the interfaces embedded in T.

The Underlying type alias and underlying function

The built-in type Underlying(type T) is an alias for the type encompassing the underlying types of the concrete values of any type T:

  • If T is a sum interface type (including a defined-sum interface type), Underlying(T) is the sum interface type containing Underlying(Tᵢ) for each Tᵢ in T.
  • If T is any other interface type, Underlying(T) is the empty interface type. (That is, the set of possible underlying types for the values of type T is unrestricted.)
  • Otherwise, T is a concrete type, and Underlying(T) is its underlying type.

The built-in function underlying converts a value of any type to a value of its underlying type.

func underlying(type T)(x T) Underlying(T)

Constraining type parameters to concrete types

The last piece of the puzzle is a constraint that restricts a type parameter to only concrete types. If all of the concrete types in a sum interface type support a given operation, then a function with a type parameter constrained to those concrete types can safely use that operation.

We could imagine a lot of options for the syntax of such a constraint. For the purpose of this document, I suggest the keyword in immediately before the parameter's type constraint, meaning “the type must be one of the concrete dynamic types for values stored in the constraint type”. (However, note that this constraint has a well-defined meaning even for types that are not sum types.)


With the orthogonal approach, the examples in the draft design become a bit more verbose, but more explicit — and, notably, the GeneralAbsDifference function becomes possible to implement.

package constraints

type Ordered interface {
    type int, int8, …, string
func Smallest(type T in constraints.Ordered)(s []T) T {
// StringableSignedInteger is an interface type implemented by any
// type that both 1) is defined as a signed integer type
// (or a sum type comprising signed integer types), and
// 2) has a String method.
type StringableSignedInteger interface {
    type int, int8, int16, int32, int64
    String() string
// SliceConstraint is an interface type implemented by any slice type with
// an element type identical to the type parameter.
type SliceConstraint(type T) interface {
    type []T
// integer is a type implemented by any defined integer type.
type integer interface {
    type int, int8, int16, int32, int64,
        uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr

// Convert converts a value of type From to the type To.
// To must be a specific concrete integer type.
// From may be any type that implements the integer interface,
// including any sum type whose members are all integer types.
func Convert(type To in integer, From integer)(x From) To {
    to := To(x)
    if From(to) != x {
        panic("conversion out of range")
    return to
type integer interface {
    type int, int8, int16, int32, int64,
        uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr

func Add10(type T in integer)(s []T) {
    for i, v := range s {
        s[i] = v + 10 // OK: 10 can convert to any concrete integer type

// This function is INVALID.
func Add1024(type T in integer)(s []T) {
    for i, v := range s {
        s[i] = v + 1024 // INVALID: 1024 not permitted by types int8 and uint8 in integer

// This function is INVALID.
func Add10Interface(type T integer)(s []T) {
    for i, v := range s {
        s[i] = v + 10 // INVALID: operation + not permitted for type T that may be an interface type (use "T in integer" to restrict to concrete types)
type Numeric interface {
    type int, int8, int16, int32, int64,
        uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr,
        float32, float64,
        complex64, complex128

// GeneralAbsDifference computes the absolute difference between two values
// of any concrete integer type T.
func GeneralAbsDifference(type T in Numeric)(a, b T) T {
    // T is a concrete type, so *T can be converted to *Underlying(T).
    // The set of possible types for T is infinite (any defined integer type),
    // but the set of possible types for Underlying(T) is small
    // (only the built-in integer types).
    var result T
    var rp interface{} = (*Underlying(T))(&result)

    // Convert a and b to their underlying types so that we
    // can type-assert them to a concrete type from a finite list.
    var au, bu interface{} = underlying(a), underlying(b)

    // Now we can write an exhaustive type switch over the list of possible types of
    // rp, au, and bu.
    switch rp := rp.(type) {
    case *int:
        *rp = OrderedAbsDifference(au.(int), bu.(int))
    case *int8:
        *rp = OrderedAbsDifference(au.(int8), bu.(int8))

    case *complex64:
        *rp = ComplexAbsDifference(au.(complex64), bu.(complex64))

        // If, say, int128 is added to a future version of the language,
        // we will need to add a case for it.
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T is not a recognized numeric type", au))

    return result