Ensure that everything is in public/system
per the recent changes in the settings.
See the CHANGELOG for instructions.
This does an rsync-style sync, so you can run it once initially and then it'll only copy over new files the next time you run it. See the AWS docs for more information.
aws s3 sync public/system s3://BUCKET_NAME --acl private
# Optional argument: --dryrun
Add the aws-sdk-s3
gem to Gemfile
Add your AWS access keys either to the ENV or to secrets.yml
(see <config/secrets.yml.template>) on the server.
Update config/settings/ENVIRONMENT.yml
to use s3
as the provider for Paperclip and
configure the bucket (and region if necessary). See the example in <config/settings/production.yml>
Deploy the application.
Run the sync one last time.