Discord bot that uses chatGPT under the hood. Written in NodeJS.Prompts and answers using voice with google text-to-speech(gTTS), OpenAI and Discord. This is my first nodeJS attempt, only possible because of GitHub co-pilot.
There is a bug in discord.js/voice, the issue is described here: discordjs/discord.js#8482
The issue happens in all OS, not only WSL2. The proposed fix is already implemented in the node_module folder located in this repo.
- Uses official Discord and OpenAI modules
- Continuous conversation in the same session(removed due to high token usage)
- prompts by Voice
- Replies by Voice
- Works with multiple languages
- Version 2 uses stream instead of files to play audio responses. ChatGPT response is also using stream. This update increase the response time by almost 3 seconds, makins the voice response almost instant.
- Microsoft speech recognition sdk used to transform text-to-speech
- João and Antonio personalities added
- (Added in v3.0.1) Continuous conversation. Uses LangChain to store the conversation. Warning: it may be expensive
var chatgptvoicediscbot = require("chatgptvoicediscbot");
node discordChatGPTVoiceBot.js
Environment variables:
- botDiscId
- channelId
- guildId
- SpeechKey
- includez for sponsoring GitHub co-pilot :D
- The original version was using an unoffical API: chatgpt-api by transitive-bullshit. I no longer use it but was useful to understand how openai module works. Thanks!
- OpenAI for providing ChatGPT
ISC © Quskia