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Call with unique tag
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Zalastax committed Apr 3, 2018
1 parent db9f6db commit 3e722b4
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Showing 2 changed files with 148 additions and 62 deletions.
103 changes: 75 additions & 28 deletions src/Examples/Call.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,67 +4,114 @@ open import ActorMonad public
open import Data.List using (List ; _∷_ ; [] ; _++_)
open import Data.List.All using (All ; _∷_ ; [])
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; if_then_else_ ; false ; true)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc ; _+_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc ; _+_ ; _≟_)
open import Coinduction
open import Level using (Lift ; lift) renaming (zero to lzero ; suc to lsuc)
open import Data.List.Any using (here ; there)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong ; sym ; inspect ; [_] ; trans)
open import Membership using (_∈_ ; _⊆_ ; S ; Z ; _∷_ ; [] ; ⊆-refl ; ⊆-trans ; ⊆-suc ; translate-⊆)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong ; sym ; inspect ; [_] ; trans)
open import Membership using (
_∈_ ; _⊆_ ; S ; Z ; _∷_ ; [] ; ⊆-refl
; ⊆-trans ; ⊆-suc ; translate-⊆)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤ ; tt)
open import Examples.SelectiveReceive using (selective-receive ; SelRec ; waiting-refs ; add-references++ ; ∈-inc ; ⊆++-refl)
open import Examples.SelectiveReceive using (
selective-receive ; SelRec ; waiting-refs
; add-references++ ; ∈-inc ; ⊆++-refl)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes ; no)

open import Size

open SelRec

call-select-unwrap : {MtIn MT} {IS : InboxShape} MT ∈ IS MtIn ∈ IS Bool
call-select-unwrap Z Z = true
call-select-unwrap Z (S p) = false
call-select-unwrap (S x) Z = false
call-select-unwrap (S x) (S p) = call-select-unwrap x p
UniqueTag =

call-select : {IS IS' MtIn} IS' <: IS MtIn ∈ IS' Message IS Bool
call-select sub which (Msg x x₁) = call-select-unwrap x (translate-⊆ sub which)
call-select-unwrap : {MtIn MT} {IS : InboxShape}
All receive-field-content MT
(ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS
call-select-unwrap tag Z (tag' ∷ fs) Z with (tag ≟ tag')
... | yes p = true
... | no p = false
call-select-unwrap _ Z _ (S p) = false
call-select-unwrap _ (S x) _ Z = false
call-select-unwrap tag (S x) fs (S p) = call-select-unwrap tag x fs p

call : {Γ MtTo MtIn i} {To IS IS' : InboxShape} (q : List (Message IS)) (Γ ⊢ To)
((ReferenceType IS' ∷ MtTo) ∈ To) All (send-field-content Γ) MtTo
(ISsubs : IS' <: IS) (whichIn : MtIn ∈ IS')
∞ActorM i IS (SelRec IS (call-select ISsubs whichIn)) (Γ ++ (waiting-refs q)) (λ m (add-references Γ (msg m)) ++ (waiting-refs (waiting m)))
call {Γ} {IS = IS} q var toFi vals sub whichIn = do
call-select : {IS IS' MtIn}
IS' <: IS
(ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS'
Message IS
call-select tag sub which (Msg x fs) =
call-select-unwrap tag x fs (translate-⊆ sub which)

call : {Γ MtTo MtIn i} {To IS IS' : InboxShape}
(q : List (Message IS))
(Γ ⊢ To)
((ValueType UniqueTag ∷ ReferenceType IS' ∷ MtTo) ∈ To)
(tag : UniqueTag)
All (send-field-content Γ) MtTo
(ISsubs : IS' <: IS)
(whichIn : (ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS')
∞ActorM i IS
(SelRec IS (call-select tag ISsubs whichIn))
(Γ ++ (waiting-refs q))
(λ m (add-references Γ (msg m)) ++ (waiting-refs (waiting m)))
call {Γ} {IS = IS} q var toFi tag vals sub whichIn = do
S (translate-⊆ (⊆++-refl Γ (waiting-refs q)) var) ![t: toFi ] (([ Z ]>: sub) ∷ (translate-fields vals))
S (translate-⊆ (⊆++-refl Γ (waiting-refs q)) var)
![t: toFi ]
((lift tag) ∷ ([ Z ]>: sub) ∷ (translate-fields vals))
strengthen (⊆-suc ⊆-refl)
selective-receive q (call-select sub whichIn)
selective-receive q (call-select tag sub whichIn)
translate-fields : {MT} All (send-field-content Γ) MT All (send-field-content (IS ∷ Γ ++ waiting-refs q)) MT
translate-fields : {MT} All (send-field-content Γ) MT
All (send-field-content (IS ∷ Γ ++ waiting-refs q)) MT
translate-fields {[]} [] = []
translate-fields {ValueType x ∷ MT} (px ∷ ps) = px ∷ translate-fields ps
translate-fields {ReferenceType x ∷ MT} (([ p ]>: v) ∷ ps) = ([ (S (∈-inc Γ (waiting-refs q) _ p)) ]>: v) ∷ (translate-fields ps)
translate-fields {ValueType x ∷ MT} (px ∷ ps) =
px ∷ translate-fields ps
translate-fields {ReferenceType x ∷ MT} (([ p ]>: v) ∷ ps) =
([ (S (∈-inc Γ (waiting-refs q) _ p)) ]>: v) ∷ (translate-fields ps)

Calculator : InboxShape
Calculator = (ReferenceType ((ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []) ∷ ValueType ℕ ∷ ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []
Calculator = (
ValueType UniqueTag ∷
ReferenceType ((
ValueType UniqueTag ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []
) ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷ []
) ∷ []

calculatorActor : {i} ∞ActorM (↑ i) Calculator (Lift ⊤) [] (λ _ [])
calculatorActor = loop
loop : {i} ∞ActorM i Calculator (Lift ⊤) [] (λ _ [])
loop .force = receive ∞>>= λ {
(Msg Z (_ ∷ n ∷ m ∷ [])) do
Z ![t: Z ] ((lift (n + m)) ∷ [])
(Msg Z (tag ∷ _ ∷ n ∷ m ∷ [])) do
Z ![t: Z ] ((lift tag) ∷ (lift (n + m)) ∷ [])
strengthen []
; (Msg (S ()) _) }

TestBox : InboxShape
TestBox = ((ValueType ℕ ∷ [])) ∷ [] ∷ []
TestBox = ((ValueType UniqueTag ∷ ValueType ℕ ∷ [])) ∷ [] ∷ []

calltestActor : {i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
calltestActor .force = spawn∞ calculatorActor ∞>>
[mid: (λ m add-references (Calculator ∷ []) (msg m) ++ waiting-refs (waiting m)) ] call [] Z Z ((lift 10) ∷ ((lift 32) ∷ [])) (Z ∷ []) Z >>=
[mid: (λ m add-references (Calculator ∷ []) (msg m) ++
waiting-refs (waiting m)) ]
call [] Z Z 0
((lift 10) ∷ ((lift 32) ∷ []))
(Z ∷ []) Z >>=
λ x strengthen [] >>
return-result x
return-result : SelRec TestBox (call-select (Z ∷ []) Z) {i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
return-result record { msg = (Msg Z (px ∷ x₁)) } = return px
return-result : SelRec TestBox (call-select 0 (Z ∷ []) Z)
{i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
return-result record { msg = (Msg Z (tag ∷ n ∷ [])) } = return n
return-result record { msg = (Msg (S x) x₁) ; msg-ok = () }

107 changes: 73 additions & 34 deletions src/Selective/Examples/Call.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,64 +4,103 @@ open import Selective.ActorMonad public
open import Data.List using (List ; _∷_ ; [] ; _++_)
open import Data.List.All using (All ; _∷_ ; [])
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; if_then_else_ ; false ; true)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc ; _+_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ ; zero ; suc ; _+_ ; _≟_ )
open import Size
open import Level using (Lift ; lift) renaming (zero to lzero ; suc to lsuc)
open import Data.List.Any using (here ; there)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong ; sym ; inspect ; [_] ; trans)
open import Membership using (_∈_ ; _⊆_ ; S ; Z ; _∷_ ; [] ; ⊆-refl ; ⊆-trans ; ⊆-suc ; translate-⊆)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong ; sym ; inspect ; [_] ; trans)
open import Membership using (
_∈_ ; _⊆_ ; S ; Z ; _∷_ ; []
; ⊆-refl ; ⊆-trans ; ⊆-suc ; translate-⊆
open import Data.Unit using (⊤ ; tt)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes ; no)

open SelectedMessage

call-select-unwrap : {MtIn MT} {IS : InboxShape} MT ∈ IS MtIn ∈ IS Bool
call-select-unwrap Z Z = true
call-select-unwrap Z (S p) = false
call-select-unwrap (S x) Z = false
call-select-unwrap (S x) (S p) = call-select-unwrap x p
UniqueTag =

call-select : {IS IS' MtIn} IS' <: IS MtIn ∈ IS' MessageFilter IS
call-select {IS} sub which = filter
filter : MessageFilter IS
filter (Msg x x₁) = call-select-unwrap x (translate-⊆ sub which)
call-select-unwrap : {MtIn MT} {IS : InboxShape}
All receive-field-content MT
(ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS
call-select-unwrap tag Z (tag' ∷ fs) Z with (tag ≟ tag')
... | yes p = true
... | no p = false
call-select-unwrap _ Z _ (S p) = false
call-select-unwrap _ (S x) _ Z = false
call-select-unwrap tag (S x) fs (S p) = call-select-unwrap tag x fs p

call-select : {IS IS' MtIn}
IS' <: IS
(ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS'
MessageFilter IS
call-select {IS} tag sub which (Msg x fs) =
call-select-unwrap tag x fs (translate-⊆ sub which)

call : {Γ MtTo MtIn i} {To IS IS' : InboxShape} (Γ ⊢ To)
((ReferenceType IS' ∷ MtTo) ∈ To) All (send-field-content Γ) MtTo
(ISsubs : IS' <: IS) (whichIn : MtIn ∈ IS')
∞ActorM i IS (SelectedMessage (call-select ISsubs whichIn)) Γ (add-selected-references Γ)
call {Γ} {IS = IS} var toFi vals sub whichIn =
self >>
((S var ![t: toFi ] (([ Z ]>: sub) ∷ (translate-fields vals))) >>
(strengthen (⊆-suc ⊆-refl) >>
selective-receive (call-select sub whichIn)))
call : {Γ MtTo MtIn i} {To IS IS' : InboxShape}
(Γ ⊢ To)
((ValueType UniqueTag ∷ ReferenceType IS' ∷ MtTo) ∈ To)
(tag : UniqueTag)
All (send-field-content Γ) MtTo
(ISsubs : IS' <: IS)
(whichIn : (ValueType UniqueTag ∷ MtIn) ∈ IS')
∞ActorM i IS
(SelectedMessage (call-select tag ISsubs whichIn))
Γ (add-selected-references Γ)
call {Γ} {IS = IS} var toFi tag vals sub whichIn = do
S var ![t: toFi ] ((lift tag) ∷ ([ Z ]>: sub) ∷ (translate-fields vals))
strengthen (⊆-suc ⊆-refl)
selective-receive (call-select tag sub whichIn)
translate-fields : {MT} All (send-field-content Γ) MT All (send-field-content (IS ∷ Γ)) MT
translate-fields : {MT}
All (send-field-content Γ) MT
All (send-field-content (IS ∷ Γ)) MT
translate-fields [] = []
translate-fields {ValueType x ∷ MT} (px ∷ vals) = px ∷ (translate-fields vals)
translate-fields {ReferenceType x ∷ MT} (([ p ]>: v) ∷ vals) = ([ (S p) ]>: v) ∷ (translate-fields vals)
translate-fields {ValueType x ∷ MT} (px ∷ vals) =
px ∷ (translate-fields vals)
translate-fields {ReferenceType x ∷ MT} (([ p ]>: v) ∷ vals) =
([ (S p) ]>: v) ∷ (translate-fields vals)

Calculator : InboxShape
Calculator = (ReferenceType ((ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []) ∷ ValueType ℕ ∷ ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []
Calculator = (
ValueType UniqueTag ∷
ReferenceType ((
ValueType UniqueTag ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷ []
) ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷ []
) ∷ []

calculatorActor : {i} ∞ActorM (↑ i) Calculator (Lift ⊤) [] (λ _ [])
calculatorActor .force = receive ∞>>= λ {
(Msg Z (_ ∷ n ∷ m ∷ [])) .force (Z ![t: Z ] ((lift (n + m)) ∷ [])) ∞>>
(strengthen [] >>
(Msg Z (tag ∷ _ ∷ n ∷ m ∷ [])) .force
(Z ![t: Z ] ((lift tag) ∷ (lift (n + m)) ∷ [])) ∞>> (do
strengthen []
; (Msg (S ()) _)

TestBox : InboxShape
TestBox = ((ValueType ℕ ∷ [])) ∷ [] ∷ []
TestBox = (
ValueType UniqueTag ∷
ValueType ℕ ∷ []) ∷
[] ∷ []

calltestActor : {i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
calltestActor .force = spawn∞ calculatorActor ∞>>
(call Z Z ((lift 10) ∷ ((lift 32) ∷ [])) (Z ∷ []) Z >>= λ x
strengthen [] >>
calltestActor .force = spawn∞ calculatorActor ∞>> (do
x call Z Z 0 ((lift 10) ∷ ((lift 32) ∷ [])) (Z ∷ []) Z
strengthen []
return-result x)
return-result : SelectedMessage {TestBox} (call-select (Z ∷ []) Z) {i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
return-result record { msg = (Msg Z (px ∷ x₁)) } = return px
return-result : SelectedMessage {TestBox} (call-select 0 (Z ∷ []) Z)
{i} ∞ActorM i TestBox (Lift ℕ) [] (λ _ [])
return-result record { msg = (Msg Z (tag ∷ n ∷ [])) } = return n
return-result record { msg = (Msg (S x) x₁) ; msg-ok = () }

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