Although I wrote the cross-compiler to jump start this project, as with all accomplishments, I stood on the shoulders of others.
if I did not give a word of thanks to: The original authors of TI-Forth in the 1980s, who opened my eyes to the wonderous simplicity of the Forth language. Brad Rodriguez who gave the world CAMEL Forth, a simple system that gave me a big leg up. Lee Stewart who gave the world a new and improved version of TI-Forth called FB-Forth and who reviews my posts and finds every mistake I make. Mark Wills, who gave the world Turbo Forth for the TI-99. It is such a great resource for the student of 9900 assembler. Tursi on who gave the world CLASSIC99 a super TI-99 emulator that provides so many people with a way to pursue our strange addiction.
And a word of thanks to the late James Kalihan who created Hs/Forth for the IBM PC, a system that has served me well for over 25 years. Rest in Peace Jim and thanks for all the code.
Brian Fox [email protected]