flutter build appbundle
flutter pub run build_runner build
If you’ve modified your pubspec.yaml file, or you want to update only the packages that your app depends upon (instead of both the packages and Flutter itself), then use one of the flutter pub commands.
To update to the latest compatible versions of all the dependencies listed in the pubspec.yaml file, use the upgrade command:
flutter pub upgrade
To identify out-of-date package dependencies and get advice on how to update them, use the outdated command. For details, see the Dart pub outdated documentation.
dart pub outdated --color
emulator -avd Pixel_XL_API_26 -no-snapshot-load
Icon maker Colour palettes Splashscreen generator Flutter examples Material icons
storePassword=*123 keyPassword=3 keyAlias=key storeFile=C:\Users\Varun\Desktop\.jks
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main