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File metadata and controls

75 lines (50 loc) · 2.74 KB


GitHub license Swift 5

(HCI Project) Developed the application as a project for HCI. Added iOS 14 Widgets.

Homeversity allows to book councelling appointments, lost and found, lodge complaint, room cleaning servieces via the iOS app.

Homeversity App Promotional Poster of Homeversity

What you will get in this project

Your following questions are answered in the project:

  1. How to make a Login and singup page with Firebase?
  2. How to upload a profile picture, name and mobile number?
  3. How to hide a keyboard when touched outside of keyboard?
  4. How to custom animate your views, Textfileds and other elements when keyboard is pushed?
  5. How to make a custom loader with GIF?
  6. How to load a GIF in a image View?
  7. How to design a custom TextField?
  8. How to make a custom tab bar with profile picture?
  9. How to use table view?
  10. How to perform basic algebric operation with conditions on it?
  11. How to make a date Picker?
  12. How to use a textField as a Picker?

Getting Started

To get started and run the app, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Homeversity workspace in Xcode.
  2. Change the Bundle Identifier to match your domain.
  3. Go to Firebase and create new project.
  4. Select "Add Firebase to your iOS app" option, type the bundle Identifier & click continue.
  5. Download "GoogleService-Info.plist" file and add to the project. Make sure file name is "GoogleService-Info.plist".
  6. Go to Firebase Console, select your project, choose "Authentication" from left menu, select "SIGN-IN METHOD" and enable "Email/Password" option.
  7. Open the terminal, navigate to project folder and run "pod install".
  8. You're all set! Run Homeversity on your iPhone or the iOS Simulator.


This project is written in Swift 5 for the application part and a little bit knowledge of SwiftUI for the widgets part, requires Xcode 12.0 to build and run.

Homeversity is compatible with iOS 14.0+.



Copyright 2020 Ankit Yadav.

Licensed under MIT License:

Video Demo and stakeholders analysis

Hostel Service Information System (Voice Control) – Homeversity | Human Computer Interaction


Install pods after downloading this project to your system and test :)

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