Build fork to work with GRADLE. Run it ignoring the tests, since meta model generator is not properly configured:
gradlew clean build\R2DA\java\jdk-11.0.10 -x test
Support Projections with JpaSpecificationExecutor.findAll(Specification,Pageable)
for Spring Data JPA
version 2.x.x for Spring Data JPA 2.x (Spring Boot 2.x)
version 1.x.x Spring Data JPA 1.x
- add dependency to pom
<!-- for Spring Data 2.x -->
<!-- for Spring Data 1.x -->
- add annotation
@EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = JpaSpecificationExecutorWithProjectionImpl.class)
on Application class (Spring Boot) - create your repository and extends
public interface DocumentRepository extends JpaRepository<Document,Integer>,JpaSpecificationExecutorWithProjection<Document,Integer> {
* projection interface
public static interface DocumentWithoutParent{
Long getId();
String getDescription();
String getDocumentType();
String getDocumentCategory();
List<DocumentWithoutParent> getChild();
use it
@Test public void specificationWithProjection() { Specifications<Document> where = Specifications.where(DocumentSpecs.idEq(1L)); Page<DocumentRepository.DocumentWithoutParent> all = documentRepository.findAll(where, DocumentRepository.DocumentWithoutParent.class, new PageRequest(0,10)); Assertions.assertThat(all).isNotEmpty(); }
- version 1.0.3 RELEASE add support for @NamedEntityGraph and AD-HOC entity graph (via JpaEntityGraph)
JpaEntityGraph jpaEntityGraph = new JpaEntityGraph(
new String[]{"sistRecvTm","birth","transfer","merger"}
BirthWithoutChild birth = birthRepository.findAll(createSpecBirth(searchData, type.toUpperCase()), BirthWithoutChild.class,jpaEntityGraph,pageable);