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File metadata and controls

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You can create an application and get an access token for your account by:

  1. Go to your Mastodon server's settings.
  2. Clicking on the "Development" tab.
  3. Clicking on the "New application" button.
  4. Fill out a name for the application.
  5. Set the Redirect URI to http://localhost:3000/auth/mastodon/authorized.
  6. Check the following scopes:
    • read:statuses
    • profile
  7. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom.
  8. Copy the Client key and Client secret values generated.

BlueSky - App Password

  • You can generate an app password here.
    • The Allow access to your direct messages checkbox is not needed.

Token encryption keys


Changing these keys will invalidate all existing tokens.

You can generate a public/private key-pair a few different ways. The options provided below will output the keys in a .env format in the terminal. You can then copy and paste the values into your .env file or pipe them directly into the .env file.


fediproto-sync generate-token-encryption-keys


You can either run a provided shell script:


Or run the following commands in your terminal:


openssl genrsa -out $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH 4096 > /dev/null 2>&1
BASE64_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH | base64 -w 0)

openssl rsa -in $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH -pubout -out $PUBLIC_KEY_PATH > /dev/null 2>&1
BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat $PUBLIC_KEY_PATH | base64 -w 0)


echo ""


The following environment variables are required to run the daemon:

Name Description
FEDIPROTO_SYNC_MODE * The mode to run the daemon in. Valid values: normal, auth
AUTH_SERVER_ADDRESS The address to bind the auth server to. Default: localhost
AUTH_SERVER_PORT The port to bind the auth server to. Default: 3000
DATABASE_TYPE * The type of database to use. Valid values: SQLite, Postgres
DATABASE_URL * The URL to the PostgreSQL database to use.
TOKEN_ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY * The private key to use for encrypting tokens in a base64 format.
TOKEN_ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY * The public key to use for decrypting tokens in a base64 format.
USER_AGENT The user agent string to use for HTTP requests.
MASTODON_SERVER * The hostname of your Mastodon server.
MASTODON_CLIENT_ID * The client ID for the Mastodon application.
MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET * The client secret for the Mastodon application.
MASTODON_REDIRECT_URI * The redirect URI for the Mastodon application.
BLUESKY_PDS_SERVER * The hostname of your BlueSky PDS. If you don't host your own PDS, it's typically
BLUESKY_HANDLE * Your handle on BlueSky without the @.
BLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD * The app password for your account on BlueSky. See more
BLUESKY_VIDEO_ALWAYS_FALLBACK Whether to always fallback to the video URL. Default: false
SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS The interval in seconds to sync posts. Default: 300
MASTODON_ALLOW_UNLISTED_POSTS Whether to allow unlisted posts to be synced. Default: false

Note: The * icon indicates that the environment variable is required.

You can:

  1. Create a production.env file, with these values defined, in the directory you run the daemon in.
  2. Define these environment variables in your shell before running the daemon.
  3. Define the environment variables with Docker or Docker Compose.
  4. Define the environment variables with Kubernetes using a mix of ConfigMap and Secret resources.

Initial setup


All of the required environment variables in the previous section must be defined before running the daemon.

  1. Run the daemon.
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser and follow the instructions for logging in with Mastodon.
    • Note: If you supplied a different AUTH_SERVER_ADDRESS or AUTH_SERVER_PORT, you will need to navigate to that address instead.
  3. Once you've logged on, stop the daemon.
    • Note: You can stop the daemon by pressing CTRL+C in the terminal.

Subsequent runs of the daemon will run normally (Syncing posts) after this.