Every robot has a different method for interpreting a path, so I have exposed the function that interprets the path.
must be a python function that takes one input, the multiline-string of commands that you type in.
It must return commands_array,error
If there is no error, then error should equal False
If there is an error, then commands_array should equal []
When there is an error, this message appears to warn you that your commands will fail:
must be an array of tuples, with each tuple being a command
The first element of each tuple will either be 0
, for straight motion, or 1
to turn.
The second element is a number (deciamls are fine): either the number of degrees to turn (negative for counterclockwise, positive for clockwise), or the number of centimeters to travel (negative for backwards; positive for forward)
For example, if the path is:
Forward 100cm, Right 90 degrees, Forward 50cm, Left 45 degrees, Backward 50cm
Then, the interpreted commands is:
[(0, 100.0), (1, 90), (0, 50.0), (1, -45.0), (0, -50.0)]
If you would like to directly use this interpreted format, then use this compileCommands example
A default compileCommands has been provided. The default compileCommands uses a very human-readable format:
- sX: Go stratight by X centimeters (e.g. s100 for 100 cm)
- r: turn right 90°
- l: turn left 90°
- u: turn 180°
- tX: turn by X°, where negative is left and positive is right
- sdX: Go straight by X cm × √2 (because the diagonal of a square is side length × √2)
- rd: turn right 45°
- ld: turn left 45°
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you need help making your compileCommands