<token> ::= <atom> | <number> | <variable> | <left paren> | <right paren> | <left bracket> | <right bracket> | <period>
<atom> ::= regex( [a-z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* ) | regex( `[^`]*` ) | (<special>)+ | "!"
<number> ::= regex( 0|[1-9][0-9]* ) | regex( 0[bB][0-1]+ ) | regex( 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ )
<variable> ::= regex( [_A-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* )
<left paren> ::= "("
<right paren> ::= ")"
<left bracket> ::= "["
<right bracket> ::= "]"
<period> ::= "."
<special> ::= ":" | "?" | "&" | ";" | "," | "|" | "=" | "<" | ">" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "\"
is an arbitrary-precision integer.
<program> ::= (<clause>)*
<clause> ::= [<fact> | <rule> | <query>] <period>
<fact> ::= <term>
<rule> ::= <term> ":-" <compound term>
<query> ::= "?-" <compound term>
<compound term> ::= <term> (("," | ";") <term>)*
<term> ::= <left paren> <term> <right paren> | <atom> | <number> | <variable> | <structure>
<structure> ::= <functor> <left paren> <term> ("," <term>)* <right paren> | <term> <operator> <term> | <operator> <term> | <term> <operator> | <list>
<functor> ::= <atom>
<operator> ::= <atom>
<list> ::= <left bracket> [<term> ("," <term>)* ["|" <list>]] <right bracket>
Precedence | Type | Name |
1200 | xfx | :- |
1200 | fx | ?- |
1100 | xfy | ; , | |
1000 | xfy | , |
700 | xfx | = , == , < , =< , > , >= , =:= , =\= , is |
500 | yfx | + , - |
400 | yfx | * , div , mod |
200 | fy | + , - |
: Arithmetic functions<
: Arithmetic comparison predicates
?- halt. % Stop D-Prolog
?- clear. % Clear the screen
?- pwd. % Print the name of the current working directory
?- ls. % List the file/directory names
?- ls('/path/to/directory'). % Use `ls` for a specific path.
?- cd('/path/to/directory'). % Change the current working directory
?- sl. % Display a SL
Inspired by SL(1), which is loved by many hackers :)