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Simulate using continuation stack
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Zalastax committed Apr 3, 2018
1 parent 837b8c0 commit 21919cb
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Showing 8 changed files with 352 additions and 481 deletions.
72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions src/EnvironmentOperations.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,69 +35,73 @@ new-actor {IS} {A} {post} m name = record
; pre = []
; pre-eq-refs = refl
; post = post
; actor-m = m
; computation = m ⟶ []
; name = name

-- An actor can be lifted to run sub-programs that need less references
lift-actor : (actor : Actor) {pre : TypingContext} (references : Store)
(pre-eq-refs : (map shape references) ≡ pre)
ActorM ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) pre (post actor) Actor
lift-actor : (actor : Actor) {pre : TypingContext}
(references : Store)
(pre-eq-refs : (map shape references) ≡ pre)
ActorState ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) pre (post actor)
lift-actor actor {pre} references pre-eq-refs m = record
{ inbox-shape = inbox-shape actor
; A = A actor
; references = references
; pre = pre
; pre-eq-refs = pre-eq-refs
; post = post actor
; actor-m = m
; computation = m
; name = name actor

-- Replace the monadic part of an actor
-- Many of the bind-operations don't change anything except what the next step should be.
replace-actorM : (actor : Actor) ActorM ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (pre actor) (post actor) Actor
replace-actorM : (actor : Actor) ActorState ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (pre actor) (post actor) Actor
replace-actorM actor m = record
{ inbox-shape = inbox-shape actor
; A = A actor
; references = references actor
; pre = pre actor
; pre-eq-refs = pre-eq-refs actor
; post = post actor
; actor-m = m
; computation = m
; name = name actor

-- Add one reference to an actor.
-- Used when receiving a reference, spawn, or self.
-- The precondition and references are equal via the congruence relation on consing the shape of the reference.
add-reference : (actor : Actor) (nm : NamedInbox) ActorM ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (shape nm ∷ pre actor) (post actor) Actor
add-reference : (actor : Actor) (nm : NamedInbox) ActorState ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (shape nm ∷ pre actor) (post actor) Actor
add-reference actor nm m = record
{ inbox-shape = inbox-shape actor
; A = A actor
; references = nm ∷ references actor
; pre = shape nm ∷ pre actor
; pre-eq-refs = cong (_∷_ (shape nm)) (pre-eq-refs actor)
; post = post actor
; actor-m = m
; computation = m
; name = name actor

add-references-to-actor : (actor : Actor) (nms : List NamedInbox) ActorM ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) ((map shape nms) ++ pre actor) (post actor) Actor
add-references-to-actor : (actor : Actor) (nms : List NamedInbox) ActorState ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) ((map shape nms) ++ pre actor) (post actor) Actor
add-references-to-actor actor nms m = record
{ inbox-shape = inbox-shape actor
; A = A actor
; references = nms ++ references actor
; pre = map shape nms ++ pre actor
; pre-eq-refs = trans (map-++-commute shape nms (references actor)) (cong (_++_ (map shape nms)) (pre-eq-refs actor))
; post = post actor
; actor-m = m
; computation = m
; name = name actor

add-references-rewrite : (actor : Actor) (nms : List NamedInbox) {x : Message (inbox-shape actor)}
map shape nms ++ pre actor ≡ add-references (pre actor) x
ActorM ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (add-references (pre actor) x) (post actor)
ActorState ∞ (inbox-shape actor) (A actor) (add-references (pre actor) x) (post actor)
add-references-rewrite actor nms {x} p m = record
{ inbox-shape = inbox-shape actor
Expand All @@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ add-references-rewrite actor nms {x} p m = record
; pre = add-references (pre actor) x
; pre-eq-refs = trans (trans (map-++-commute shape nms (references actor)) (cong (_++_ (map shape nms)) (pre-eq-refs actor))) p
; post = post actor
; actor-m = m
; computation = m
; name = name actor

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,27 +251,27 @@ messages-valid-suc {store} {IS} {n} {x} {nx ∷ _} frsh (px ∷ vi) = message-va

-- Add a new actor to the environment.
-- The actor is added to the top of the list of actors.
add-top : {IS A post} ActorM ∞ IS A [] post Env Env
add-top {IS} {A} {post} actor-m env = record
{ acts = record
{ inbox-shape = IS
; A = A
; references = []
; pre = []
; pre-eq-refs = refl
; post = post
; actor-m = actor-m
; name = fresh-name env
} ∷ acts env
; blocked = blocked env
; env-inboxes = [] ∷ env-inboxes env
; store = inbox# fresh-name env [ IS ] ∷ store env
; fresh-name = suc (fresh-name env)
; actors-valid = record { actor-has-inbox = zero ; references-have-pointer = [] } ∷ ∀map (valid-actor-suc (name-is-fresh env)) (actors-valid env)
; blocked-valid = ∀map (valid-actor-suc (name-is-fresh env)) (blocked-valid env)
; messages-valid = [] ∷ map-suc (store env) (messages-valid env) (name-is-fresh env)
; name-is-fresh = Data.Nat.s≤s (≤-reflexive refl) ∷ ∀map Data.Nat.Properties.≤-step (name-is-fresh env)
add-top : {IS A post} ActorState ∞ IS A [] post Env Env
add-top {IS} {A} {post} m env = record
{ acts = record
{ inbox-shape = IS
; A = A
; references = []
; pre = []
; pre-eq-refs = refl
; post = post
; computation = m
; name = fresh-name env
} ∷ acts env
; blocked = blocked env
; env-inboxes = [] ∷ env-inboxes env
; store = inbox# fresh-name env [ IS ] ∷ store env
; fresh-name = suc (fresh-name env)
; actors-valid = record { actor-has-inbox = zero ; references-have-pointer = [] } ∷ ∀map (valid-actor-suc (name-is-fresh env)) (actors-valid env)
; blocked-valid = ∀map (valid-actor-suc (name-is-fresh env)) (blocked-valid env)
; messages-valid = [] ∷ map-suc (store env) (messages-valid env) (name-is-fresh env)
; name-is-fresh = Data.Nat.s≤s (≤-reflexive refl) ∷ ∀map Data.Nat.Properties.≤-step (name-is-fresh env)
map-suc : (store : Store) {store' : Store} {inbs : Inboxes store'} InboxesValid store inbs {n} (NameFresh store n) InboxesValid (inbox# n [ IS ] ∷ store) inbs
map-suc store [] frsh = []
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Runtime.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ showNames (x ∷ x₁ ∷ names) = show x ++ ", " ++ showNames (x₁ ∷ names)
-- Creates a nicely formatted string out of a step-trace from the simulation
show-trace : Trace String
show-trace (Return name) = show name ++ " returned"
show-trace (Bind trace) = "Bind [ " ++ show-trace trace ++ " ]"
show-trace (BindDouble name) = "Bind " ++ (show name)
show-trace (Bind name) = "Bind [ " ++ show name ++ " ]"
show-trace (Spawn spawner spawned) = (show spawner) ++ " spawned " ++ (show spawned)
show-trace (Send sender receiver references) = (show sender) ++ " sent a message to " ++ (show receiver) ++ " forwarding [" ++ showNames references ++ "]"
show-trace (Receive name Nothing) = (show name) ++ " received nothing. It was put in the blocked list"
Expand Down

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