My Reads is the first project of Udacity React nanodegree program. It requires to build a bookshelf app that allows you to select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read. The project has the following goals:
- Use React to build the application
- Manage state using hooks
- Build components
- Leverage React Router
- Main Page
- The main page shows 3 shelves for books:
- Currently Reading
- Read
- Want To Read
- Each book is shown on the correct shelf, along with its title and all of its authors.
- The main page shows a control that allows users to move books between shelves. The control is tied to each book instance.
- When the browser is refreshed, the same information is displayed on the page.
- The main page shows 3 shelves for books:
- Search Page
- The search page has a search input field.
- As the user types into the search field, books that match the query are displayed on the page, along with their titles and authors.
- Search results are not shown when all of the text is deleted out of the search input box.
- Invalid queries are handled and prior search results are not shown.
- The search works correctly when a book does not have a thumbnail or an author.
- The user is able to search for multiple words, such as
artificial intelligence
- Routing
- The main page contains a link to the search page. When the link is clicked, the search page is displayed and the URL in the browser’s address bar is
. - The search page contains a link to the main page. When the link is clicked, the main page is displayed and the URL in the browser’s address bar is
- The main page contains a link to the search page. When the link is clicked, the search page is displayed and the URL in the browser’s address bar is
Udacity provides BooksAPI.js
file that contains the methods to perform necessary operations on the backend:
- getAll
- update
- search
- Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON object containing a collection of book objects.
- This collection represents the books currently in the bookshelves in the app.
- book:
containing at minimum an id attribute - shelf:
contains one of ["wantToRead", "currentlyReading", "read"] - Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON object containing the response data of the POST request.
- query:
- Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON object containing a collection of a maximum of 20 book objects. These books do not know which shelf they are on. They are raw results only.
To run My Reads app in dev mode:
- Clone this repo.
into project directory.- Install the dependencies by running the following commands:
npm install
- Start the server by running the following command:
npm start
The http:localhost:3000
page will be automatically opened in your browser.
Alexandra Baturina