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A set of scripts to interact with Habitica:

  1. Python wrapper for the RESTful Habitica API (habitica.api.Habitipy class)
  2. Command-line interface with subcommands (e.g. > habitipy todos)
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Stable (v0.3.3) Build Status


  • Access to your Habitica account from command line
  • Colorful output
  • Easy and intuitive subcommands syntax
  • Pluggable and extendable architecture
  • API with built-in help


Habitipy comes in two main versions: basic an emoji. If don't want emoji on your terminal you are free to to with just only: $ pip install habitipy

If you want something like :thumbsup: to be converted to actual emoji unicode symbols before it will be printed to terminal, you should use this command: $ pip install habitipy[emoji]

In both cases you should put sudo in front of command, if you are installing habitipy package to system directory. To install habitipy just for you, use $ pip install --user habitipy

And the last, but not the least thing about installation - if you want bleeding edge development version (potentially unstable!), you should clone the repository and install habitipy

    $ git clone
    $ pip install -e habitipy


Most configuration of habitipy is done in ~/.config/habitipy/config. You can run any habitica command - this file will be created for you with default settings. You should replace default login and password with the corresponding user id and API key from your Habitica's API settings.

You can replace url as needed, for example if you're self-hosting a Habitica server.

Lastly, you should not change access rights of the config to anything other then 600 - this ensures that your credentials are kept secret from other users of your system. This is enforced by habitipy cli command.

There is also configuration options:

  • show_numbers - enables printing task numbers in commands like habitipy dailies or habitipy todo. Valid 'true' values are True, y, 1, anything else is considered 'false' .
  • show_style - controls the output of a task score and it's completeness. Valid values are: wide, narrow and ascii. Do try each for yourself.

It you have other tools using plumbum's Application class you want to integrate under habitipy cli command you can state them in ~/.config/habitipy/subcommands.json like this:


Using the above configuration, on startup habitipy will import SubcommandClass package.module and add a new subcommand with subcommand_name to habitipy.


Habitica restful API is accessible through habitipy.api.Habitipy class. API as long as other useful functions are exposed from top-level of habitipy package to ease the usage, so you can from habitipy import Habitipy. It is using parsed apiDoc from Habitica by downloading and parsing latest source from Habitica's Github repository. This enables you with API endpoint completion and documentation from ipython console. Here is an example:

In [1]: from habitipy import Habitipy, load_conf,DEFAULT_CONF
In [2]: api = Habitipy(load_conf(DEFAULT_CONF))
In [3]: api.
     api.approvals     api.debug         api.models        api.tags          
     api.challenges         api.notifications api.tasks         
     api.content       api.groups        api.reorder-tags  api.user             api.hall          api.shops                           
     api.cron          api.members       api.status                          
 In [84]: api.user.get?
 Signature:   api.user.get(**kwargs)
 Type:        Habitipy
 String form: <habitipy.api.Habitipy object at 0x7fa6fd7966d8>
 File:        ~/projects/python/habitica/habitipy/
 {get} /api/v3/user Get the authenticated user's profile

 responce params:
 "data" of type "object"

From other Python consoles you can just run:

>>> dir(api)
['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_apis', '_conf', '_current', '_is_request', '_make_apis_dict', '_make_headers', '_node', 'approvals', 'challenges', 'content', 'coupons', 'cron', 'debug', 'group', 'groups', 'hall', 'members', 'models', 'notifications', 'reorder-tags', 'shops', 'status', 'tags', 'tasks', 'user']
>>> print(api.user.get.__doc__)
{get} /api/v3/user Get the authenticated user's profile

responce params:
"data" of type "object"

If you are planning to create some cli tool on top of habitipy, you can use preconfigured class with enabled logging habitipy.cli.ApplicationWithApi. This class is using plumbum's Application class. Here is an example of such subclass:

from habitipy import ApplicationWithApi

class MyCliTool(ApplicationWithApi):
    """Tool to print json data about user"""
    def main(self):

The super().main() line is critical - all initialization takes place here.


habitipy command is meant to be internationalized. It is done using Python's standard library's gettext module. If you want habitipy to be translated to your language please read contributing guidelines.


Many thanks to the following excellent projects:

And to the original author of [habitica]