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Acid Rain

A single file pure Lua particle system for Defold.

Acid Rain uses Factories and Game objects for particle creation. This allows the use of Flip book animation (in/life/out and multipe sprites per emitter), per frame/easing/physics movement, in/out easing and collision objects!


Simpy download acidrain.lua and add it to your project. Then include it in any script you wish to use it to create emitters (standard Lua stuff).

local acidrain = require('acidrain')


function init(self)
	self.emitter = acidrain.create({
		factory = {
			url = "/go#factory",
			sprite_id = "sprite",

function update(self, dt)

This will create and start an emitter with default parameters. Minimally you need to specify:

  • The URL of a Factory component to spawn particles
  • The Id (Not URL) of a sprite component contained in the Game object (prototype) used in the above Factory

Acid Rain API

Don't be put off by the amount of parameters. Start with the above example and add parameters as required. It's much easier than it looks! There's lots of examples in the example project and also a minimal example project with a single default emitter.



Create an Acid Rain emitter instance. The emitter will spawn particles relative to the position of the Game object containing the script which creates the emitter.


  • config [table]
    • factory [table] - Table of factory parameters (REQUIRED)
      • factory_url [hash] - URL of a Factory component to spawn particles (REQUIRED)
      • sprite_id [hash] - The Id (Not URL) of a sprite component contained in the Game object (prototype) used in the above Factory (REQUIRED)
      • collisionobject_id [hash] - The Id (Not URL) of a collision object contained in the Game object (prototype) used in the above Factory (OPTIONAL)
    • emitter [table] - Table of emitter parameters (OPTIONAL)
      • update_method [hash] - How the emitter should update particles per_frame, transition, physics (SEE BELOW)
      • type [hash] - Emitter shape point, rectangle, ellipse, rectangle_edge, ellipse_edge
      • width [number] - Emitter width in pixels
      • height [number] - Emitter height in pixels
      • offset_x [number] - X offset in pixels relative to the containing Game object
      • offset_y [number] - Y offset in pixels relative to the containing Game object
      • max_particles [number] - Max number of particles allowed on screen
      • parent_space [boolean] - true Occupy the geometric space of the containing Game object, false Occupy world space
    • particle [table] - Table of particle parameters (OPTIONAL)
      • color [table] - Table containing one or more vmath.vector3 RGB values
      • emit_qty [number] - Number of particles to emit per emission
      • emit_delay [number] - Time in seconds between emissions
      • emit_repeat [number] - Number of emissions to perform, 0 for unlimited
      • time_in [number] - Time in seconds to ease in
      • time_life [number] - Life time in seconds
      • time_out [number] - Time is seconds to ease out
      • alpha_in [number] - Start particle alpha - transitions to alpha_life over time_in
      • alpha_life [number] - Life particle alpha - constant for duration of time_life
      • alpha_out [number] - End particle alpha - transitions from alpha_life over time_out
      • alpha_in_easing [hash] - Alpha in easing method, for example go.EASING_LINEAR
      • alpha_out_easing [hash] - Alpha out easing method
      • scale_in [vmath.vector3] - Start particle scale - transitions to scale_life over time_in
      • scale_life [vmath.vector3] - Life particle scale - constant for duration of time_life
      • scale_out [vmath.vector3] - End particle scale - transitions from scale_life over time_out
      • scale_in_easing [hash] - Scale in easing method, for example go.EASING_LINEAR
      • scale_out_easing [hash] - Scale out easing method, for example go.EASING_LINEAR
      • animation_in [table] - Table containing one or more Animation Id's to play during time_in
      • animation_life [table] - Table containing one or more Animation Id's to play during time_life
      • animation_out [table] - Table containing one or more Animation Id's to play during time_out
    • movement [table] - Table of movement parameters (OPTIONAL)
      • type [hash] - none, angle, angle_seq, to_target, from_target, custom_func
      • custom_func [function] - Move particles using a custom function (See Custom Function section)
      • angle [table] - Table containing one or more angles to emit on (See below)
      • angle_increment [number] - Increment select value from angle table by amount
      • angle_bounce [boolean] - Bounce up and down the angle table
      • rotate_to_direction [boolean] - Rotate particles to orient to direction of travel
      • velocity [table] - Table containing one or more emit velocities (See below)
      • velocity_adjust_x [number] - Multiply X velocity by amount each frame
      • velocity_adjust_y [number] - Multiply Y velocity by amount each frame
      • gravity_x [number] - Add amount to X velocity each frame
      • gravity_y [number] - Add amount to Y velocity each frame
      • target_position_x [number] - Particle target X position
      • target_position_y [number] - Particle target Y position
      • transition_overrun [number] - Amount to over run particle target positions in seconds


Acid Rain emitters can use one of three methods to update particle positions over the lifetime of a particle using the update_method parameter. These are:

  • per_frame - Particle position is calculated on a frame by frame basis, this is the default method
  • transition - Start and destination positions are calculated for each particle then particle position is updated using Defolds easing functions
  • physics - Angle and force are calculated and applied to each particle on creation then particle position is updated by Defolds Physics System (Game objects require Dynamic collision objects)


Collision objects can be added to any Factory Game objects used for particle creation regardless of update method but only the physics update method should us Dynamic objects. per_frame and transition update methods would normally use Kinematic objects.


  • Tables with multiple values - Acid Rain will randomly choose a different value for each emit
  • The angle and velocity parameter tables can be formatted as follows
    • {1} - Single value - 1
    • {1, 5, 10} - Multiple individual values - 1, 5 and 10
    • {{5, 10}} - Multiple between values - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • {1, 2, {5, 10}} - Combination of values - 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Normally Acid Rain will calculate the x and y velocities for each particle on a frame by frame basis. Particle movement can also be calculated using a custom function.

The custom function should define and return a table M = {} with an M.update() function that Acid Rain will call once per particle per frame.

-- Blank custom function template
	-- Define local vars here

	local M = {}
	M.update = function(velocity, angle, velocity_adjust_x, velocity_adjust_y, gravity_x, gravity_y)
		-- Calculate velocites here

		return velocity_x, velocity_y
	return M

The following parameters from your emitter will be passed to M.update() each frame - velocity, angle, velocity_adjust_x, velocity_adjust_y, gravity_x, gravity_y

M.update() should then calculate and return velocity_x and velocity_y

Also see the Default Values section below. The default function exactly replicates the standard per_frame velocity calculations done by Acid Rain.


Update the emitter. This should be called every frame to update active and remove inactive particles.


  • dt [number] - Delta time


Perform a single emission. This will be however many particles are set in the emit_qty parameter.


Start the emitter. The emitter will continue until the emit_repeat parameter is reached.


Stop the emitter. Particles already emitted will continue normally until the end of their life. Use acidrain.clean() immediately after if you also want to remove particles.


Immediately remove all active particles. This will not stop the emitter which will continue to spawn new particles.


Recalculate the emitter angles table after changing the angle parameter (See Modifying emitters below)


Recalculate the emitter velocities table after changing the velocity parameter (See Modifying emitters below)


Iterate over existing particles (See Modifying emitters below)

for particle in self.emitter.iterate() do
	-- Do something to each particle

Modifying emitters

Both emitters and particle parameters can be modified in real time with the exception of the factory = {} parameter table.

To modify emitter settings for new particles:

-- emitter_name.parameter = x

self.emitter.emitter.width = 100
self.emitter.particle.emit_qty = 8
self.emitter.movement.angle = {90)
self.emitter.movement.velocity = {120}

Note: Emitter angles and velocities are pre-calculated for efficiency. Any changes to the angle and velocity parameters will require recalculation using the following functions respectively before changes will take effect:


To modify already spawned particles:

for particle in self.emitter.iterate() do
	-- Do something to each particle, the following properties are available
		-- particle.velocity - Use particle.calculate_velocites() after changing
		-- particle.angle - Use particle.calculate_velocites() after changing
		-- particle.go_url
		-- particle.sprite_url
		-- particle.collision_url
		-- particle.game_object

	-- Example (Tint the particle red)
	local cur_color = go.get(particle.sprite_url, "tint")
	go.set(particle.sprite_url, "tint", vmath.vector4(1, 0, 0, cur_color.w))

	-- Example (Immediately delete the particle) = false

Default values

An example of creating an emitter with all the default values for reference.

self.emitter = acidrain.create({
	factory = {
		url = false,
		sprite_id = false,
		collisionobject_id = false
	emitter = {
		type = "point"
		width = 32,
		height = 32,
		offset_x = 0,
		offset_y = 0,
		max_particles = 32,
		parent_space = false
	particle = {
		color = {vmath.vector3(1, 1, 1)},
		emit_qty = 1,
		emit_delay = 0.5,
		emit_repeat = 0,
		alpha_in = 0,
		alpha_life = 1,
		alpha_out = 0,
		alpha_in_easing = go.EASING_LINEAR,
		alpha_out_easing = go.EASING_LINEAR,
		time_in = 0.5,
		time_life = 1,
		time_out = 0.5,
		scale_in = vmath.vector3(1, 1, 1),
		scale_life = vmath.vector3(1, 1, 1),
		scale_out = vmath.vector3(1, 1, 1),
		scale_in_easing = go.EASING_LINEAR,
		scale_out_easing = go.EASING_LINEAR,
		animation_in = false,
		animation_life = false,
		animation_out = false,
	movement = {
		type = "angle",
		custom_func =
				local math_sin, math_cos, math_rad = math.sin, math.cos, math.rad
				local velocity_adjust_inc_x, velocity_adjust_inc_y = 1, 1
				local gravity_inc_x, gravity_inc_y = 1, 1

				local M = {}
				M.update = function(velocity, angle, velocity_adjust_x, velocity_adjust_y, gravity_x, gravity_y)
					velocity_adjust_inc_x = velocity_adjust_inc_x * velocity_adjust_x
					velocity_adjust_inc_y = velocity_adjust_inc_y * velocity_adjust_y
					gravity_inc_x = gravity_inc_x + gravity_x
					gravity_inc_y = gravity_inc_y + gravity_y

					velocity_x = velocity * math_cos(-math_rad(angle)) * velocity_adjust_inc_x + gravity_inc_x
					velocity_y = velocity * math_sin(-math_rad(angle)) * velocity_adjust_inc_y + gravity_inc_y

					return velocity_x, velocity_y
				return M
		angle = {270},
		angle_increment = 10,
		angle_bounce = false,
		rotate_to_direction = false,
		velocity = {100},
		velocity_adjust_x = 1,
		velocity_adjust_y = 1,
		gravity_x = 0,
		gravity_y = 0,
		target_position_x = 0,
		target_position_y = 0,
		transition_overrun = 0,