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Tearran edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 4 revisions

Helper functions

A list of the heper function ie bash prosedures used in Jobs file.

Feature Description Credit Reference Documents Status
set_runtime_variables Run time varibales Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
see_function_table_md Generate this markdown table of all module_options Tearran X X source link Needed
show_menu Display a menu from pipe Joey Turner Source X WIP
generate_top_menu Build the main menu from a object Joey Turner Source X Candidate
is_package_manager_running Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
check_desktop Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
generate_readme Generate Document files. Joey Turner Source X Candidate
execute_command Needed by generate_menu Joey Turner Source X Candidate
get_user_continue Display a Yes/No dialog box and prosees continue/exit Joey Turner Source X candidate
show_message Display a message box Joey Turner Source Document Review
connect_bt_interface Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
set_safe_boot Freeze/unhold Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
see_current_apt Check when apt list was last updated Joey Turner Source X Candidate
check_if_installed Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
generate_svg Generate 'Armbian CPU logo' SVG for docunment file. Tearran Source X active
set_header_remove Migrated procedures from Armbian config. Igor Pecovnik Source X active
generate_menu Generate a submenu from a parent_id Joey Turner Source X Candidate
see_jq_menu_list Generate a markdown list json objects using jq. Tearran Source X Candidate
generate_jobs_from_json Generate jobs from JSON file. Tearran Source X Candidate
toggle_ipv6 Toggle IPv6 on or off Joey Turner X X source link Needed
generate_json Generate JSON-like object file. Tearran Source X active
set_colors Change the background color of the terminal or dialoge box Joey Turner Source X candidate
check_ping_protocol Check if a domain is reachable via IPv4 and IPv6 Joey Turner X X source link Needed
serve_doc Serve the edit and debug server. Tearran Source X active
show_infobox pipe line strings to a infobox Joey Turner Source X active
see_use Show the usage of the functions. Tearran Source X active
see_ping Check the internet connection with fallback DNS Joey Turner Source X active
get_user_continue_secure Secure version of get_user_continue Joey Turner X X source link Needed
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