These are functions provided by ABP for the Angular frontend.
- get
- getValue
- isEnabled
- getSource
- isCurrentCulture
- localize
- getTenantIdCookie
- setTenantIdCookie
- getFormattedMessageFromUserNotification
- getUiNotifyFuncBySeverity
- getUserNotificationStateAsString
- showUiNotifyForUserNotification
- get
- getBoolean
- getInt
- connect
- convertToUserTimezone
- block
- clearBusy
- setBusy
- unblock
- buildQueryString
- createNamespace
- deleteCookie
- formatString
- getCookieValue
- isFunction
- replaceAll
- setCookieValue
- toCamelCase
- toPascalCase
- truncateString
- truncateStringWithPostfix
Used to call server-side services using AJAX and evaluate the return value. Since ASP.NET Boilerplate server-side code returns a standard response for AJAX calls, it's suggested to use this method to handle the standard return value.
abp.auth.areAllGranted(...args: string[]): boolean;
abp.auth.clearToken(): void;
abp.auth.getToken(): string;
abp.auth.isAnyGranted(...args: string[]): boolean;
abp.isGranted(permissionName: string): boolean;
abp.auth.setToken(authToken: string, expireDate?: Date): void;
Saves auth token.
normalize(date: Date): Date;
now(): Date;
Used to register to and trigger client side global events.
abp.log.debug(logObject?: any): void;
abp.log.error(logObject?: any): void;
abp.log.fatal(logObject?: any): void; any): void;
abp.log.log(logObject?: any, logLevel?: levels): void;
abp.log.warn(logObject?: any): void;
abp.message.confirm(message: string, callback?: (result: boolean) => void): Promise;
abp.message.confirm(message: string, title?: string, callback?: (result: boolean) => void): Promise;
abp.message.error(message: string, title?: string): Promise; string, title?: string): Promise;
abp.message.success(message: string, title?: string): Promise;
abp.message.warn(message: string, title?: string): Promise;
Used to show auto-disappearing notifications.
Generate a pop-up notification in the bottom-right corner that doesn't prevent the user from using the rest of the system. After a short time the notification fades away.
Multiple notifications above each other and can be clicked on to make them fade immediately.
abp.notify.error(message: string, title?: string, options?: any): void;
Generates an error notification string, title?: string, options?: any): void;
Generates an information notification
success(message: string, title?: string, options?: any): void;
Generates a success notification
abp.notify.warn(message: string, title?: string, options?: any): void;
Generates a warning notification
Used to make an area (a div, a form, entire page...) blocked for user inputs. Also used to make an area busy (with a busy indicator).
Adds a transparent overlay to the document or element so the user cannot interact with it.
Removes the busy overlay from the document or element.
Adds a semi-transparent overlay with a busy indicator to the document or element and prevents the user from interacting with the document or element.
Removes the transparent overlay from the document or element.
Similar to string.Format
in C#
abp.utils.getCookieValue(key: string): string;
Gets a cookie with given key. This is a simple implementation created to be used by ABP. Please use a complete cookie library if you need.
abp.utils.setCookieValue(key: string, value: string, expireDate?: Date, path?: string): void;
Sets a cookie value for given key. This is a simple implementation created to be used by ABP. Please use a complete cookie library if you need.