A simple and elegant angular service inspired by ionic popup to show loader/spinner and popup(or dialogue) window for alert
and confirm
with custom content and look.
PopupSvc exposes two methods alert
and confirm
which takes one parameter either string/html template or an option object for customized look and feel.
These methods returns promise which is resolved when the popup is dismissed. It also returns close
method to programmatically close it.
Use below methods to display a loader or spinner as overlay driven by Bootstrap modal window
1. spin : Show a spinner/loader
2. stopSpin: Stop the spinner
Angular (tested on v1.5.3)
Angular UI Bootstrap (tested on v1.3.3)
PopupSvc should work fine with any Angular/UI Bootstrap version supporting ControllerAs syntax.
Check out the demo at Plunker
angular.module('myApp', ['popup']);//add popup module dependency
angular.controller('myCtrl', ['PopupSvc', function(PopupSvc){//Inject the PopupSvc service into your controller
//1. Basic Usage
PopupSvc.alert("<strong>Hey!</strong> How you doing");//html string
PopupSvc.confirm("Are you sure?");//normal text
//2. Reacting on popup dismissal/button click
var popup = PopupSvc.alert("Hey! How you doing");
console.log('Alert dismissed');
PopupSvc.confirm("Hey! How you doing").then(function(response){
console.log('Primary/OK button clicked');
console.log('Secondary/Cancel button clicked');
//Programmatically closing the popup using `close` method
//close method must be executed in next tick as popup creation is asynchronous
var popup = PopupSvc.alert("Hey! How you doing");
window.setTimeout(popup.close, 3000);
//3. Customized popup
var popupOption = {//only fewer options here
title: 'Confirm',
subTitle: '<span style="color: red;">Are you sure?</span>',
body: 'Operation can not be reverted',
okText: 'Delete',
okClass: 'btn-danger',
size: 'md'//show a medium size modal popup
PopupSvc.spin();//spinner without leading text
PopupSvc.spin('Saving...');//spinner with leading text
PopupSvc.stopSpin();//stop and remove the last spinner
//Advance usage to stop the required spinner in case of multiple spinner showing at a time
var modal = PopupSvc.spin();//will create the spinner and return modal reference to stop it
modal.close();//stop or close the spinner
Download the script file directly from Github.
Add script
reference to your html then add popup
module as angular module dependency. Now you can use PopupSvc
To have a custom look and feel (e.g button texts etc.) use below option as a parameter to alert
or confirm
. All of the option properties are optional. Of course you will provide value for body
or title
to render some text.
popup is created using bootstrap $uibModal hence there are few properties related to that as well
title: '', // String. The title of the popup.
subTitle: '', // String. The sub-title of the popup. only applicable when title provided
body: '',//String to place in the popup body.
okText: 'OK',//text for OK button
okClass: 'btn-info',//class(es) to be added to OK button; e.g 'btn-info btn-small'
cancelText: 'Cancel',//not applicable for alert
cancelClass: 'btn-secondary',
headerClass: 'text-center',//class to be added to bootstrap modal-header
bodyClass: '',//class for bootstrap modal-body
footerClass: '',//class for bootstrap modal-footer
//Below are the three uibModal related properties, see uibModal Bootstrap documentation for details
backdrop: 'static',//Controls presence of a backdrop. Allowed values: true (default), false (no backdrop), 'static' (disables modal closing by click on the backdrop).
keyboard: false,//Indicates whether the dialog should be closable by hitting the ESC key.
size: 'sm',//modal or popup size, default is small
/*NOTE: Below are the app level configuration applicable when input parameter is string. It can be set during angular config phase.
showStringAs: 'body',//it will display the text as modal body(left aligned smaller font text). Other value is 'title' (center aligned h5 element)
enableDynamicSize: true,//show medium size popup when input string extends the below character limit
extendSizeCharLength: 300
Sice all applicable string inputs can contains
tags therefore you can easily control the style.
You can easily configure the default popup option for the application during config phase using PopupSvcProvider
as below.
angular.module('myApp', ['popup'])
.config(['PopupSvcProvider', function(PopupSvcProvider){
okText: 'Dismiss',//Now instead of 'OK' popup will show button with text 'Dismiss'
okClass: 'btn-primary',
cancelText: 'Close',
keyboard: true//popup can be closed now with ESC key.
However the option parameter will still take precedence over app level configuration.