This file contains ideas for future improvements of this work.
- Report space usage
- More real data
- knihovni cast, neobecna (explicitne) VS experimenty nad tim napsane
operation ("Find
that returns a pointer")- What happens on other key/value sizes? What happens on other pointer sizes? (e.g. 32b)
- Compare with libdbm?
- Van Emde-Boas / x/y-fast trie
- B-star trees
- Judy array?
- vetsi hodnoty? parametricke na velikosti hodnot?
- FKS hashing
- Play around with hash table load factor/query time tradeoff
- multithreading
- on-disk structures (much more fun)
- scrapegoat tree, AVL tree
- cache-oblivious priority queue
- cache-line-aligned COBT? (neco jako 8-cestny implicitni strom)
- vector ops
- custom allocator (faster + more aligned than malloc)
- SIMD searching in B-trees
- Binary search in B-trees
- Find/FindNext/FindPrev with finger (should be much faster)
- PMA should reallocate, not allocate + free
- cache-sensitive b+ trees (increase tree fanout by eliminating pointers)
- pearson correlation coefficient (for counter-time correlation)
- hopscotch hashing
- Cache-oblivious B-trees are about 4-competitive, something log(e)-optimal exists. Find out about that.
- Memcache?
- Python/Ruby built-in hashes?
- Linux kernel trees (unfortunately very intrusive)
- Jeffrey Scott Vitter - External Memory Algorithms and Data
- Rasmus Pagh - Optimality in External Memory Hashing
- self-organizing heuristics for implicit data structures
- implicit data structures for weighted elements
- CSB+ trees (
- Enron e-mails dataset
- U.S. census
- wikipedia snapshot
- Indiana university Click dataset (HTTP requests)
(given a website, find next click on that website; key =
timestamp;website hash
) - DIMACS implementation challenge 5 (dictionaries):
- compression algorithms (7zip, xzip, zlib hash table in Firefox, ...?)