This place stores all the possible ideas to implement. These ideas do not recieve any pull requests and are directly maintained by me, the owner of the repository.
4[r1 100] <- r2 # Store a whole word
2[r1] <- r2 # Store a half word
1[0x122] <- r2 # Store a byte
io[r1 100] <- r2 # Store a byte in iobus address r1+100
Obviously, the compiler will only just translate this syntax to original boring instruction behind the scenes.
r1 <- 4[r2 100] # Read a whole word from r2+100
r1 <- 2[r2] # Read a half word from r2
r1 <- 1[100] # Read a byte from address 100
r1 <- io[r2 102] # Read a byte from iobus address r2+102
Obviously, the compiler will only just translate this syntax to original boring instruction behind the scenes.