From 8328cce7889ad67a4351faa9987a52c05d888212 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: caseyreuter <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 08:08:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Settings page (#3)
* fix: changed status codes
* fix: changed constructor in settingspage
* feat: display version numbers of plugins
* test
* feat: install plugin button
* fix: version number
* refactor: remove test code
admin/src/SettingsPage.php | 341 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
cerberus-plugins-manager.php | 4 +-
2 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
diff --git a/admin/src/SettingsPage.php b/admin/src/SettingsPage.php
index 0f26b94..8fb9b53 100644
--- a/admin/src/SettingsPage.php
+++ b/admin/src/SettingsPage.php
@@ -2,113 +2,278 @@
namespace Cerberus\AdminPluginsManager;
+use ZipArchive;
class SettingsPage
- private $file_name;
- public function __construct( string $file_name )
- {
- $this->file_name = $file_name;
- add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'admin_menu' ], 1000 );
- add_action( 'admin_post_cpm_settings', [ $this, 'admin_post_cpm_settings' ] );
- add_action( 'admin_post_nopriv_cpm_settings', [ $this, 'admin_post_cpm_settings' ] );
- add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ] );
- }
- public final function admin_enqueue_scripts(): void
- {
- wp_enqueue_style( 'cpm-admin', plugin_dir_url( $this->file_name ) . 'admin/assets/css/admin.css' );
- }
- public final function admin_menu(): void
- {
- $title = __( 'Cerberus Plugins Manager Settings', 'cerberus-plugins-manager' );
- add_submenu_page(
- 'woocommerce',
- $title,
- $title,
- 'administrator',
- 'cerberus_plugins_manager',
- array( $this, 'settingsPage' )
- );
- }
- public final function settingsPage(): void
- {
- $repoKey = get_option( 'repo-key', '' );
- $title = __( 'Cerberus Plugins Manager Settings', 'cerberus-plugins-manager' );
- ?>
+ private $file_name;
+ public function __construct(string $file_name)
+ {
+ $this->file_name = $file_name;
+ add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'admin_menu'], 1000);
+ add_action('admin_post_cpm_settings', [$this, 'admin_post_cpm_settings']);
+ add_action('admin_post_nopriv_cpm_settings', [$this, 'admin_post_cpm_settings']);
+ add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts']);
+ add_action('admin_post_download_and_extract_repo', [$this, 'download_and_extract_repo']);
+ add_action('admin_post_nopriv_download_and_extract_repo', [$this, 'download_and_extract_repo']);
+ }
+ public final function admin_enqueue_scripts(): void
+ {
+ wp_enqueue_style('cpm-admin', plugin_dir_url($this->file_name) . 'admin/assets/css/admin.css');
+ }
+ public final function admin_menu(): void
+ {
+ $title = __('Cerberus Plugins Manager Settings', 'cerberus-plugins-manager');
+ add_submenu_page('woocommerce', $title, $title, 'administrator', 'cerberus_plugins_manager', array(
+ $this,
+ 'settingsPage'
+ ));
+ }
+ public final function settingsPage(): void
+ {
+ $repoKey = get_option('repo-key', '');
+ $title = __('Cerberus Plugins Manager Settings', 'cerberus-plugins-manager');
+ ?>
= $title; ?>
- getRepos('Trizelos', $repoKey);
- $responses = apply_filters( 'cerberus-core-repos-settings', [] );
+ $responses = apply_filters('cerberus-core-repos-settings', $repos);
- ?>
+ ?>
- Plugin |
- Connection Status to Repo |
- Newest Version |
- Current Version |
- $data ) {
- $response = $data['response'];
- $plugin_data = $data['plugin_data'];
- $out_of_date = false;
- if ( ! empty( $response['tag_name'] ) ) {
- $out_of_date = version_compare( $response['tag_name'], $plugin_data['Version'], 'gt' );
- }
- ?>
- = $name; ?> |
- = ( ! empty( $response ) && is_array( $response ) ? 'connected' : ( ! empty( $response ) ? $response : 'no release found' ) ); ?> |
- = ! empty( $response['tag_name'] ) ? $response['tag_name'] : 'Not version Found'; ?>
- |
- = $plugin_data['Version']; ?>
- |
+ getRepoResponse($repository);
+ if (!isset($response["zipball_url"])) {
+ wp_redirect(wp_get_referer());
+ return;
+ }
+ $zip_url = $response["zipball_url"];
+ $destination_path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $repository . ".zip";
+ if (!$this->downloadZipFile($zip_url, $destination_path)) {
+ wp_redirect(wp_get_referer());
+ return;
+ }
+ $zip = new ZipArchive();
+ if ($zip->open($destination_path) === true) {
+ $pluginDestination = WP_PLUGIN_DIR;
+ $name = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
+ // extract the plugin
+ $success = $zip->extractTo($pluginDestination);
+ $zip->close();
+ $pluginRepoPath = $pluginDestination . '/' . $repository;
+ $pluginRepoGeneratedName = $pluginDestination . '/' . $name;
+ // if old repo data exists delete it
+ if ($success && is_dir($pluginRepoPath)) {
+ $deletedOldRepo = $this->delTree($pluginRepoPath);
+ }
+// rename the plugin to the correct name
+ if (is_dir($pluginRepoGeneratedName)) {
+ rename($pluginRepoGeneratedName, $pluginRepoPath);
+ }
+ // removes the zip file
+ unlink($destination_path);
+ // generate autoload files
+ $this->composer_dump_autoload($pluginRepoPath);
+ }
+ wp_redirect(wp_get_referer());
+ }
+ private function getRepoResponse(string $repository): mixed
+ {
+ $username = 'Trizelos';
+ $authorize_token = get_option('repo-key');
+ $args = array();
+ $request_uri = sprintf('', $username, $repository); // Build URI
+ if ($authorize_token) { // Is there an access token?
+ $args['headers']['Authorization'] = "bearer {$authorize_token}"; // Set the headers
+ }
+ $response = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get($request_uri, $args)), true); // Get JSON and parse it
+ if (is_array($response)) { // If it is an array
+ $response = current($response); // Get the first item
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ function downloadZipFile($url, $filepath): bool
+ {
+ $token = get_option('repo-key');
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.17763');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); //get status code
+ curl_close($ch);
+ file_put_contents($filepath, $result);
+ return (filesize($filepath) > 0) ? true : false;
+ }
+ private function delTree($dir): bool
+ {
+ $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ (is_dir("$dir/$file")) ? $this->delTree("$dir/$file") : unlink("$dir/$file");
+ }
+ return rmdir($dir);
+ }
+ private function composer_dump_autoload(string $filePath): void
+ {
+ exec("cd $filePath && composer dump-autoload -o");
+ prew('updated plugin: ' . $filePath);
+ }
+ public final function admin_post_cpm_settings(): void
+ {
+ $data = $_POST;
+ if (!empty($data['repo-key'])) {
+ update_option('repo-key', $data['repo-key']);
+ }
+ wp_redirect(wp_get_referer());
+ }
diff --git a/cerberus-plugins-manager.php b/cerberus-plugins-manager.php
index d09891c..f1315e1 100644
--- a/cerberus-plugins-manager.php
+++ b/cerberus-plugins-manager.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Plugin Name: Cerberus Plugins Manager
* Description: Manages the cerberus plugins
- * Version: 1.0.1
+ * Version: 1.0.2
* Requires at least: 5.7
* Author: Casey
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
-$settingsPage = new SettingsPage( __FILE__ );
+$settingsPage = new SettingsPage(__FILE__);