This is the demo project for serverless application written in GO =) Idea is to build an application which triggers workflow of several steps. This project follows Golang Project Layout
- cmd all the command handlers put there
- cmd/orderApi implementation of lambda, which handles creation of order
- deployments deployments are done via terraform
- internal internal packages, which can be used across different handlers
- mocks generated mocks
- scripts various bash scripts
- test handler tests
- dist folder is used for placing deployable artifacts (like lambda zip files)
In order to deploy following command need to be run
make dist deploy
Terraform will ask for confirmation for creating required AWS resources. Type 'yes' to proceed
URL of deployed api is provided in tf output
Public endpoint is created on Amazon Api Gateway. In order to create order POST request need to be executed:
curl -v -X POST
Expected that CREATED(201) is returned with Location header:
location: orders?id=<uuid>
TODO: unfortunately, full path is not returned so far.
Created resource can be requested via url
curl "<uuid>"
make destroy
Terraform will ask for confirmation. Type 'yes' to destroy